Serial: Display Images from RAW uSD Card using Arduino
Number | 4D-AN-00134 |
Difficulty | Medium |
Supported Processors | GOLDELOX |
Supported Environments | Serial |
This application note shows how to program an Arduino host so that it can control a GOLDELOX display module (acting as a slave device) and make it display images. The images are contained in a graphics file saved on a μSD card mounted on the display module. The Arduino host sends serial commands to the display module to access and display the images. The graphics file is of a format that is readable by 4D-LAB’s processors. This graphics file is generated using the Workshop 4 IDE.
- General: Migrating from GOLDELOX-SGC-GFX to GOLDELOX
- General: How to Update the PmmC for GOLDELOX
- General: Downloading an Application Program to RAM or Flash Memory
- General: Partitioning a micro-SD into FAT and RAW Components
- General: 4DGL Colour Constants
- Designer or ViSi: How to Draw Pixels and Lines
- Designer or ViSi: How to Draw Circles and Rectangles
- Designer or ViSi: How to Draw Triangles and Polygons