Widgets Reference
Introduction to Workshop4 Widgets
Workshop4 provides a drag n' drop design tool for most of its powerful development environments. This allows user to easily utilise three types of widgets in their projects:
- GCI Widgets
- Internal Functions (PmmC) Widgets
- Inherent Widgets
This offers increased flexibility in creating applications depending on the hardware requirement. These widgets include the following: buttons, sliders, knobs, gauges, LED indicators, LED digit, strings, static labels, media, and images.
Additional non-GUI widgets are also available that allows the user to add miscellaneous functionalities like sound, hardware I/O, or supporting resources like fonts, depending on the target processor and environment used.
All these widgets are available in the Widgets Menu of the ViSi and ViSi-Genie environment of Workshop4 IDE. Given its high configurability, these widgets can be customized directly on the What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) screen or through the Object Inspector.
This document covers the following types of widgets:
GCI Widgets
The GCI Widgets also known as Graphics Composer Image (GCI) widgets, are widgets that are generated by the graphics composer program used in Workshop4 IDE. A GCI widget is composed of a set of frames representing each value.
During project compilation, Workshop4 creates a GCI (*.gci or *.gcf) file which is a collection of GCI widgets sometimes along with a DAT (*.dat) file. These files are copied to a microSD (or external flash for Flash-based PIXXI module) to be accessible to the processor for rendering on the display during runtime. This widget type is ideal for applications that only requires heavy graphics.
These widgets are available for GOLDELOX, PICASO, DIABLO and PIXXI processors.
When using PIXXI processor in Flash mode, only a few small GCI widgets can fit in the external flash. Therefore, it is only advisable to be used for icons and small screen backgrounds.
Here are some sample application screens utilizing GCI widgets:
The following subsections show examples of these widgets.
GCI Button Widgets
These are widgets commonly used for receiving touch inputs from the user.
The following widgets can be selected from the Buttons Pane by selecting their respective icon.
- Fancy Button | - Rocker02 | - User Button |
- Rocker03 | - Animated Button | - Slider01 |
- Button01 | - Toggle01 | - Button02 |
- Toggle02 | - Rocker01 |
GCI Fancy Button
The Fancy Button widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Appearance | Button appearance options |
- Alignment | Button text position |
- Layout | Picture location |
- PictureAlignment | Picture alignment |
- SimpleLayout | Disable button face colour gradient |
- Spacing | Button text spacing from picture |
AutoSizeToPicture | Resize button to the picture size |
Bevel | Enable or disable Button Bevel |
Bevel Color | Button Bevel |
Caption | Button text string |
Color | Button main colour |
Font | Button text font options |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Matrix | Button grouping (ViSi-Genie only) |
Momentary | Button type |
Picture | Image selection for button picture |
StatusWhenOff | Status caption options for the initial state |
- BGcolor | Status caption background colour |
- Caption | Status caption text string |
- Glow | Enable or disable glow effect |
- Font | Status caption text font options |
- Visible | Show or hide status caption |
StatusWhenOn | Status caption options for the second state |
- BGcolor | Status caption background colour |
- Caption | Status caption text string |
- Glow | Enable or disable glow effect |
- Font | Status caption text font options |
- Visible | Show or hide status caption |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
GCI User Button
The User Button widget properties are listed below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Height | Widget height |
Images | Button states image selection (Opens Image List Editor) |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Matrix | Button grouping (ViSi-Genie only) |
Momentary | Button type |
Stretch | Enable or disable widget scaling |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
When this widget is added, it will be initially empty. The user can add images for the button state through the Images property in the Object Inspector pane.
GCI Animated Button
The Animated Button widget properties are listed below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Height | Widget height |
Images | Button states images (Opens Image List Editor) |
Interval | Animation frame animation speed (ViSi-Genie only) |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Matrix | Button grouping (ViSi-Genie only) |
Momentary | Button type |
Stretch | Enable or disable widget scaling |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
When this widget is added, it will be initially empty. The user can add images for the button state through the Images property in the Object Inspector pane.
GCI 4D Button
The default 4D Button widgets are shown below. Users can add custom buttons under this category.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Matrix | Button grouping (ViSi-Genie only) |
Momentary | Button action type |
Size | Set button size |
Style | Button styles |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Type | Button design type |
Width | Widget width |
Adding Custom GCI Buttons in Workshop4
New buttons for the Buttons Pane can be created by adding files with the specified formatting into the dedicated directory inside the Workshop4 program located at \4D Labs\4D Workshop 4 IDE\SysImages\Buttons\
Within this directory are the button 'types' folder. All 'types' folders containing valid contents will appear in the Buttons pane in Workshop4.
Inside the 'types' folder are the following: preview image, config file and style folders
The preview image in the Button tab for the new button is provided by the image file named 'default.png'. The image file can only have a maximum dimension of 32 by 32 pixels.
The config file specifies the default style and size of the button widget when it is added to the WYSIWYG screen. This file has a filename format: default.[style].[size], (i.e. "default.blue.32x32", this sets the default button to have the blue style and use the images in the 32x32 size folder). If this file is not present, Workshop4 will use the first style and size as the default.
There could be one or more 'style' folder for each button type. Each valid 'style' folder will have a corresponding entry in the Style property of the object inspector.
A 'style' folder can have one or more 'size' folders representing the size of the custom buttons for that particular style. Each folder in this directory should have the name format [Width]x[Height] (i.e. 32x32 for button having a size of 32 by 32 pixels). This will create a corresponding entry in the Size property of the object inspector. An optional folder called 'Scaled' can be created in order to add a resizable button, the images have a maximum dimension of 128 by 128 pixels.
Inside each 'size' folder are the images that will be used as the button state frames. There should be four .png image files named 'Up.png', 'UpPresssed.png', 'Down.png' and 'downpressed.png' in this folder. These images will be used by Workshop4 to create the state frames of a button.
GCI Digits Widget
These are widgets commonly used for displaying values or status information.
The following widgets can be selected from the Digits Pane by selecting their respective icon.
- LED Digits | - LED |
- Custom Digits | - User LED |
GCI LED Digits
The LED Digits widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Color | Active LED segment colour |
DECimals | DECimal Place relative to separator |
Digits | Total number of LED digit |
Height | Widget height |
LeadingZero | Enable or disable leading zeroes |
Left | Top-left X-position |
OutlineColor | LED segment outline colour |
Palette | LED segment colour |
- High | Active LED Segment colour |
- Low | Inactive LED Segment colour |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
GCI Custom Digits
The Custom Digits widget properties are listed below.
Shown below are the sample bitmap images required for creating a custom digit widget. In creating the bitmap image each digit must have equal width and height, as this will be divided into the individual digit.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Bitmap | Custom LED digit bitmap image |
Digits | Total number of LED digit |
LeadingZero | Enable or disable leading zeroes |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
The LED widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Active | Set LED initial state to active |
Caption | Caption text string |
Color | Background colour |
Font | Button text font options |
Glyphs | Custom LED type image (Conjoined image containing two states) |
Height | Widget height |
Layout | LED position |
LedType | LED type (Custom, LargeRect, Rectangle, Rounded) |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Palette | LED colour |
- High | Active LED colour |
- Low | Inactive LED colour |
Spacing | Digit size |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
The User LED widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Active | Set LED initial state to active |
Bevel | Bevel options |
- BorderColor | Border colour |
- BorderWidth | Border width |
- InnerColor | Inner Space colour |
- InnerHighlight | Inner Bevel highlight colour |
- InnerOutline | Inner Bevel outline colour |
- InnerShadow | Inner Bevel shadow colour |
- InnerSpace | Inner Space width |
- InnerStyle | Inner Bevel style |
- InnerWidth | Inner Bevel width |
- OuterColor | Outer Space colour |
- OuterHighlight | Outer Bevel highlight colour |
- OuterOutline | Outer Bevel outline colour |
- OuterShadow | Outer Bevel shadow colour |
- OuterSpace | Outer Space width |
- OuterStyle | Outer Bevel style |
- Outerwidth | Outer Bevel width |
- Visible | Enable or disable bevel |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
OutlineColor | Outline colour |
OutlineWidth | Outline width |
PaletteEx | LED colour |
- High1 | Active LED lamp gradient start colour |
- High2 | Active LED lamp gradient end colour |
- Low1 | Inactive LED lamp gradient start colour |
- Low2 | Inactive LED lamp gradient end colour |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
GCI Gauge Widgets
These are widgets commonly used for displaying values.
The following widgets can be selected from the Gauges Pane by selecting their respective icon.
- Meter | - Tank | - Gauge |
- Spectrum | - Angular Meter | - Scope |
- Cool Gauge | - Smart Gauge | - Thermometer |
Smart Widgets are only enabled when a Workshop4 Pro License is purchased.
GCI Meter
The Meter widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Angle | Start and End angle offset from horizontal |
BackImage | Background image |
BGcolor | Background colour (Not applicable if background image is present) |
Bevel | Bevel options |
- BorderColor | Border colour |
- BorderWidth | Border width |
- InnerColor | Inner Space colour |
- InnerHighlight | Inner Bevel highlight colour |
- InnerOutline | Inner Bevel outline colour |
- InnerShadow | Inner Bevel shadow colour |
- InnerSpace | Inner Space width |
- InnerStyle | Inner Bevel style |
- InnerWidth | Inner Bevel width |
- OuterColor | Outer Space colour |
- OuterHighlight | Outer Bevel highlight colour |
- OuterOutline | Outer Bevel outline colour |
- OuterShadow | Outer Bevel shadow colour |
- OuterSpace | Outer Space width |
- OuterStyle | Outer Bevel style |
- Outerwidth | Outer Bevel width |
- Visible | Enable or disable bevel |
Caption | Caption text string |
Color | Background colour |
Font | Caption font options |
Height | Widget height |
LabelOffsetX | Label offset distance from centre point |
LabelOffsetY | Label offset distance from centre point |
Labels | Total number of labels |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Maxvalue | Maximum value |
Minvalue | Minimum value |
NeedleColor | Needle colour |
NeedleWidth | Needle width |
Scale | Scale options |
- Color1 | Colour of scale partition 1 |
- Color2 | Colour of scale partition 2 |
- Color3 | Colour of scale partition 3 |
- Enlarge | Number of partitions between each major tick |
- Heightmax | Length of the major ticks |
- Heightmin | Length of the minor ticks |
- Percent1 | Scale percentage of partition 1 |
- Percent2 | Scale percentage of partition 2 |
- Ticks | Total number of ticks |
- Visible | Enable or disable scale |
Spacing | Spacing distance from bevel |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
TotalTicks | Total number of partitions between each ticks |
Width | Widget width |
GCI Gauge
The Gauge widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Bevel | Bevel options |
- BorderColor | Border colour |
- BorderWidth | Border width |
- InnerColor | Inner Space colour |
- InnerHighlight | Inner Bevel highlight colour |
- InnerOutline | Inner Bevel outline colour |
- InnerShadow | Inner Bevel shadow colour |
- InnerSpace | Inner Space width |
- InnerStyle | Inner Bevel style |
- InnerWidth | Inner Bevel width |
- OuterColor | Outer Space colour |
- OuterHighlight | Outer Bevel highlight colour |
- OuterOutline | Outer Bevel outline colour |
- OuterShadow | Outer Bevel shadow colour |
- OuterSpace | Outer Space width |
- OuterStyle | Outer Bevel style |
- Outerwidth | Outer Bevel width |
- Visible | Enable or disable bevel |
Color | Base colour |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Maxvalue | Maximum value |
Minvalue | Minimum value |
Orientation | Gauge orientation |
Palette1 | Partition 1 ticks |
- High | Active tick colour |
- Low | Inactive tick colour |
Palette2 | Partition 2 ticks |
- High | Active tick colour |
- Low | Inactive tick colour |
Palette3 | Partition 3 ticks |
- High | Active tick colour |
- Low | Inactive tick colour |
Percent1 | Percentage of partition 1 |
Percent2 | Percentage of partition 2 |
Spacing | Tick spacing |
Step | Step value |
Style | Gauge direction |
Tickheight | Tick width |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
GCI Angular Meter
The Angular Gauge widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Angle | Gauge starting angle |
AngleOffset | Gauge end angle offset (in reference to the starting angle) |
BaseColor | Gauge base colour |
Caption | Caption text string |
CaptionXOffset | Caption horizontal offset |
CaptionYOffset | Caption vertical offset |
CenterDotColor | Denter dot colour |
CenterDotWidth | Center dot width |
Color | Background colour |
ColorZone1 | Colour of scale partition 1 |
ColorZone2 | Colour of scale partition 2 |
ColorZone3 | Colour of scale partition 3 |
DECimals | Number of decimals in the labels |
Font | Caption font options |
Height | Widget height |
Labels | Total number of labels |
LabelsFont | Label font options |
LabelsOffset | Label offset distance from the scale |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Maxvalue | Gauge maximum value |
Minvalue | Gauge minimum value |
NeedleBasewidth | Needle base width |
NeedleColor | Needle base and Needle colour |
NeedleLength | Needle length (Use -1 for automatic scaling) |
Percent1 | Percentage of partition 1 |
Percent2 | Percentage of partition 2 |
Radius | Scale inner radius (Use -1 for automatic scaling) |
Spacing | Spacing between scale inner circumference and widget boundary |
Ticks | Total number of ticks |
TicksColor | Tick colour |
TicksEnlarge | Number of partitions between each major tick |
TicksMax | Length of the major ticks |
TicksMin | Length of the minor ticks |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
GCI Cool Gauge
The Cool Gauge widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Arc | Arc options |
- Color | Arc colour |
- Opacity | Arc opacity value (0 to 255) |
- StartAngle | Arc start angle |
- StopAngle | Arc stop angle |
- Width | Arc width |
Threshold | Arc threshold options |
- Center | Arc threshold center position relative to value |
- Color | Arc threshold colour |
- EndValue | Arc end value |
- Opacity | Arc threshold opacity value (0 to 255) |
- Span | Arc threshold value span |
- StartAngle | Arc threshold start angle |
- StartValue | Arc start value |
- SweepAngle | Arc threshold sweep angle |
- ThresholdKind | Arc starting and ending point reference type (Value or Angle) |
CircleEndValue | Gauge circular form end angle |
CircleStartValue | Gauge circular form start angle |
DialText | Gauge dial text string |
Digit | Gauge Digit |
- Alignment | Digit alignment |
- BackGroundColor | Digit background colour |
- BackGroundOpacity | Digit background opacity value (0 to 255) |
- Color | Digit colour |
- Visible | Enable or disable digit |
DivisionColor | Major tick colour |
DivisionCount | Total number of major ticks |
DivisionWidth | Major tick width |
EqualDimensions | Enable or disable equal width and height auto resize |
Font | Dial text font options |
Height | Widget height |
Innercircle | Gauge face options |
- Color | Inner circle colour |
- Opacity | Inner circle opacity value (0 to 255) |
- Gloss | Inner circle glossy effect |
- - Color | Inner circle gloss colour |
- - Opacity | Inner circle gloss opacity value (0 to 255) |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Logarithmic | Enable or disable logarithmic scaling of labels |
LogarithmicBase | Base value for logarithmic scaling |
MaximumValue | Gauge maximum value |
MinimumValue | Gauge minimum value |
Needle | Needle options |
- Color | Needle color |
- InnerCenterColor | Inner center gradient colour 1 |
- InnerCenterColorTo | Inner center gradient colour 2 |
- InnerCenterOpacity | Inner center opacity value (0 to 255) |
- OuterCenterColor | Outer center gradient colour 1 |
- OuterCenterColorTo | Outer center gradient colour 2 |
- OuterCenterOpacity | Outer center opacity value (0 to 255) |
- ShineColor | Needle shine gradient colour 1 |
- ShineColorTo | Needle shine gradient colour 2 |
OuterCircle | Outer circle options |
- Color | Outer circle colour |
- Opacity | Outer circle opacity value (0 to 255) |
- Width | Outer circle width |
OuterRim | Outer rim options |
Color | Outer rim colour |
Opacity | Outer rim opacity value (0 to 255) |
Width | Outer rim width |
ShowValues | Enable or disable scale labels |
SubDivisionColor | Minor tick colour |
SubDivisionCount | Number of minor ticks between each major tick |
SubDivisionWidth | Minor tick width |
TextRendering | Text rendering option for labels |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
ValueFont | Value font options |
ValueFormat | Value formatting option |
Width | Widget width |
The Cool Gauge widget, usually, is composed with 18 different shades of one colour. The user can change that colour by right-clicking on the widget and selecting a colour from the Colour Picker. That colour will then have various shades applied to each of the 18 colours.
GCI Thermometer
The Thermometer widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Caption | Caption text string |
Color | Base colour |
ColorAfter | Empty tube colour |
ColorBefore | Tube fill colour |
Direction | Widget orientation |
Font | Label and caption font options |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Scale | Scale options |
- Color | Scale tick colour |
- DECimals | DECimal precision of scale labels |
- Heightmax | Major tick length |
- Heightmin | Minor tick length |
- Max | Maximum scale value |
- Min | Minimum scale value |
- Offset | Scale offset from tube |
- Position | Scale position relative to tube |
- ScaleType | Use logarithmic or linear scale values |
- SmallStep | Minor tick division |
- Step | Major tick steps |
- Visible | Enable or disable scale |
Setpoint | Setpoint pointer options |
- Bitmap | Image for custom setpoint pointer |
- Color | Setpoint pointer colour |
- Shape | Setpoint pointer type |
- Value | Setpoint pointer value |
- Visible | Enable or disable setpoint pointer |
- ShowCaption | Enable or disable caption text |
- Top | Top-left Y-position |
Value | Value pointer options |
- Bitmap | Image for custom value pointer |
- Color | Value pointer colour |
- Shape | Value pointer type |
- Value | Value pointer value |
- Visible | Enable or disable value pointer |
Width | Widget width |
GCI Tank
The Tank widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Color | Base colour |
Container | Container section options |
- Height | Container section height |
- Visible | Enable or disable container section |
- Width | Container section width |
EmptyColor | Empty section colour |
FillColor | Indicator fill colour |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Max | Widget maximum value |
Min | Widget minimum value |
Position | Initial indicator fill value |
Shape | Tank section shape |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
GCI Spectrum
The Spectrum widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BarSpacing | Bar segment spacing |
BarWidth | Bar segment width |
Bevel | Bevel options |
- BorderColor | Border colour |
- BorderWidth | Border width |
- InnerColor | Inner Space colour |
- InnerHighlight | Inner Bevel highlight colour |
- InnerOutline | Inner Bevel outline colour |
- InnerShadow | Inner Bevel shadow colour |
- InnerSpace | Inner Space width |
- InnerStyle | Inner Bevel style |
- InnerWidth | Inner Bevel width |
- OuterColor | Outer Space colour |
- OuterHighlight | Outer Bevel highlight colour |
- OuterOutline | Outer Bevel outline colour |
- OuterShadow | Outer Bevel shadow colour |
- OuterSpace | Outer Space width |
- OuterStyle | Outer Bevel style |
- Outerwidth | Outer Bevel width |
- Visible | Enable or disable bevel |
Color | Base colour |
Columns | Total number of columns |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Maxvalue | Maximum value |
Minvalue | Minimum value |
Palette1 | Partition 1 ticks |
- High | Active tick colour |
- Low | Inactive tick colour |
Palette2 | Partition 2 ticks |
- High | Active tick colour |
- Low | Inactive tick colour |
Palette3 | Partition 3 ticks |
- High | Active tick colour |
- Low | Inactive tick colour |
Percent1 | Percentage of partition 1 |
Percent2 | Percentage of partition 2 |
Spacing | Column spacing |
TickHeight | Bar segment thickness |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
GCI Scope
The Scope widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Color | Base colour |
GraticuleColor | Graticule dot colour |
GraticuleVisible | Enable or disable graticule dots |
GraticuleXinc | Graticule dot horizontal spacing |
GraticuleYinc | Graticule dot vertical spacing |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
RefreshINCrement | Update or redraw rate (ViSi-Genie only) |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Trace1Color | Trace1 line colour |
Trace2Color | Trace2 line colour |
Trace3Color | Trace3 line colour |
Trace4Color | Trace4 line colour |
Traces | Number of traces |
Width | Widget width |
Xmag | Trace horizontal scaling |
Yamp | Vertical trace scaling |
YLine | X-axis offset distance from top |
YLineColor | X-axis colour |
YLineVisible | Enable or disable X-axis line |
Yoffset | X-axis offset value (ViSi-Genie only) |
GCI Smart Gauge
The Smart Gauge widget properties are listed below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Config | Configure Smart Gauge (Opens the Smart Editor) |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
More details about creating and manipulating Smart Widgets can be found in the Smart Widgets Editor User Guide.
GCI Input Widgets
These are widgets commonly used for receiving touch inputs from the user.
The following widgets can be selected from the Inputs Pane by selecting their respective icon.
- Knob | - Dipswitch |
- Rotary Switch | - Rocker |
- Slider | - Color Picker |
- Trackbar | - Smart Knob |
- Keyboard | - Smart Slider |
Smart Widgets are only enabled when a Workshop4 Pro License is purchased.
GCI Knob
The Knob widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BackImage | Knob base image |
BaseAngle | Rotation endpoint offset angle (Counterclockwise rotation from the south) |
HandleImage | Handle image |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Maxvalue | Knob maximum value |
Minvalue | Knob minimum value |
Radius | Knob radius |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
GCI Rotary Switch
The Rotary Switch widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
ButtonColor | Switch handle dot colour |
Color | Base colour |
Font | Font options |
Height | Widget height |
LabelsOffset | Label offset from the switch |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Radius | Knob radius |
ShowLabel | Enable or disable labels |
SwitchAngleEnd | Switch rotation ending angle |
SwitchAngleStart | Switch rotation starting angle |
SwitchColor | Switch face colour |
SwitchPositions | String list entry for each switch position |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
WinchColor | Switch handle colour |
WinchOffset | Switch handle thickness |
GCI Slider
The Slider widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Bevel | Bevel options |
- BorderColor | Border colour |
- BorderWidth | Border width |
- InnerColor | Inner Space colour |
- InnerHighlight | Inner Bevel highlight colour |
- InnerOutline | Inner Bevel outline colour |
- InnerShadow | Inner Bevel shadow colour |
- InnerSpace | Inner Space width |
- InnerStyle | Inner Bevel style |
- InnerWidth | Inner Bevel width |
- OuterColor | Outer Space colour |
- OuterHighlight | Outer Bevel highlight colour |
- OuterOutline | Outer Bevel outline colour |
- OuterShadow | Outer Bevel shadow colour |
- OuterSpace | Outer Space width |
- OuterStyle | Outer Bevel style |
- Outerwidth | Outer Bevel width |
- Visible | Enable or disable bevel |
BorderColor | Outer Border colour |
BorderWidth | Outer Border width |
Color | Base colour |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Maxvalue | Slider maximum value |
Minvalue | Slider minimum value |
Orientation | Slider orientation |
Palette1 | Tick colour |
- High | Active tick colour |
- Low | Inactive tick colour |
Spacing | Tick spacing |
SolidFill | Select tick fill type |
TickWidth | Tick width |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
GCI Trackbar
The Trackbar widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BorderWidth | Spacing between track and base edge |
Color | Base colour |
Frequency | Frequency of scale tick partitions based on maximum value |
GutterBevel | Gutter Bevel options |
- BorderColor | Border colour |
- BorderWidth | Border width |
- InnerColor | Inner Space colour |
- InnerHighlight | Inner Bevel highlight colour |
- InnerOutline | Inner Bevel outline colour |
- InnerShadow | Inner Bevel shadow colour |
- InnerSpace | Inner Space width |
- InnerStyle | Inner Bevel style |
- InnerWidth | Inner Bevel width |
- OuterColor | Outer Space colour |
- OuterHighlight | Outer Bevel highlight colour |
- OuterOutline | Outer Bevel outline colour |
- OuterShadow | Outer Bevel shadow colour |
- OuterSpace | Outer Space width |
- OuterStyle | Outer Bevel style |
- Outerwidth | Outer Bevel width |
- Visible | Enable or disable bevel |
GutterColor | Gutter colour |
GutterWidth | Gutter width |
Height | Widget height |
Maxvalue | Slider maximum value |
Minvalue | Slider minimum value |
Orientation | Slider orientation |
ScaleOffset | Scale tick offset distance from track |
TickColor | Tick colour |
TickMarks | Tick position |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
GCI Keyboard
The Keyboard widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
AutoCapsDisplay | Enables or disables auto capitalization of letters for the Caps Lock key |
Fill | Keyboard base fill options (Opens Fill Editor) |
Font | Font options for the main keys |
Height | Widget height |
HighlightCaps | Highlight colour for keys toggled by the caps lock or shift keys |
KeyboardType | Key layout type (Opens Keyboard Editor) |
KeyDistance | Distance between each key |
Left | Top-left X-position |
SmallFont | Font options for the special keys |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
GCI Dipswitch
The Dipswitch widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Background | Background options |
- BorderStyle | Bevel style |
- BrightHighlightColor | Bevel highlight colour 1 |
- DarkShadowColor | Bevel shadow colour 1 |
- FaceColor | Background track colour |
- HighlightColor | Bevel highlight colour 2 |
- ShadowColor | Bevel shadow colour 2 |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Margin | Thumb distance from background edges |
NumPositions | Number of switch positions |
Orientation | Slider orientation |
Thumb | Thumb options |
- BorderStyle | Bevel style |
- BrightHighlightColor | Bevel highlight colour 1 |
- DarkShadowColor | Bevel shadow colour 1 |
- FaceColor | Thumb face colour |
- HighlightColor | Bevel highlight colour 2 |
- Length | Thumb length |
- Ripples | Enable or disable ripple line design |
- ShadowColor | Bevel shadow colour 2 |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
GCI Rocker
The Rocker widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BorderColor | Border colour |
BorderWidth | Border width |
ClickRect | Set touch detection area (Whole or Half) |
Height | Widget height |
LED | LED indicator options |
- UseDefaultColours | Enable or disable default LED colour |
- AutoInactiveColor | Enable auto selection of inactive LED colour |
- Centered | Centre LED position relative to rocker orientation axis |
- ColorActive | Active state LED colour |
- ColorDarkShadow | LED bevel dark shadow colour (Not applicable for Ellipse shape) |
- ColorHighlight | LED bevel highlight colour |
- ColorInactive | Inactive state LED colour |
- ColorShadow | LED bevel shadow colour |
- Height | LED height |
- Left | LED horizontal offset distance |
- Shape | LED shape selection (Diamond, Ellipse or Rectangle) |
- ShowReflection | Enable or disable LED reflection effect |
- Top | LED vertical offset distance |
- Visible | Enable or disable LED indicator |
- Width | LED width |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Orientation | Slider orientation |
SwitchColors | Switch face colour options |
- UseDefaultColors | Use monochromatic colour |
- COffAngled | Face colour for the Off half (Rocker toggled to On state) |
- COffDown | Face colour for the Off half (Rocker toggled to Off state) |
- COffEdge | Edge colour for the Off half (Rocker toggled to On state) |
- COnAngled | Face colour for the On half (Rocker toggled to Off state) |
- COnDown | Face colour for the On half (Rocker toggled to On state) |
- COnEdge | Edge colour for the On half (Rocker toggled to Off state) |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
GCI Color Picker
The Color Picker widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Color | Background colour |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
GCI Smart Knob
The Smart Knob widget properties are listed below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Config | Configure Smart Knob (Opens the Smart Editor) |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
More details about creating and manipulating Smart Widgets can be found in the Smart Widgets Editor User Guide.
GCI Smart Slider
The Smart Slider widget properties are listed below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Config | Configure Smart Slider (Opens the Smart Editor) |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
More details about creating and manipulating Smart Widgets can be found in the Smart Widgets Editor User Guide.
GCI Label Widgets
These are widgets commonly used for displaying text information.
The following widgets can be selected from the Labels Pane by selecting their respective icon.
- Label | - Strings | - Static Text |
GCI Label
The Label widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
4DGLFont | Text alignment inside the textbox |
- Font | System font selection |
- Bold | Enable or disable bold font style |
- Italic | Enable or disable italicized font style |
- Inverse | Swap font and background colour |
- Underline | Enable or disable underline |
- MagWidth | Font width multiplier |
- MagHeight | Font height multiplier |
- Opaque | Enable or disable background |
BGcolor | Label background colour |
Caption | Label text string |
Font | Text font style |
FGcolor | Text colour |
FontSize | Text font size |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
GCI Static Text
The Static Text widget is shown in the diagram below.
The text inside the static text can be aligned as shown below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Alignment | Text alignment inside the textbox |
Autosize | Enable or disable textbox auto sizing relative to contents |
Caption | Text string |
Color | Background colour |
Font | Text font options |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Transparent | Enable or disable textbox background |
Width | Widget width |
Wordwrap | Enable or disable word wrapping |
GCI Strings
The Strings widget properties are listed below.
The text inside the static text can be aligned as shown below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Alignment | Text alignment inside the textbox |
BGcolor | Text background colour |
Height | Widget height |
FGcolor | Text font colour |
Font | Text font options |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Strings | String input (Open string editor) |
StringStyle | String content style |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
GCI System/Media
These are widgets commonly used for multimedia and system.
The following widgets can be selected from the System/Media Pane by selecting their respective icon.
- Image | - Form |
- Video | - User Image |
GCI Image
The Image widget properties are listed below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Height | Widget height |
Image | Image file selection (Opens Image + Video Converter) |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Source | Source file crop options |
- Height | Frame crop height |
- Left | Frame crop horizontal starting point |
- Top | Frame crop vertical starting point |
- Width | Frame crop width |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
When this widget is added, it will initially prompt the user to select an image file.
GCI Video
The Video widget properties are listed below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Frames | Video frames options |
- First | Select initial video frame |
- Last | Select final video frame |
- FrameDelay | Video frame delay (ViSi-Genie only) |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Source | Source file clipping window options |
- Height | Frame clip window height |
- Left | Frame clip window horizontal starting point |
- Top | Frame clip window vertical starting point |
- Width | Frame clip window width |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Video | Video file selection (Opens Image + Video Converter) |
Width | Widget width |
When this widget is added, it will initially prompt the user to select a media file. The user can then replace or edit the video by pressing the button of the Video property.
GCI Form
The Form properties are listed below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Bgtype | Form background type (Colour or Image) |
Color | Form background colour |
Image | Form background image file selection (Opens Image + Video Converter) |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Source | Source file crop options |
- Height | Frame crop height |
- Left | Frame crop horizontal starting point |
- Top | Frame crop vertical starting point |
- Width | Frame crop width |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
GCI User Image
The User Image widget properties are listed below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Height | Widget height |
Images | Image file selection (Opens Image List Editor) |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Stretch | Enable or disable image resizing |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
When this widget is added, it will be initially empty. The user can add the images by pressing the button or double-clicking the Images property.
GCI Background Widgets
These are widgets commonly used for adding visual cues or design.
The following widgets can be selected from the Background Pane by selecting their respective icon.
- Border | - Scale | - Gradient |
GCI Border
The Border widget is shown below.
The border can have the following styles:
- Box | - Frame |
- TopLine | - LeftLine |
- BottomLine | - RightLine |
- Spacer |
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Height | Widget height |
HighlightColor | Border bevel highlight colour |
Left | Top-left X-position |
ShadowColor | Border bevel shadow colour |
Shape | Border shape |
Style | Border bevel direction (Lowered or Raised) |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
GCI Gradient
The Gradient widget is shown below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
ColorWidth | Gradient colour step size |
Direction | Gradient direction |
EndColor | Gradient end colour |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
StartColor | Gradient start colour |
SwapColors | Swap start and end colours |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
GCI Scale
The Scale widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Alignment | Label alignment relative to scale ticks |
Color | Background colour |
Digits | Label format |
Font | Scale font colour |
Height | Widget height |
Layout | Label alignment relative to orientation axis |
LeadingZero | Enable or disable zero |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Length | Widget length |
Maxvalue | Maximum value of the numerical mark |
Minvalue | Minimum value of the numerical mark |
Orientation | Scale orientation (Horizontal or Vertical) |
PeakColor | Peak value colour |
PeakLevel | Label peak value |
ScaleColor | Scale tick colour |
ScaleOffset | Scale tick offset |
ShowSign | Enable or disable label sign |
TickMarks | Tick mark layout |
Ticks | Total number of partitions |
TickHeight | Tick length |
TickWidth | Tick width |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Transparent | Enable or disable widget transparency |
Width | Widget width |
Internal (PmmC) Widgets
The Internal Functions (PmmC) Widgets provides a way to deliver high quality graphical widgets without using any external memory storage device. This type of widget is generated during runtime by executing widget functions included in the PmmC. This widget type is ideal for standalone applications that requires light graphics.
These widgets are available for PIXXI and DIABLO-16 processors only. These are not available for GOLDELOX or PICASO.
Internal Widgets requires a small amount of program space to store widget parameters. This reduces that amount of useable code space for the project. If the project will require a huge amount of code space and multiple widgets, it is highly advisable to use GCI widgets instead.
In Workshop4, this type of widget can be identified by checking for a blue I located at the bottom left of the widget icon.
Here is a sample application screen utilizing Internal widgets:
Internal Button Widgets
These are widgets commonly used for receiving touch inputs from the user.
All buttons can be found under the Buttons tab of the widget selection pane as shown above.
Internal (PmmC) buttons can be identified with the blue i located at the bottom left of the button icon.
Internal Button D
The function required for rendering this widget is discussed in the gfx_Button4 section of PIXXI Internal Functions Reference Manual. The Button widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BaseColorA | Base bevel gradient start colour |
BaseColorB | Base bevel gradient end colour |
BaseGradient | Base bevel gradient direction/style |
ButtonColorA | Button bevel gradient start colour |
ButtonColorB | Button bevel gradient end colour |
ButtonGradientOff | Off position button bevel gradient direction/style |
ButtonGradientOn | On position button bevel gradient direction/style |
Caption | Caption text (Applicable if using text caption on button face) |
CaptionColorOff | Off position text label colour (Applicable if using Caption) |
CaptionColorOn | On position text label colour (Applicable if using Caption) |
CaptionStyle | Setting for caption or dots on button face (Set to Yes for Caption, No for Dots) |
DotColorA | Dot gradient start colour (Applicable if using Dots on button face) |
DotColorB | Dot gradient end colour (Applicable if using Dots on button face) |
DotGradient | Dot gradient direction/style (Applicable if using Dots on button face) |
FaceColor | Button face colour |
Font | Caption text font (Applicable if using Caption), refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
FontSize | Caption text font size (Applicable if using Caption) |
Matrix | Button grouping (ViSi-Genie only) |
Momentary | Button type |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Radius | Button size |
RingColorOff | Off position ring colour |
RingColorOn | On position ring colour |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Internal Switch
The function required for rendering this widget is discussed in the gfx_Switch section of PIXXI Internal Functions Reference Manual. The Switch widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BevelMainColor | Container and switch bevel main colour |
BevelShadowColor | Container and switch bevel shadow colour |
ContainerBevel | Container bevel thickness |
FontSize | Label font size |
Font | Label font, refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
OFFColor | OFF position fill colour |
OFFLabel | OFF position text label |
OFFLabelColor | OFF position text label colour |
ONColor | ON position fill colour |
ONLabel | ON position text label |
ONLabelColor | ON position text label colour |
Orientation | Switch orientation |
SwitchBevel | Switch bezel thickness |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
Internal Digits Widget
These are widgets commonly used for displaying values or status information.
All Digits widgets can be found under the Digits tab of the widget selection pane as shown above. This pane is mostly composed of Leds and Digits.
Internal (PmmC) Led and Digits can be identified with the blue i located at the bottom left of the widget icon.
Internal LED
The function required for rendering this widget is discussed in the gfx_Led section of PIXXI Internal Functions Reference Manual. The LED widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BaseColorA | Base bevel gradient start colour |
BaseColorB | Base bevel gradient end colour |
BaseInnerCorner | Inner corner radius (Ideally less than BaseOuterCorner) |
BaseOuterCorner | Outer corner (Ideally less than half of the widget height) |
Height | Widget height |
LEDcolorOff | LED Off colour |
LEDcolorOn | LED On colour |
LEDLampRadius | LED lamp radius |
Left | Top-left X-position |
ShineColor | LED shine effect colour |
ShineEffect | Enable or disable LED shine effect |
ShineRadius | LED shine effect radius (Ideally less than or equal to BaseInnerCorner) |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
Internal LED Digits
The function required for rendering this widget is discussed in the gfx_LedDigits section of PIXXI Internal Functions Reference Manual. The LED Digits widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
ColorActive | Active LED segment colour |
ColorInactive | Inactive LED segment colour |
DECimalPlace | DECimal Place relative to separator |
Digits | Total number of LED digit |
DPisComma | Separator style for decimal point (Set to Yes for Comma, No for Dot) |
Format | Input format |
LeadingZero | Enable or disable leading zeroes |
Left | Top-left X-position |
ShowDP | Enable or disable separator |
Signed | Enable or disable signed value output |
Size | Digit size |
Spacing | Spacing between each digit |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Internal LED Digit
The function required for rendering this widget is discussed in the gfx_LedDigit section of PIXXI Internal Functions Reference Manual. The LED Digit widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
ColorActive | Active LED segment colour |
ColorInactive | Inactive LED segment colour |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Size | Digit size |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Internal Gauge Widgets
These are widgets commonly used for displaying values.
All gauges can be found under the Gauges tab of the widget selection pane as shown above.
Internal (PmmC) gauges can be identified with the blue i located at the bottom left of the gauge icon.
Internal Angular Meter
The function required for rendering this widget is discussed in the gfx_AngularMeter section of PIXXI Internal Functions Reference Manual. The Angular gauge is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BGcolor | Gauge background colour (Required for erasing Needle path) |
BGtransparent | Enable/Disable background |
Caption | Gauge caption text |
CaptionColor | Gauge caption colour |
CaptionFont | Gauge caption font family, refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
CaptionX0ffset | Caption horizontal offset from centre of rotation |
CaptionYOffset | Caption vertical offset from centre of rotation |
GaugeEndAngle | Set the ending angle for the scale and needle element |
GaugeStartAngle | Starting angle for the scale and needle element |
Height | Widget height |
LabelColor | Label text colour |
LabelColorFromScale | Use scale colour at current point as label text colour (Overrides Label text colour) |
LabelCount | Total number of labels (Actual labels = LabelCount + 1; set to -1 to disable labels) |
LabelDiscrete | Label type (Set to yes for individual text labels) |
LabelFont | Label text font, refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
LabelOffset | Label offset distance from centre point |
Labels | String input for individual text labels |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Maxvalue | Gauge maximum value |
MinorTicks | Number of minor ticks between each major ticks (Set to 0 to disable) |
Minvalue | Gauge minimum value |
NeedleColor | Gauge Needle colour |
NeedleLength | Needle pointer length |
NeedleOffset | Needle offset from centre of rotation |
NeedlePinColor | Needle pin colour |
NeedlePinDotColor | Needle pin dot colour |
NeedlePinDotRadius | Needle pin dot radius |
NeedlePinRadius | Needle pin radius |
NeedleStyle | Needle pointer style |
NeedleTail | Needle tail length (Applicable only for double triangle style) |
NeedleThickness | Needle width (Half value of overall needle thickness) |
Sect1Color | Colour of the first ring section of the range scale |
Sect2Color | Colour of the second ring section of the range scale |
Sect2StartingAngle | Starting angle of the second ring section of the range scale |
Sect3Color | Colour of the third ring section of the range scale |
Sect3StartingAngle | Starting angle of the third ring section of the range scale |
SectionStepSize | Range scale section incremental step size |
ScaleInnerRadius | Range scale inner radius |
ScaleOuterRadius | Range scale outer radius |
TickColor | Major and Minor tick colour |
TickColorFromScaleColor | Use scale colour at current point as tick colour (Overrides tick colour) |
TickInnerMajorlength | Length of the inner major ticks |
TickInnerMinorLength | Length of the inner minor ticks |
TickOuterMajorLength | Length of the outer major ticks |
TickOuterMinorLength | Length of the outer minor ticks |
TickWidth | Tick line thickness |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
TotalTicks | Total number of partitions between each ticks |
Width | Widget width |
When designing the gauge, note that the needle will use the background colour parameter for erasing its path, whether the background is set as transparent or opaque.
Internal Needle
The function required for rendering this widget is discussed in the gfx_Needle section of PIXXI Internal Functions Reference Manual. The Needle widget is shown in the diagram below.
There are five different styles available for the needle as shown below.
Triangle | |
Double Triangle | |
Round Rectangle | |
Point Rectangle | |
Line |
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BGcolor | Background colour (Required for erasing Needle path) |
EndAngle | Needle rotation end angle |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Maxvalue | Needle maximum value |
Minvalue | Needle minimum value |
NeedleColor | Needle pointer colour |
NeedleLength | Needle pointer length |
NeedleOffset | Needle offset from centre of rotation |
NeedlePinColor | Needle pin colour |
NeedlePinDotColor | Needle pin dot colour |
NeedlePinDotRadius | Needle pin dot radius |
NeedlePinRadius | Needle pin radius |
Needlestyle | Needle pointer style |
NeedleTail | Needle tail length (Applicable only for double triangle style) |
NeedleThickess | Needle width (Half value of overall needle thickness) |
StartAngle | Needle rotation starting angle |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
Internal Gauge
The function required for rendering this widget is discussed in the gfx_Gauge section of PIXXI Internal Functions Reference Manual. The Gauge widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BaseColor | Gauge base colour |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Maxvalue | Gauge maximum value |
Minvalue | Gauge minimum value |
Orientation | Gauge orientation |
P1ActiveColor | Partition 1 bar active colour |
P1lnactiveColor | Partition 1 bar inactive colour |
P2ActiveColor | Partition 2 bar active colour |
P2InactiveColor | Partition 2 bar inactive colour |
P2start | Partition 2 percentage |
P3ActiveColor | Partition 3 bar active colour |
P3InactiveColor | Partition 3 bar inactive colour |
P3start | Partition 3 percentage |
Spacing | Bar spacing |
Thickness | Gauge thickness |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
TopRight | Change gauge fill direction |
Width | Widget width |
Internal Ruler Gauge
The function required for rendering this widget is discussed in the gfx_RulerGauge section of PIXXI Internal Functions Reference Manual. The Internal Ruler Gauge widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BackGroundColor | Gauge background colour |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
MajorTickLength | Major tick length |
MajorTicks | Total number of major ticks |
Maxvalue | Gauge maximum value |
MinorTickLength | Minor tick length |
MinorTicks | Total number of minor ticks |
Orientation | Gauge orientation |
P1color | Low range colour |
P2color | Medium range colour |
P2start | Starting value of the medium range |
P3color | High range colour |
P3start | Starting value of the high range |
TickColor | Tick colour |
TicksBR | Set tick position (Set to Yes for bottom/right side, otherwise top/left side) |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
Internal Input Widgets
These are widgets commonly used for receiving touch inputs from the user.
All Internal input widgets can be found under the Int/Inh Inputs tab of the widget selection pane as shown above.
Internal (PmmC) sliders and knobs can be identified with the blue i located at the bottom left of the widget icon.
Internal Knob
The function required for rendering this widget is discussed in the gfx_Dial section of PIXXI Internal Functions Reference Manual. The Knob widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BackGroundColor | Knob background colour |
BevelColorA | Knob bevel background left side colour |
BevelColorB | Knob bevel background right side colour |
BevelSize | Knob bevel thickness |
BGtransparent | Enable or disable background |
Caption | Knob caption text |
CaptionColor | Knob caption text colour |
CaptionFont | Knob caption text font, refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
CaptionX0ffset | Knob caption horizontal offset from centre of rotation |
CaptionYOffset | Knob caption vertical offset from centre of rotation |
DiallndicatorStyle | Knob dial indicator style |
DialLength | Knob dial length (Not applicable for Circle indicator style) |
DialOffset | Dial indicator offset relative to knob |
DialSize | Knob dial size (Not applicable for Line indicator style) |
Height | Widget height |
KnobColor | Knob face colour |
KnobRadius | Knob radius |
LabelColor | Label text colour |
LabelCount | Total number of labels (Actual labels = LabelCount + 1; set to -1 to disable labels) |
LabelDiscrete | Label type (Set to yes for individual text labels) |
LabelFont | Label text font, refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
LabelOffset | Label text offset relative to knob |
Labels | String input for individual text labels |
Left | Top-left X-position |
MaxAngle | Knob maximum angle |
Maxvalue | Knob maximum value |
MinAngle | Knob minimum angle |
Minvalue | Knob minimum value |
P1ActiveColor | Partition 1 indicator active colour |
P1InactiveColor | Partition 1 indicator inactive colour |
P2ActiveColor | Partition 2 indicator active colour |
P2lnactiveColor | Partition 2 indicator inactive colour |
P2StartingAngle | Partition 2 starting angle |
P3ActiveColor | Partition 3 indicator active colour |
P3InactiveColor | Partition 3 indicator inactive colour |
P3StartingAngle | Partition 3 starting angle |
PointerColor | Knob pointer colour |
PointerLength | Knob pointer length (Not applicable for circle pointer style) |
PointerSize | Knob pointer size (Not applicable for line pointer style) |
PointerStyle | Knob pointer style |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
Internal Slider E
The function required for rendering this widget is discussed in the gfx_Slider5 section of PIXXI Internal Functions Reference Manual. The Slider widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BRminorTicks | Minor tick partitions between each major tick in the bottom/right side marker |
BRtickCount | Total number of ticks for the bottom/right side marker |
Color | Slider base colour |
Font | Value indicator font, refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
FontColor | Value indicator font colour |
Height | Widget height |
Indicator | Enable or disable value indicator |
KnobColorA | Slider knob gradient start colour |
KnobColorB | Slider knob gradient end colour |
KnobGradient | Slider knob gradient direction/style |
KnobOutlineColorA | Slider knob outline gradient start colour |
KnobOutlineColorB | Slider knob outline gradient end colour |
KnobOutlineGradient | Slider knob outline gradient direction/style |
Left | Top-left X-position |
MajorTickColor | Major tick colour |
MajorTickLength | Major tick length |
Maxvalue | Slider maximum value |
MinorTickColor | Minor tick colour |
MinorTickLength | Minor tick length |
Minvalue | Slider minimum value |
Orientation | Slider orientation |
ProgressBar | Enable or disable progress bar mode (Set to Yes to turn the slider into a gauge) |
Ticks | Enable or disable marker ticks |
TLminorTicks | Minor tick partitions between each major ticks in the top/left side marker |
TLtickCount | Total number of ticks for the top/left side marker |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
TrackFillColorA | Track fill colour from top/right side to current knob position |
TrackFillColorB | Track fill colour from bottom/left side to current knob position |
Width | Widget width |
Internal Background Widgets
These are widgets commonly used for adding visual cues or design.
All background widgets can be found under the Background tab of the widget selection pane as shown above.
Internal (PmmC) background widgets can be identified with the blue i located at the bottom left of the widget icon.
Internal Panel B
The function required for rendering this widget is discussed in the gfx_Panel2 section of PIXXI Internal Functions Reference Manual. The Panel widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
ColorFill | Panel fill colour |
Fill | Enable or disable panel fill |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
LineColor1 | First bevel colour |
LineColor2 | Second bevel colour |
LineWidth1 | Panel outer bevel thickness |
LineWidth2 | Panel inner bevel thickness |
State | Panel bevel direction (Lowered or Raised) |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
Internal Scale
The function required for rendering this widget is discussed in the gfx_Scale section of PIXXI Internal Functions Reference Manual. The Scale widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BackGroundColor | Numerical mark background colour |
CentreGap | Gap size when scale is centred |
Font | Scale font, refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
FontColor | Scale font colour |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Length | Widget length |
Maximum | Maximum value of the numerical mark |
Minimum | Minimum value of the numerical mark |
Orientation | Scale orientation (Horizontal or Vertical) |
ScaleEndAlign | Enable or disable alignment of the scale end marks to the corners |
ScaleLoc | Scale position relative to the central axis |
ShowZero | Enable or disable the zero mark on the scale |
TickColor | Tick colour |
TickLength | Major tick length |
TickLengthMinor | Minor tick length |
TickMarks | Marker tick position |
Ticks | Total number of major tick (Actual number of ticks = ticks – 1) |
TicksMinor | Number of minor ticks between each major ticks |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Inherent Widgets
The Inherent Widgets are the latest breakthrough in the 4D display graphics. It provides a way to deliver high quality graphical widgets without the use of microSD card.
These widgets are available for PIXXI and DIABLO-16 processors only. These are not available for GOLDELOX or PICASO.
In PIXXI processors, this type of widget requires external flash to store the resources for real time rendering. While in DIABLO-16, the same resources are stored in Flash Bank.
Like the Internal Widgets, this widget type is ideal for applications that requires complex graphics without using micro-SD cards.
Inherent Widgets requires a small amount of program space to store widget parameters. This reduces that amount of useable code space for the project. If the project will require a huge amount of code space and multiple widgets, it is highly advisable to use GCI widgets instead.
PIXXI projects utilizing inherent widgets needs to be redesigned to use GCI widgets instead. In DIABLO, inherent widgets can be used together with GCI widgets.
Since there is limited available space in PIXXI External Flash, only a few different types of inherent widget can be used. This should be considered when adding a new type of widget to the project. Each type of Inherent widget used by PIXXI, gets stored in External Flash.
DIABLO-16 uses Flashbank5 to store all of the inherent widget resources (whether they are used in the application or not), so the overhead is not the same as it is for PIXXI processors.
Error 30 – DIABLO-16 Only
When compiling and loading your project using Workshop4, if you are presented with Error 30, this means you have not loaded the resources required for Inherent Widgets into the DIABLO-16 processor yet. This is only relevant for DIABLO-16, as PIXXI-28 and PIXXI-44 handle Inherent Widgets in a different manor.
The simple procedure requires you to go to the Tools Menu of Workshop4, and click the “Load Inherents into Bank 5” button while your display is connected to your PC via the 4D Programmer. From that point onward, your Inherent Widgets will function correctly.
This process is only required to be done once typically, but if your project changes and you overwrite Flash Bank 5 of the DIABLO-16 processor, then this will need to be reloaded in order to use Inherent Widgets again. Updates to Workshop4 and additional Inherent widget functionality will also need the Inherent Widgets to be loaded again. Please refer to the Release Notes of Workshop4 to see if this is required.
Inherent Button Widgets
These are widgets commonly used for receiving touch inputs from the user.
All buttons can be found under the Buttons tab of the widget selection pane as shown above.
Inherent buttons can be identified with the red i located at the bottom left of the button icon.
Inherent Button E
The Button E widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BaseColorA | Base bevel gradient start colour |
BaseColorB | Base bevel gradient end colour |
BaseCornerRadius | Base bevel corner radius (Ideally less than half of widget height) |
BaseOffset | Base bevel offset from the button face |
FaceCornerRadius | Button face corner radius (Ideally equal or less than BaseCornerRadius) |
Font | Caption text font, refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
FontSize | Caption text font size |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Matrix | Button grouping (ViSi-Genie only) |
Momentary | Button type |
OFFColor | OFF position text label colour |
OFFfaceColorA | OFF position button face gradient start colour |
OFFfaceColorB | OFF position button face gradient start colour |
OFFlabel | OFF position button text |
ONColor | ON position text label colour |
ONfaceColor | ON position button face colour |
ONLabel | ON position button text |
ShineColor | LED shine effect colour |
ShineEffect | Enable or disable LED shine effect |
ShineRadius | LED shine effect radius (Ideally less than (Height/2 – basewidth – 4)) |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
Inherent Switch B
The Switch B widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BevelMainColor | Container and switch bevel main colour |
BevelShadowColor | Container and switch bevel shadow colour |
ContainerBevelThickness | Container bevel thickness |
Font | Label font, refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
FontSize | Label font size |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
OFFColor | OFF position text label colour |
OFFLabel | OFF position text label |
OFFPositionFill | OFF position track fill colour |
ONColor | ON position text label colour |
ONLabel | ON position text label |
ONPositionFill | ON position track fill colour |
Orientation | Switch orientation |
SwitchBevelThickness | Switch bevel thickness |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
Inherent Toggle Input
The Inherent Toggle Input Widget is a Workshop4 PRO widget that allows users to design their own buttons using 4DGL code. When added to a project, this widget is shown as a generic rectangular image as shown below.
This is merely a representation of the rectangular space occupied by the button and the colours selected for the widget properties. Note that the actual appearance will depend on the user code.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Code | Inherent Toggle Input User INC file |
Color1 | First colour available for user code |
Color2 | Second colour available for user code |
Color3 | Third colour available for user code |
Color4 | Fourth colour available for user code |
Color5 | Fifth colour available for user code |
Color6 | Sixth colour available for user code |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Matrix | Button grouping (ViSi-Genie only) |
Momentary | Button type |
Text1 | First text available for user code |
Text2 | Second text available for user code |
Text3 | Third text available for user code |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Value1 | First value available for user code |
Value2 | Second value available for user code |
Value3 | Third value available for user code |
Value4 | Fourth value available for user code |
Value5 | Fifth value available for user code |
Value6 | Sixth value available for user code |
Width | Widget width |
Inherent Media Button
The Media Button widget is shown in the diagram below.
The media button has 47 available Button Styles as shown below.
47 available Media Button Styles
- Round | - Halfmoon Right Flat | - Round Flat |
- Keypad Round | - Round Medium Flat | - Keypad Square |
- Square | - Up | - Square Flat |
- Down | - Round Raised Sunken | - Left |
- Round Sunken Raised | - Right | - Round Sunken Flat |
- Up Flat | - Round Sunken Sunken | - Down Flat |
- Square Raised Sunken | - Left Flat | - Square Sunken Raised |
- Right Flat | - Square Sunken Flat | - Led1 Round |
- Square Sunken Sunken | - Led1 Square | - Halfmoon Up Sunken |
- Led1 Round Flat | - Halfmoon Down Sunken | - Led1 Square Flat |
- Halfmoon Left Sunken | - Led1 Round Sunk | - Halfmoon Right Sunken |
- Led1 Square Sunk | - Halfmoon Up Raised | - Led2 Round |
- Halfmoon Down Raised | - Led2 Square | - Halfmoon Left Raised |
- Led2 Round Flat | - Halfmoon Right Raised | - Led2 Square Flat |
- Halfmoon Up Flat | - Led2 Round Sunk | - Halfmoon Down Flat |
- Led2 Square Sunk | - Halfmoon Left Flat |
The Media Button has 21 different types of Button Symbols as shown below.
21 different types of Media Button Symbols
- Nothing | - Pause | - Text Symbol |
- Next | - INC Vertical | - Prev |
- DEC Vertical | - Fast-Forward | - INC Horizontal |
- Rewind | - DEC Horizontal | - Stop |
- INC Horizontal Thin | - Plus | - DEC Horizontal Thin |
- Minus | - INC Vertical Thin | - Plus Thin |
- DEC Vertical Thin | - Minus Thin | - Play |
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BackgroundColor | Background colour for the sunken ring |
Font | Text font style, refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
FontMagnification | Text font style |
Height | Widget height |
InnerGradColor | Button face colour |
LedOffColor | LED Off colour |
LedOnColor | LED On colour |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Matrix | Button grouping (ViSi-Genie only) |
Momentary | Button type |
OuterGradColor | Button face bevel colour |
OuterGradWidth | Button face bevel width |
RingWidth | Button recess width (0 to disable) |
Style | Button style |
Symbol | Symbol type |
SymbolColor | Symbol colour |
Text | Text symbol string input |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
Inherent Digits Widgets
These are widgets commonly used for displaying values or status information.
All Digits widgets can be found under the Digits tab of the widget selection pane as shown above. This pane is mostly composed of Leds and Digits.
Inherent widgets can be identified with the red i located at the bottom left of the widget icon.
Inherent Media LED
The Media LED widget is shown in the diagram below.
The media button has 12 available LED Styles as shown below.
12 available LED Styles for Media Button
- Led1 Round | - Led2 Round | - Led1 Square |
- Led2 Square | - Led1 Round Flat | - Led2 Round Flat |
- Led1 Square Flat | - Led2 Square Flat | - Led1 Round Sunk |
- Led2 Round Sunk | - Led1 Square Sunk | - Led2 Square Sunk |
The Media Button has 21 different types of Button Symbols as shown below.
21 different types of Media Button Symbols
- Media_No_Symbol | - Media_Pause | - Media_Text_Symbol |
- Media_Next | - Media_INC_Vertical | - Media_Prev |
- Media_DEC_Vertical | - Media_Fast-Forward | - Media_INC_Horizontal |
- Media_Rewind | - Media_DEC_Horizontal | - Media_Stop |
- Media_INC_Horizontal_Thin | - Media_Plus | - Media_DEC_Horizontal_Thin |
- Media_Minus | - Media_INC_Vertical Thin | - Media_Plus_Thin |
- Media_DEC_Vertical_Thin | - Media_Minus_Thin | - Media_Play |
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BackgroundColor | Background colour for sunken ring |
Font | Label font style, refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
FontMagnification | Font size multiplier for optional text |
Height | Widget height |
InnerGradColor | Button face colour |
LedOffColor | LED Off colour |
LedOnColor | LED On colour |
Left | Top-left X-position |
OuterGradColor | LED face bevel colour |
OuterGradWidth | LED face bevel width |
RingWidth | LED recess width (0 to disable) |
Style | LED style |
Symbol | Symbol type |
SymbolColor | Symbol colour |
Text | Text symbol string input |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
Inherent Gauge Widgets
These are widgets commonly used for displaying values.
All gauges can be found under the Gauges tab of the widget selection pane as shown above.
Inherent gauges can be identified with the red i located at the bottom left of the gauge icon.
Inherent User Gauge
The Inherent User Gauge widget is a Workshop4 PRO widget that allows users to design their own gauges using 4DGL code. When added to a project, this widget is shown as a generic rectangular image as shown below.
This is merely a representation of the rectangular space occupied by the gauge and the colours selected for the widget properties. Note that the actual appearance will depend on the user code.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Code | Inherent User Gauge INC file |
Color1 | First colour available for user code |
Color2 | Second colour available for user code |
Color3 | Third colour available for user code |
Color4 | Fourth colour available for user code |
Color5 | Fifth colour available for user code |
Color6 | Sixth colour available for user code |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Text1 | First text available for user code |
Text2 | Second text available for user code |
Text3 | Third text available for user code |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Value1 | First value available for user code |
Value2 | Second value available for user code |
Value3 | Third value available for user code |
Value4 | Fourth value available for user code |
Value5 | Fifth value available for user code |
Value6 | Sixth value available for user code |
Width | Widget width |
Inherent Media Gauge
The Media Gauge widget is shown in the diagram below.
The Media Gauge has sixteen (16) available styles as shown below.
16 different types of Media Gauge Styles
- Circular | - HalfmoonLeft | - Square |
- HalfmoonRight | - Rectangular | - HalfmoonTop |
- Meter | - HalfmoonBottom | - QuartermoonTopLeft |
- SquareTopLeft | - QuartermoonTopRight | - SquareTopRight |
- QuartermoonBottomLeft | - SquareBottomLeft | - QuartermoonBottomRight |
- SquareBottomRight |
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Bezel | Enable or disable bezel |
BezelBackground | Bezel effect |
BezelColor | Bezel colour |
BezelGradient | Bezel gradient style |
BezelInnerGradient | Bezel Inner gradient style |
DialColor | Dial face colour |
DialGradient | Dial inner gradient style |
Font | Ticks values font, refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
FontMagnification | Ticks value magnification |
GaugeEndAngle | End angle of the scale |
GaugeStartAngle | Start angle of the scale |
Height | Height of the Widget |
HighColor | High range scale colour |
InnerBezelColor | Inner Bezel Colour |
InnerWidth | Width of ring inside the bezel |
LabelOffset | Offset of labels from edge excluding bezel. Can be negative |
Left | Top-left X-position |
LowColor | Low range scale colour |
LowPercent | Coloured scale low range percent value |
MedColor | Medium range scale colour |
MedPercent | Coloured scale medium range value |
MeterCaption | Text for meter caption |
NeedleColor | Colour of needle and pin |
OuterWidth | Width of bezel |
RangeHigh | Maximum value of range |
RangeLow | Minimum value of range |
Scale | Enable or disable scale |
ScaleDivisor | Divide range value to print smaller tick values |
ShineLevel | Shine level (-30 to 30) |
Style | Style of gauge |
TextColor | Text colour |
TextEnd | High range end text (will remove the tick values if filled with character or string) |
TextStart | Low range end text (will remove the tick values if filled with character or string) |
TickColor | Ticks colour |
Ticks | Number of ticks |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
Inherent Media Thermometer
The Fancy Thermometer widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BaseColor | Base colour |
BulbColor | Color of the thermometer bulb |
Font | Font for C or F Unit, refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
FontMagnification | Font Maginification for C or F Unit |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Max | Maximum value |
Metric | Select Unit Metric (C) or Imperial (F) |
Min | Minimum value |
ScaleColor | Scale tick colour |
ScaleFont | Scale values font style, refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
ScaleFontMagnification | Maginification of scale font |
TextColor | Font colour for scale value and label |
Ticks | Number of ticks |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
Inherent Input Widgets
These are widgets commonly used for receiving touch inputs from the user.
All Inherent input widgets can be found under the Int/Inh Inputs tab of the widget selection pane as shown above.
Inherent sliders and knobs can be identified with the red i located at the bottom left of the widget icon.
Inherent Slider C
The Slider C widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Frames | Slider maximum value |
Height | Widget height |
InnerGradient | Slider container inner lining gradient direction/style |
InnerGradientColorA | Slider container inner lining gradient start colour |
InnerGradientColorB | Slider container inner lining gradient end colour |
KnobColorA | Slider knob gradient start colour |
KnobColorB | Slider knob gradient end colour |
KnobFaceDotColor | Slider knob dot colour |
KnobGradient | Slider knob gradient direction/style |
KnobOutlineColorA | Slider knob outline gradient start colour |
KnobOutlineColorB | Slider knob outline gradient end colour |
KnobOutlineGradient | Slider knob outline gradient direction/style |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Orientation | Slider orientation |
OuterGradient | Slider container outer lining gradient direction/style |
OuterGradientColorA | Slider container outer lining gradient start colour |
OuterGradientColorB | Slider container outer lining gradient end colour |
ProgressBar | Enable or disable progress bar mode (Set to Yes to turn the slider into a gauge) |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
TrackFillColorA | Track fill colour from top/right side to current knob position |
TrackFillColorB | Track fill colour from bottom/left side to current knob position |
Width | Widget width |
Inherent Slider D
The Slider D widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BorderColor | Slider base border colour |
Color | Slider base colour |
Font | Value indicator font, refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
FontColor | Value indicator font colour |
Height | Widget height |
Indicator | Enable or disable value indicator |
KnobGradient | Slider knob gradient direction/style |
KnobOutlineColorA | Slider knob gradient start colour |
KnobOutlineColorB | Slider knob gradient end colour |
LEDActiveColor | Active LED colour |
LEDColorA | LED outline gradient start colour |
LEDColorB | LED outline gradient end colour |
LEDGradient | LED outline gradient direction/style |
LEDInactiveColorA | Inactive LED gradient start colour |
LEDInactiveColorB | Inactive LED gradient end colour |
LEDInactiveGradient | Inactive LED gradient direction/style |
LEDPartition | Number of partitions between each LED |
LEDRadius | LED radius |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Maxvalue | Slider maximum value |
Minvalue | Slider minimum value |
Orientation | Slider orientation |
SwitchMode | Enable or disable multiposition switch mode |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
TrackFillColorA | Track gradient start colour |
TrackFillColorB | Track gradient end colour |
TrackOutlineColorA | Track outline gradient start colour |
TrackOutlineColorB | Track outline gradient end colour |
Width | Widget width |
Inherent Slider F
The Slider F widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Color | Slider base colour |
Font | Value indicator font, refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
FontColor | Value indicator font colour |
Height | Widget height |
Indicator | Enable or disable value indicator |
KnobColor | Slider knob colour |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Maxvalue | Slider maximum value |
Minvalue | Slider minimum value |
Orientation | Slider orientation |
ProgressBar | Enable or disable progress bar mode (Set to Yes to turn the slider into a gauge) |
TickColor | Tick colour |
TickCount | Total number of ticks |
Ticks | Enable or disable marker ticks |
TickWidth | Tick thickness |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
TrackFillColorA | Track fill colour from top/right side to current knob position |
TrackFillColorB | Track fill colour from bottom/left side to current knob position |
Width | Widget width |
Inherent Slider G
The Slider G widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Color | Slider base colour |
Font | Value indicator font, refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
FontColor | Value indicator font colour |
Height | Widget height |
Indicator | Enable or disable value indicator |
KnobColor | Slider knob colour |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Maxvalue | Slider maximum value |
Minvalue | Slider minimum value |
Orientation | Slider orientation |
ProgressBar | Enable or disable progress bar mode (Set to Yes to turn the slider into a gauge) |
TickColor | Tick colour |
TickCount | Total number of ticks |
Ticks | Enable or disable marker ticks |
TickWidth | Tick thickness |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
TrackFillColorA | Track fill colour from top/right side to current knob position |
TrackFillColorB | Track fill colour from bottom/left side to current knob position |
Width | Widget width |
Inherent Slider H
The Slider H widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Color | Slider base colour |
Frames | Slider maximum value |
Height | Widget height |
KnobDotColor | Slider dot colour |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Orientation | Slider orientation |
ProgressBar | Enable or disable progress bar mode (Set to Yes to turn the slider into a gauge) |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
TrackFillColorA | Track fill colour from top/right side to current knob position |
TrackFillColorB | Track fill colour from bottom/left side to current knob position |
Width | Widget width |
Inherent Linear Input
The Inherent Linear Input widget is a Workshop4 PRO widget that allows users to design their own linear inputs such as sliders and trackbars using 4DGL code. When added to a project, this widget is shown as a generic rectangular image as shown below.
This is merely a representation of the rectangular space occupied by the linear input and the colours selected for the widget properties. Note that the actual appearance will depend on the user code.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Code | Inherent Linear Input INC file |
Color1 | First colour available for user code |
Color2 | Second colour available for user code |
Color3 | Third colour available for user code |
Color4 | Fourth colour available for user code |
Color5 | Fifth colour available for user code |
Color6 | Sixth colour available for user code |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Maxvalue | Value at maximum position |
Minvalue | Value at minimum postion |
OffsetBR | Touch offset at Bottom (vertical) or Right (horizontal) |
OffsetTL | Touch offset at Top (vertical) or Left (horizontal) |
Orientation | Linear input orientation |
Text1 | First text available for user code |
Text2 | Second text available for user code |
Text3 | Third text available for user code |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Value1 | First value available for user code |
Value2 | Second value available for user code |
Value3 | Third value available for user code |
Value4 | Fourth value available for user code |
Value5 | Fifth value available for user code |
Value6 | Sixth value available for user code |
Width | Widget width |
Inherent Rotary Input
The Inherent Rotary Input widget is a Workshop4 PRO widget that allows users to design their own circular inputs using 4DGL code. When added to a project, this widget is shown as a generic rectangular image as shown below.
This is merely a representation of the rectangular space occupied by the rotary input and the colours selected for the widget properties. Note that the actual appearance will depend on the user code.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Code | Inherent User Gauge INC file |
Color1 | First colour available for user code |
Color2 | Second colour available for user code |
Color3 | Third colour available for user code |
Color4 | Fourth colour available for user code |
Color5 | Fifth colour available for user code |
Color6 | Sixth colour available for user code |
Height | Widget height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
MaxAngle | Angle position at maximum value (0 is East) |
Maxvalue | Value at maximum position |
MinAngle | Angle position at minimum value (0 is East) |
Minvalue | Value at minimum position |
Text1 | First text available for user code |
Text2 | Second text available for user code |
Text3 | Third text available for user code |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Value1 | First value available for user code |
Value2 | Second value available for user code |
Value3 | Third value available for user code |
Value4 | Fourth value available for user code |
Value5 | Fifth value available for user code |
Value6 | Sixth value available for user code |
Width | Widget width |
Inherent Media Slider
The Media Slider widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
BackGroundColor | Base colour |
Frames | Slider maximum value starting from zero |
Height | Widget height |
KnobCentreCcolor | Slider knob centre face colour |
KnobCentreSunken | Slider knob centre face direction (Yes for Sunken, No for Raised) |
KnobOuterColor | Slider knob ring colour |
KnobRingSunken | Slider knob ring direction (Yes for Sunken, No for Raised) |
Left | Top-left X-position |
NewOW | Slider knob ring thickness |
Orientation | Widget orientation |
ScaleBevelColor | Scale bevel colour |
ScaleBevelSunken | Scale bevel direction (Yes for Sunken, No for Raised) |
ScaleBevelWidth | Scale bevel width |
ScaleCentreSunken | Scale centre fill direction (Yes for Sunken, No for Raised) |
ScaleHeight | Scale centre fill thickness |
ScaleLeftColor | Colour on top/left fill of the scale |
ScaleRightColor | Colour on bottom/right fill of the scale |
ShineLevel | Shine effect value |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
Inherent Media Rotary
The Media Rotary widget is shown in the diagram below.
The Media Rotary widget has fourteen (14) available input styles as shown below.
14 available input styles for Media Rotary
- Style00 | - Style07 | - Style01 |
- Style08 | - Style02 | - Style09 |
- Style03 | - Style10 | - Style04 |
- Style11 | - Style05 | - Style12 |
- Style06 | - Style13 |
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Frames | Maximum value starting from zero |
Height | Widget height |
IndicatorOffset | Indicator position from the centre of rotation |
IndicatorRadius | Indicator radius |
IndInnerColor | Indicator colour |
IndOuterColor | Indicator bevel colour |
InnerDiameter | Knob recess diameter |
InnerEdgeColor | Knob recess bevel colour |
InnerEdgeWidth | Knob recess bevel thickness |
InnerRadiusColor | Knob recess face colour |
Left | Top-left X-position |
MaxAngle | Maximum angle |
MinAngle | Minimum angle |
OuterEdgeColor | Knob base bevel colour |
OuterEdgeWidth | Knob base bevel thickness |
OuterRadiusColor | Knob base colour |
RotaryInputStyle | Rotary input style |
ShineLevel | Shine Level (0-21) |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
Inherent Label Widgets
These are widgets commonly used for displaying text information.
All label widgets can be found under the Labels tab of the widget selection pane as shown above.
Inherent widgets can be identified with the red i located at the bottom left of the widget icon.
Inherent Label B
The Inherent Label B widget is shown in the diagram below.
The text inside the label can be aligned as shown below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Alignment | Text alignment inside the textbox |
BGcolor | Label background colour |
Buffer | Maximum textbox string buffer size (including trailing null) |
Caption | Label text string input |
Font | Text font style, refer to the section External Font when using custom fonts |
FontColor | Text colour |
FontSize | Text font size |
Height | Textbox height |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Margin | Margin from top, left for left alignment, right for right alignment |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
Inherent Background Widgets
These are widgets commonly used for adding visual cues or design.
All background widgets can be found under the Background tab of the widget selection pane as shown above.
Inherent background widgets can be identified with the red i located at the bottom left of the widget icon.
Inherent Media Panel
The Media Panel widget is shown in the diagram below.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Left | Top-left X-position |
Top | Top-left Y-position |
Width | Widget width |
Height | Widget height |
Bevelcolour | Bevel colour |
Panelcolour | Panel colour |
Outerwidth | Width of bezel |
RadTopLeft | Fillet radius of top-left corner |
RadTopRight | Fillet radius of top-right corner |
RadBottomLeft | Fillet radius of bottom-left corner |
RadBottomRight | Fillet radius of bottom-right corner |
BevelGradSunken | Raise or sunk bezel gradient |
PanelGradSunken | Raise or sunk panel gradient |
BevelGradLevel | Bezel Gradient Level. 0-63, -1 is top and bottom gradient |
PanelGradLevel | Panel Gradient Level. 0-63, -1 is top and bottom gradient |
Miscellaneous Widgets
There are several non-GUI widgets available to use depending on environment and target module. This includes hardware I/O, timer and sound related functionalities.
Pin I/O Widgets
Pin I/O Widgets are available to use when in ViSi Genie environment with a compatible processor.
Pin Input
The pin input widget allows ViSi Genie projects to add basic digital input functionality.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
IdleState | State of the pin when idle |
Pin | Pin number |
Pin Output
The pin output widget allows ViSi Genie projects to add basic digital output functionality.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
IdleState | State of the pin when idle |
PulseDuration | Duration of pulse when active |
Pin | Pin number |
Several system and media widgets are available for the user.
- Sound | - Timer | - External Font |
The sound widget allows ViSi Genie projects to add basic sound functionality.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
WavFiles | List of wav files to be played |
The Sound object is different to other objects in that there is only one of them (Sounds0) and that the values have predefined meanings. Performing a write object sets them. Reading Index 0 returns the number of blocks left to play.
Here are the object indexes used by the Sound Widget.
Object Index | Description |
0 | Play wav file at specified value |
1 | Set Volume to specified value |
2 | Pause |
3 | Continue |
4 | Stop |
The Sound object (like the Timer object) will always reside in Form0.
The timer widget allows ViSi Genie projects to add basic timer functionality.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Enabled | Initial state of the timer. Set to yes to indicate the timer is to start when the program is loaded. Once enabled, the timer continues until the Video displays its last frame |
Interval | The number of milliseconds between timer events. |
The Sound object (like the Timer object) will always reside in Form0.
External Font
External Fonts provides Workshop4 projects the ability to render custom fonts from external storage devices such as a microSD card or a flash chip.
When using this feature in a ViSi project, the following are required:
- The first (global) variable in your program must be an array of 'handles'.
- If using an external flash:
- the elements of the array should be the indexes of the font in the Flash File system
- An Inherent/Internal widget should use -1-array_index when using the font in its widget definition
- If using a microSD card:
- the elements of the array should be the font 'handle' that can be acquired using file_LoadImageControl
- An Inherent/Internal widget should use -8193-array_index when using the font in its widget definition
These requirements are done automatically in ViSi Genie projects.
Property | Description |
Name | Widget name |
Alias | Widget alias |
Bold | Set if the font is bold |
CharSet | Set whether the character set covers ANSI or Unicode set |
FontName | Font Family |
Italic | Set if the font is italic |
Size | Size of the font |
Strikethrough | Set if the font is ~~strikethrough~~ |
Underline | Set if the font is underlined |
Revision History
Document Revision
Revision | Date | Revision Content |
1.0 | 07/02/2020 | Initial release version |
1.1 | 23/07/2020 | Document title changes, GCI, Internal, Inherent for better readability Fixed a few minor typos with widget names Added miscellaneous widgets |
1.2 | 25/03/2021 | Addition of Error 30 into this document, previously only in Diablo16 Processor Datasheet |
1.3 | 06/12/2023 | Modified for web-based documentation |
1.4 | 20/03/2024 | Updated formatting for resource centre redesign |