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ViSi: Displaying a Sine Wave using the Scope Widget


This codebase example shows how the scope widget is used to plot a sinusoidal waveform on the display. See the video and attached HTML application for more information.


This codebase example assumes the reader can program the 4D Systems display module using Workshop4 IDE ViSi environment. Beginners are advised to read the following aplication notes.


  1. Download the attached zip file to a folder on your computer.
  2. Extract the contents to the same folder or a new sub-folder.
  3. Double click on the 4D-CD-00047_R_1_0.html file.
  4. For full functionality of the HMTL application, you may need to enable JavaScript in your web browser (if not already enabled). The attached HTML application was tested on the following browsers:

Google Chrome Version 44.0 Internet Explorer Version 11.0 Mozilla Firefox Version 40.0


Project File