PICASO Serial (SPE) Command Set
PICASO and Processor
The PICASO processor by 4D Labs are in a family of embedded graphics processors powered by a highly optimised soft core virtual engine, E.V.E. (Extensible Virtual Engine).
There are many 4D Systems products powered by 4D Labs’ PICASO processor, including the following:
- uLCD-24PTU
- uLCD-28PTU
- uLCD-32PTU
gen4 Display Series
- gen4-uLCD-24PT
- gen4-uLCD-28PT
- gen4-uLCD-32PT
EVE is a proprietary, high performance virtual processor with an extensive byte-code instruction set optimised to execute compiled 4DGL programs. 4DGL (4D Graphics Language) was specifically developed from ground up for the EVE engine core. It is a high level language which is easy to learn and simple to understand yet powerful enough to tackle many embedded graphics applications.
The PICASO processor used in the above products can be configured in a number of ways, depending on the needs of the user. Using the Workshop4 IDE by 4D Labs, the user has the choice of 4 programming environments, Designer, ViSi, ViSi-Genie and the Serial Environment.
This document targets the Serial Environment, how to configure a Picaso display module to be ‘Serial Ready’, and all the commands available in the Serial Environment to send the display from your host controller of choice.
For more information on Workshop4 in general or the other Environments available in Workshop4, please refer to the Workshop4 User Guide, available from the 4D Labs website.
Introduction to using Workshop4 in the Serial Environment
The PICASO processors can be programmed to act as a ‘serial slave’ device, responding to the serial commands sent from virtually any host controller.
How to configure your Display Module as a Serial Slave
To set up your display module to be a serial display is a very simple process. It basically requires the user to download a program to the flash memory of the processor.
When a user starts the Workshop4 IDE, starts a new project, selects their module of choice, and then selects the Serial Environment, the user is presented with a basic environment to get them started using their chosen display as a Serial Slave.
In the ‘Tools’ menu of the Serial Environment, is a button called ‘SPE Load’. SPE stands for “Serial Platform Environment”. If your display module is connected to the PC via the 4D Systems Programming Cable, clicking this button will load a special 4DGL application onto your module. This application is known as the SPE Application, and will enable your chosen module to run as a Serial Slave.
Display Modules from 4D Systems are SPE READY by default, meaning the SPE Application has been loaded to each of the modules at the 4D Systems Factory. The user can reload the SPE Application if required, to update the SPE Application on board OR to move over to the Serial Environment from another Workshop4 Environmentsuch as Designer, ViSi or ViSi-Genie.
Once the chosen display module is ‘SPE READY’, either brand new out of the box, or programmed to have the SPE application via the above instructions, the user can begin programming their host of choice to communicate to the 4D Systems display module.
Additional configuration parameters for Serial Communication
When the SPE Application is loaded to the Display Module from the 4D Systems factory, the Baud Rate is set to the initial default of 9600. This initial Baud Rate can be modified, so when the Display Module starts up, it is at the desired Baud Rate without having to send commands to change it from the Host.
To change the default Baud Rate, click on the Option button on the buttons down the left hand side of the Workshop4 IDE, click on the Serial tab, and change the ‘Serial Environment Initial Baud Rate’ to be whatever is suitable for your application.
The initial Baud rate and 'slowdown' settings for slow systems can be set under 'options', 'serial' before loading SPE.
Once the desired Baud Rate has been set, along with any ‘Slowdown’ delay (where required), the Display Module needs to have the SPE Application loaded once again, so these settings can take effect. Simply follow the instructions in How to configure your Display Module as a Serial Slave, to load the updated SPE Application onto the Display Module.
Host Interface
When a Display Module is loaded with the SPE Application, it enables communication to a Serial Host over a bidirectional serial interface via its Serial UART. All communications between the host and the device occur over this serial interface. The protocol is simple and easy to implement.
Introduction and Guidelines to the Serial Protocol
The Serial Protocol used with the SPE Application is a set of commands with associated parameters, to enable the Host Controller to display primitives, text, images, play audio, video or data log to micro-SD card, receive touch events etc on the 4D Systems Display Module, in the simplest manner available.
The Serial Protocol is made up of commands and parameters, sent over the Serial Port in byte format to the Display Module. Each command is unique, and has a specific set of parameters associated with it. Each command that is sent to the Display Module is replied to with a response. Some commands do not specifically require a response, so for these commands the Display will reply with an Acknowledge once successfully executed.
Commands that require a specific response may send back a varying number of bytes, depending on the command and what the response is.
Each Command sent to the display will require a certain amount of time before the response is sent, again dependent on the command and the operation that has to be performed.
Commands should only be sent and their response received, before another command is sent. If two commands are sent before the first response is received, incorrect operation may follow.
Power-Up and Reset
When the Picaso Modules come out of a power-up or external reset, a sequence of events is executed internally. The user should wait at least 3 seconds for the start-up to take place before attempting to communicate with the module.
Splash Screen
The splash screen appears on the screen 5 seconds after the start-up routines have been executed, provided there has been no serial activity.
The Splash screen can be customised if required. Please contact the 4D Systems Support team for more information on how this is done. This can be useful when integrating a 4D Systems product into a custom product, and SPE will be used, so it can be customised for your company/product requirements.
Power Supply
When powering 4D System display modules, odd behaviour can be experienced if they are not supplied sufficient current. This is especially noticeable when powering the Host Controller board and the Display Module from the same USB port of your computer.
Please ensure you power your 4D System display from a suitable power supply, based on the requirements of the display module, specified in the individual datasheets.
The Serial Command Set - Explained
The Serial Protocol and associated Commands enable the user to send bytes serially from the chosen Host Controller, to the 4D Display module loaded with the SPE Application, and control or receive information from, the Display Module.
In the PICASO Serial Protocol Command Set, there are currently 135 Commands available to the user. Each command send to the Display Module will incur a response of some description from the Display Module. This may be in the form of data, or a simple ACK that the command has been received.
Here are examples to better illustrate a few commands.
Example 1 – Moving the Cursor
Aim: Moving the Cursor to a specific location on the display, so text can originate from that point.
MoveCursor Command: HEX 0xFFE9 (2 bytes) – (Library Function txt_MoveCursor)
MoveCursor Parameters: Line Number (2 bytes), Row Number (2 bytes)
MoveCursor Returns: Acknowledge HEX 0x06
To Move the Cursor to Line Number=7, Row Number=12, firstly the 7 and 12 need to be converted into bytes. 7 is 0x7 and 12 is 0x0C. Because the command requires 2 bytes for each of these parameters to be sent, the first byte in this example will be 0x00 for both the Line and the Row.
The Bytes that will need to be sent will be: 0xFF, 0xE9, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x0C
The Bytes that will be received back from the display will be: 0x06
Example 2 – Drawing a Hollow Rectangle
Aim: Draw a Hollow Rectangle at a specific location on the display, with a specific outline colour
Rectangle Command: HEX 0xFFC5 (2 bytes) – (Library Function gfx_Rectangle)
Rectangle Parameters: X1 Position (2 bytes), Y1 Position (2 bytes), X2 Position (2 bytes), Y2 Position (2 bytes), Colour(2 bytes)
Rectangle Returns: Acknowledge HEX 0x06
To draw a Blue rectangle starting with the top left corner at X=100, Y=100 and the bottom right corner at X=200, Y=250, firstly the 100, 200 and 250 numbers need to be converted into bytes.
100 is 0x64, 200 is 0xC8 and 300 is 0x012C. Because the command requires 2 bytes for each of these parameters to be sent, the first byte in this example will be 0x00 for X1, Y1, and X2. Y2 utilises 2 bytes.
Finally, the colour needs to be sent as 2 bytes. The colour Blue is 0x001F.
The Bytes to be sent will be: 0xFF, 0xC5, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0xC8, 0x01, 0x2C, 0x00, 0x1F
The Bytes that will be received back from the display will be: 0x06
Separation commas ',' between bytes that are shown in the Bytes to Send, and the Bytes Received syntax are purely for legibility purposes in this document and must not be considered as part of any transmitted/received data unless specifically stated.
Using Serial with a Library
Available Libraries
4D Labs has created a set of libraries suitable for a range of microcontrollers on the market to use and communicate with Picaso display modules, when configured to be Serial Slaves using the SPE application and the Serial Environment in Workshop4.
The following libraries have been created and are available from the Samples menu inside the Workshop4 IDE Software, where the Workshop4 software is available from the 4D Labs website.
- Arduino Library
- C Library
- Pascal Library
- PicAxe Library
These libraries enable the programmer to have access to all of the Serial Commands, but in a format that is more suited for High Level Programming, such as the Arduino IDE.
Benefits to using a Library
The libraries created by 4D Labs enable the user to simply include the library file in the code of their chosen Host Controller, and call high level functions (very similar and often equivalent to the 4DGL set of functions) instead of having to deal with the low level serial data bytes.
Please refer to the individual application notes on each of the libraries (as they become available), for a better understanding of what they include and how they are used in a Host controller. Refer to the Workshop4 product page on the 4D Labs website for more information, along with the modules product page.
Basic Example of using a library
If using the Arduino as the host controller of choice, by simply copying the library into the appropriate libraries folder for the Arduino IDE, and including the library in your sketch, the Arduino user will then have access to high level functions which provide many benefits over using the low level byte commands.
For example, to clear the display, and draw a rectangle from X1=10, Y1=110 to X2=200, Y2=220 in Red on the display, the following byte commands are required:
Send to the display: 0xFF, 0xCD
Receive from the display: 0x06
Send to the display: 0xFF, 0xC5, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x6E, 0x00, 0xC8, 0x00, 0xDC, 0xF8, 0x00
Receive from the display: 0x06
Sending these commands from the Arduino would require each byte to be sent over the serial port to the display. 4D Labs has created a library to do this for you.
Using the Arduino library for example, the following functions would be required:
Library References
While this document is specifically for the Serial Command bytes, at the bottom of each command table is a reference to the relevant function that would be called if using the 4D Labs Serial Library.
Arduino Specific library commands
The following library commands are available to enable easy access to print formatting and display along the lines of their standard Arduino equivalents:
- println
The print command converts the supplied parameter into standard ASCII text and calls the Put string command to print it to the screen in the current location and font.
Library Function: print
Syntax: print(val, format)
Commands | Description |
val | The value to print, any format |
format | Specifies the optional number base, for integer types, or the number of decimal places, for float types. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
print(F(“Hello World”)) ;
print(int) ;
print(int, OCT) ;
print(int, HEX) ;
print(float, 2) ;
// The Response will be 0x06 if the command is successfully executed
// Print needs to be prefixed with the library identifier. Eg Display.print(int) ;
See also
See the Put String command in the text and string Commands section. This is what is ultimately called to produce the displayed output from this command.
The println command converts the supplied parameter into standard ASCII text, appends a newline character (“\n”) and calls the Put string command to print it to the screen in the current location and font.
Library Function: println
Syntax: println(val, format)
Commands | Description |
val | The value to print, any format |
format | Specifies the optional number base, for integer types, or the number of decimal places, for float types. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
println(F(“Hello World”)) ;
println(int) ;
println(int, OCT) ;
println(int, HEX) ;
println(float, 2) ;
// The Response will be 0x06 if the command is successfully executed
// println needs to be prefixed with the library identifier. Eg Display.println(int) ;
See also
See the Put String command in the text and string Commands section. This is what is ultimately called to produce the displayed output from this command.
Picaso Serial Commands
The following sections detail each of the commands available in the 4D Labs Serial Environment, when communicating to a 4D Systems Display Module loaded with the SPE Application. Please refer to Introduction to using Workshop4 in the Serial Environment for more information on how to do this.
PICASO Serial commands can be categorized based on usage as listed below:
- Text and String Commands
- Graphics Command
- Media Commands(SD/SDHC Memory Cards)
- Serial (UART) Communication Commands
- Timer Commands
- FAT16 File Commands
- Sound Control Commands
- Touch Screen Commands
- Image Control Commands
- System Commands
- I/O Commands
Text and String Commands
The following is a summary of the commands available to be used for Text and Strings:
- Move Cursor
- Put Character
- Put String
- Character Width
- Character Height
- Text Foreground Colour
- Text Background Colour
- Set Fonts
- Text Width
- Text Height
- Text X-Gap
- Text Y-Gap
- Text Bold
- Text Inverse
- Text Italic
- Text Opacity
- Text Underline
- Text Attributes
- Text Wrap
Move Cursor
The Move Cursor command moves the text cursor to a screen position set by line and column parameters. The line and column position is calculated, based on the size and scaling factor for the currently selected font. When text is outputted to screen it will be displayed from this position. The text position could also be set with Move Origin command if required to set the text position to an exact pixel location. Note that lines and columns start from 0, so line 0, column 0 is the top left corner of the display.
Library Function: txt_MoveCursor
Syntax: cmd (word)
, line (word)
, column (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFE9 |
line | Holds a positive value for the required line position. |
column | Holds a positive value for the required column position. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), line(MSB), line(LSB), column(MSB), column(LSB)
0xFF, 0xE9, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x03
// This will move the cursor to Line=5, Column=3
// Where 5 as 2 byes is 0x00 and 0x05, and 3 as 2 bytes is 0x00 and 0x03
// The Response will be 0x06 if the command is successfully executed
See also
The Move Origin command in the Graphics Commands section to move the origin to an exact pixel on the screen, which is suitable for both text and graphics.
Put Character
The Put Character command prints a single character to the display
Library Function: putCH
Syntax: cmd (word)
, character (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFFE |
character | Holds a positive value for the required character. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), character(MSB), character(LSB)
0xFF, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x39
// This will send the character ‘9’ (0x00, 0x39) to the display
// The response will be 0x06 assuming the command was successful executed
See also
The Move Origin command in the Graphics Commands section to move the origin to an exact pixel on the screen, which is suitable for both text and graphics.
Put String
The Put String command prints a string to the display. The argument can be a string constant or a pointer to a string.
A string needs to be terminated with a NULL.
Library Function: putstr
Syntax: cmd (word)
, string (string)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0018 |
string | Holds a Null terminated string. char0, char1, char2, …, charN, NULL NOTE: Maximum characters in the string is 511 + NULL |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), stringlength (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- stringlength: Length of the string printed
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), char0, char1, char2, …, charN, NULL
0x00, 0x18, 0x48, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F, 0x00
// This will send the string “Hello” to the display, as H = 0x48, e = 0x65, l = 0x6C
// and o = 0x6F, followed by a NULL = 0x00.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x05 indicating ACK followed by the number 5 for
// length expressed as 2 bytes (1 word).
See also
The Move Origin command in the Graphics Commands section to move the origin to an exact pixel on the screen, which is suitable for both text and graphics.
Character Width
The Character Width command is used to calculate the width in pixel units for a character, based on the currently selected font. The font can be proportional or mono-spaced. If the total width of the character exceeds 255 pixel units, the function will return the 'wrapped' (modulo 8) value.
Library Function: charwidth
Syntax: cmd (word)
, char (byte)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x001E |
char | The ASCII character for the width calculation. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), width (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- width: Width of a single character in pixel units.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), char
0x00, 0x1E, 0x65
// This is requesting the width in pixels of the character ‘e’, as ASCII ‘e’ is Hex 0x65
// Assuming for example the selected font is FONT3
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x08 where 0x00, 0x08 is Decimal 8 (FONT 3 is a 12x8
// font)
Character Height
The Character Height command is used to calculate the height in pixel units for a character, based on the currently selected font. The font can be proportional or mono-spaced. If the total height of the character exceeds 255 pixel units, the function will return the 'wrapped' (modulo 8) value.
Library Function: charheight
Syntax: cmd (word)
, char (byte)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x001D |
char | The ascii character for the height calculation. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), height (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- height: Height of a single character in pixel units.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), char
0x00, 0x1D, 0x65
// This is requesting the height in pixels of the character ‘e’, as ASCII ‘e’ is Hex 0x65
// Assuming for example the selected font is FONT3
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x0C where 0x00, 0x0C is Decimal 12 (FONT 3 is a 12x8
// font)
Text Foreground Colour
The Text Foreground Colour command sets the text foreground colour, and reports back the previous foreground colour.
Library Function: txt_FGcolour
Syntax: cmd (word)
, colour (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFE7 |
colour | Specifies the colour to be set. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), colour (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- colour: Previous Text Foreground Colour.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), colour(MSB), colour(LSB)
0xFF, 0xE7, 0x00, 0x10
// This is setting the Foreground colour to Navy, which is Hex 0x00, 0x10
// The Response will be 0x06, 0x04, 0x00 assuming the previous colour was Green,
// which is 0x04, 0x00
Text Backround Colour
The Text Background Colour command sets the text background colour, and reports back the previous background colour.
Library Function: txt_BGcolour
Syntax: cmd (word)
, colour (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFE6 |
colour | Specifies the colour to be set. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), colour (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- colour: Previous Text Background Colour.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), colour(MSB), colour(LSB)
0xFF, 0xE6, 0xF8, 0x00
// This is setting the Background colour to Red, which is Hex 0xF8, 0x00
// The Response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x10 assuming the previous colour was Navy,
// which is 0x00, 0x10
Set Font
The Set Font command sets the required font using its ID, and report back the previous Font ID used.
Library Function: txt_FontID
Syntax: cmd (word)
, id (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFE5 |
id | 0 for FONT1 = System font 1 for FONT2 2 for FONT3 = Default font NOTE:The value could also be the handle of a uSD based font obtained using file_LoadImageControl(). The font would generally have been generated using a Strings object in ViSi (easy) or from a the FONT TOOL (harder). (Please refer to the application Notes). Preferably use the FONT1, FONT2 and FONT3 predefined constants. |
Returns: (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Previous Font ID.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), id(MSB), id(LSB)
0xFF, 0xE5, 0x00, 0x02
// This will set the font to be FONT3 which is 0x00, 0x02
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 assuming the previous font was FONT1,
// where FONT1 is 0x00, 0x00
Text Width
The Text Width command sets the text width multiplier between 1 and 16, and returns the previous multiplier.
Library Function: txt_Width
Syntax: cmd (word)
, multiplier (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFE4 |
multiplier | Width multiplier 1 to 16 (Default =1) |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Previous Multiplier value.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), multiplier(MSB), multiplier (LSB)
0xFF, 0xE4, 0x00, 0x05
// This will set the Text Width to be 5x that of the default
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the previous Text width multiplier was 1
// (0x00, 0x01)
Text Height
The Text Height command sets the text height multiplier between 1 and 16, and returns the previous multiplier.
Library Function: txt_Height
Syntax: cmd (word)
, multiplier (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFE3 |
multiplier | Height multiplier. 1 to 16 (Default =1) |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Previous Multiplier value.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), multiplier(MSB), multiplier (LSB)
0xFF, 0xE3, 0x00, 0x02
// This will set the Text Height to be 2x that of the default
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the previous Text height multiplier was 1
// (0x00, 0x01)
Text X-gap
The Text X-gap command sets the pixel gap between characters (x-axis), where the gap is in pixel units, and the response is the previous pixelcount value.
Library Function: txt_Xgap
Syntax: cmd (word)
, pixelcount (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFE2 |
pixelcount | 0 to 32(Default =0) |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Previous pixelcount value.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), pixelcount(MSB), pixelcount(LSB)
0xFF, 0xE2, 0x00, 0x02
// This will set the text X-Gap to be 2 pixels, where 2 pixels is 0x00, 0x02
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 assuming the previous text X-gap was 0
Text Y-gap
The Text Y-gap command sets the pixel gap between characters (y-axis), where the gap is in pixel units, and the response is the previous pixelcount value.
This command is required to be used if setting text to have an ‘Underline’ using the Text Underline command, or Text Attributes command with the suitable bits set. See these command for further information.
Library Function: txt_Ygap
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFE1 |
pixelcount | 0 to 32(Default =0) |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Previous pixelcount value.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), pixelcount(MSB), pixelcount(LSB)
0xFF, 0xE1, 0x00, 0x05
// This will set the text Y-Gap to be 5 pixels, where 5 pixels is 0x00, 0x05
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 assuming the previous text Y-gap was 0
Text Bold
The Text Bold command sets the Bold attribute for the text and report back the previous bold status.
Library Function: txt_Bold
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFDE |
mode | 1 for ON. 0 for OFF. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Previous Bold status.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), mode(MSB), mode(LSB)
0xFF, 0xDE, 0x00, 0x01
// This will set the text to be bold, Bold = ON
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 assuming the previous bold status was OFF
// which is 0x00, 0x00
Text Inverse
The Text Inverse command sets the text to be inverse, and return the previous inverse status.
Library Function: txt_Inverse
Syntax: cmd (word)
, mode (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFDC |
mode | 1 for ON. 0 for OFF. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge:(0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Previous ‘Text Inverse’ status.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), mode(MSB), mode(LSB)
0xFF, 0xDC, 0x00, 0x01
// This will set the text to be inverse, where inverse = ON = 0x00, 0x01
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 assuming the previous inverse status was OFF,
// which is 0x00, 0x00
Text Italic
The Text Italic command sets the text to italic, and return the previous text italic status.
Library Function: txt_Italic
Syntax: cmd (word)
, mode (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFDD |
mode | 1 for ON. 0 for OFF. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Previous Italic Text status.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), mode(MSB), mode(LSB)
0xFF, 0xDD, 0x00, 0x01
// This will set the text to be italic, where italic = ON = 0x00, 0x01
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 assuming the previous italic status was OFF,
// which is 0x00, 0x00
Text Opacity
The Text Opacity command selects whether or not the 'background' pixels are drawn, and returns the previous text opacity status. (Default mode is OPAQUE with BLACK background.)
Library Function: txt_Opacity
Syntax: cmd (word)
, mode (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFDF |
mode | 1 for ON. (Opaque) 0 for OFF. (Transparent) |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Previous Text Opacity status.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), mode(MSB), mode(LSB)
0xFF, 0xDF, 0x00, 0x00
// This will set the text to be transparent, where Opacity = OFF = 0x00, 0x00
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the previous opacity status was ON,
// which is 0x00, 0x01
Text Underline
The Text Underline command sets the text to underlined, and return the previous text underline status.
Note: The Text Y-gap command is required to be at least 2 for the underline to be visible, please refer to the Text Y-gap command for further information.
Library Function: txt_Underline
Syntax: cmd (word)
, mode (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFDB |
mode | 1 for ON. 0 for OFF. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Previous Text Underline status.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), mode(MSB), mode(LSB)
0xFF, 0xDB, 0x00, 0x01
// This will set the text to be underlined, where Underline = ON = 0x00, 0x01
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 assuming the previous underline status was OFF,
// which is 0x00, 0x00
Text Attributes
The Text Attributes command controls the following functions grouped,
- Text Bold
- Text Italic
- Text Inverse
- Text Underlined
Returns the previous Text Attributes status
Text Y-gap command is required to be at least 2 for the underline (Text Underlined attribute) to be visible, please refer to the Text Y-gap command for further information.
Library Function: txt_Attributes
Syntax: cmd (word)
, value (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFDA |
value | (bit 5 or) DEC 16 for BOLD (bit 6 or) DEC 32 for ITALIC (bit 7 or) DEC 64 for INVERSE (bit 8 or) DEC 128 for UNDERLINED Set or Clear the relevant bits to set the attributes for the text to be written. (bits can be combined by using logical 'OR' of bits) NOTE: bits 0-3 and 8-15 are reserved. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Previous Text Attributes status.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), value(MSB), value(LSB)
0xFF, 0xDA, 0x00, 0x90
// This will set the Text Attributes to be Bold and Underlined. Where Bold has the value 16
// and Underlined has the value 128, so 16+128=144 which is 0x90 in Hex.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 assuming the previous attributes
// were No Bold, No Italic, No Inverse and No Underline.
Text Wrap
The Text Wrap command sets the pixel position where text wrap will occur at RHS.
The feature automatically resets when screen mode is changed. The value is in pixel units. Default value is 0.
Library Function: txt_Wrap
Syntax: cmd (word)
, value (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFD9 |
value | 0 for OFF. 1 to N for ON, in Pixels. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), previous (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- previous: Returns the previous wrap position
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), mode(MSB), mode(LSB)
0xFF, 0xD9, 0x01, 0xA4
// This will set the wrap position to be at Pixel 420 from the left of the display,
// where Wrap = ON at pixel 420 = 0x01, 0xA4
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 assuming the previous wrap position was OFF,
// which is 0x00, 0x00
Graphics Commands
The following is a summary of the commands available to be used for Graphics:
- Clear Screen
- Change Colour
- Draw Circle
- Draw Filled Circle
- Draw Line
- Draw Rectangle
- Draw Filled Rectangle
- Draw Polyline
- Draw Polygon
- Draw Filled Polygon
- Draw Triangle
- Draw Filled Triangle
- Calculate Orbit
- Put Pixel
- Read Pixel
- Move Origin
- Draw Line and Move Origin
- Clipping
- Set Clip Window
- Extend Clip Region
- Draw Ellipse
- Draw Filled Ellipse
- Draw Button
- Draw Panel
- Draw Slider
- Screen Copy Paste
- Bevel Shadow
- Bevel Width
- Background Colour
- Outline Colour
- Contrast
- Frame Delay
- Line Pattern
- Screen Mode
- Transparency
- Transparent Colour
- Set Graphics Parameters
- Get Graphics Parameters
Clear Screen
The Clear Screen command clears the screen using the current background colour. This command brings some of the settings back to default; such as,
- Transparency turned OFF
- Outline colour set to BLACK
- Opacity set to OPAQUE
- Pen set to OUTLINE
- Line patterns set to OFF
- Right text margin set to full width
- Text magnifications set to 1
- All origins set to 0:0
The alternative to maintain settings and clear screen is to draw a filled rectangle with the required background colour.
Library Function: gfx_Cls
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFCD |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0xFF, 0xCD
// The following will clear the display and restore the settings back to their defaults.
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Change Colour
The Change Colour command changes all oldColour pixels to newColour within the clipping window area.
Library Function: gfx_ChangeColour
Syntax: cmd (word)
, oldColour (word)
, newColour (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFB4 |
oldColour | Specifies the sample colour to be changed within the clipping window. |
newColour | Specifies the new colour to change all occurrences of old colour within the clipping window. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), oldColour(MSB), oldColour (LSB), newColour(MSB), newColour (LSB)
0xFF, 0xB4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1F
// This will change all pixels coloured Black (0x00, 0x00) to be coloured Blue
// (0x00, 0x1F) within the clipping area.
// (Refer to the Clip Window command for more information on this.)
// The Response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Draw Circle
The Draw Circle command draws a circle with centre point x, y with radius r using the specified colour.
Library Function: gfx_Circle
Syntax: cmd (word)
, x (word)
, y (word)
, rad (word)
, colour (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFC3 |
x, y | Specifies the centre of the circle. |
rad | Specifies the radius of the circle. |
colour | Specifies the colour of the circle. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), x(MSB), x(LSB), y(MSB), y(LSB), rad(MSB), rad(LSB), colour(MSB),
// colour(LSB)
0xFF, 0xC3, 0x00, 0x64, 0x01, 0x2C, 0x00, 0x14, 0x80, 0x10
// This will draw a Circle at X=100 (Hex 0x00, 0x64), Y=300 (Hex 0x01, 0x2C),
// of Radius=20 (0x00, 0x14), and of Colour=Purple (0x80, 0x10).
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Draw Filled Circle
The Draw Circle command draws a solid circle with centre point x1, y1 with radius using the specified colour.
The outline colour can be specified with the Outline Colour command.
If Outline Colour is set to 0, no outline is drawn.
Library Function: gfx_CircleFilled
Syntax: cmd (word)
, x (word)
, y (word)
, rad (word)
, colour (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFC2 |
x, y | Specifies the centre of the circle. |
rad | Specifies the radius of the circle. |
colour | Specifies the colour of the circle. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), x(MSB), x(LSB), y(MSB), y(LSB), rad(MSB), rad(LSB), colour(MSB),
// colour(LSB)
0xFF, 0xC2, 0x00, 0x96, 0x00, 0xE6, 0x00, 0x32, 0x84, 0x10
// This will draw a Solid Filled Circle at X=150 (Hex 0x00, 0x96), Y=230 (Hex 0x00, 0xE6),
// of Radius=50 (0x00, 0x32), and of Colour=Grey (0x84, 0x10).
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Draw Line
The Draw Line command draws a line from x1,y1 to x2,y2 using the specified colour. The line is drawn using the current object colour. The current origin is not altered. The line may be tessellated with the Line Pattern command.
Library Function: gfx_Line
Syntax: cmd (word)
, x1 (word)
, y1 (word)
, x2 (word)
, y2 (word)
, colour (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFC8 |
x1, y1 | Specifies the starting coordinates of the line. |
x2, y2 | Specifies the ending coordinates of the line. |
colour | Specifies the colour of the line. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), x1(MSB), x1(LSB), y1(MSB), y1(LSB), x2(MSB), x2(LSB), y2(MSB),
// y2(LSB), colour(MSB), colour(LSB)
0xFF, 0xC8, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x28, 0x00, 0x50, 0x04, 0x10
// This will Line from X1=10 (Hex 0x00, 0x0A), Y1=15 (Hex 0x00, 0x0F), to X2=40 (0x00, 0x28),
// Y2=80 (0x00, 0x50) of Colour=Teal (0x04, 0x10).
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Draw Rectangle
The Draw Rectangle command draws a rectangle from x1, y1 to x2, y2 using the specified colour. The line may be tessellated with the Line Pattern command.
Library Function: gfx_Rectangle
Syntax: cmd (word)
, x1 (word)
, y1 (word)
, x2 (word)
, y2 (word)
, colour (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFC5 |
x1, y1 | Specifies the top left corner of the rectangle. |
x2, y2 | Specifies the bottom right corner of the rectangle. |
colour | Specifies the colour of the rectangle. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), x1(MSB), x1(LSB), y1(MSB), y1(LSB), x2(MSB), x2(LSB), y2(MSB),
// y2(LSB), colour(MSB), colour(LSB)
0xFF, 0xC5, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x6E, 0x00, 0xC8, 0x00, 0xDC, 0xF8, 0x00
// The will draw a Rectangle from X1=10 (0x00, 0x0A), Y1=110 (0x00, 0x6E),
// to X2=200 (0x00, 0xC8), Y2=220 (0x00, 0xDC), of colour=Red (0xF8, 0x00).
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Draw Filled Rectangle
The Draw Filled Rectangle command draws a solid rectangle from x1, y1 to x2, y2 using the specified colour. The line may be tessellated with the Line Pattern command.
The outline colour can be specified with the Outline Colour command. If Outline Colour is set to 0, no outline is drawn.
Library Function: gfx_RectangleFilled
Syntax: cmd (word)
, x1 (word)
, y1 (word)
, x2 (word)
, y2 (word)
, colour (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFC4 |
x1, y1 | Specifies the top left corner of the rectangle. |
x2, y2 | Specifies the bottom right corner of the rectangle. |
colour | Specifies the colour of the rectangle. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), x1(MSB), x1(LSB), y1(MSB), y1(LSB), x2(MSB), x2(LSB), y2(MSB),
// y2(LSB), colour(MSB), colour(LSB)
0xFF, 0xC4, 0x00, 0x32, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x5A, 0x00, 0x64, 0x07, 0xE0
// The will draw a Solid Filled Rectangle from X1=50 (0x00, 0x32), Y1=60 (0x00, 0x3C),
// to X2=90 (0x00, 0x5A), Y2=100 (0x00, 0x64), of colour=Lime (0x07, 0xE0).
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Draw Polyline
The Draw Polyline command plots lines between points specified by a pair of arrays using the specified colour. The lines may be tessellated with the Line Pattern command. The Draw Polyline command can be used to create complex raster graphics by loading the arrays from serial input or from MEDIA with very little code requirement.
Library Function: gfx_Polyline
Syntax: cmd (word)
, n (word)
, vx1 (word)
… vxN (word)
, vy1 (word)
… vyN (word)
, colour (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0015 |
n | Specifies the number of elements in the x and y arrays specifying the vertices for the polyline. |
vx, vy | Specifies the array of elements for the x/y coordinates of the vertices. vx1, vx2, …, vxN, vy1, vy2, …, vyN |
colour | Specifies the colour of the polyline. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), n(MSB), n(LSB), vx1(MSB), vx1(LSB), vx2(MSB), vx2(LSB), vx3(MSB),
// vx3(LSB), vy1(MSB), vy1(LSB), vy2(MSB), vy2(LSB), vy3(MSB), vy3(LSB), colour(MSB),
// colour(LSB)
0x00, 0x15, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0xB4, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0xC8,
0x00, 0x50, 0x80, 0x00
// The following will draw a 3 point Polyline from X1=10 (0x00, 0x0A), Y1=5 (0x00, 0x05),
// to X2=80 (0x00, 0x50), Y2=200 (0x00, 0xC8), and finally to X3=180 (0x00, 0xB4),
// Y3=80 (0x00, 0x50) of Colour=Maroon (0x80, 0x00)
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Draw Polygon
The Draw Polygon command plots lines between points specified by a pair of arrays using the specified colour. The last point is drawn back to the first point, completing the polygon. The lines may be tessellated with Line Pattern command. The Draw Polygon command can be used to create complex raster graphics by loading the arrays from serial input or from MEDIA with very little code requirement.
Library Function: gfx_Polygon
Syntax: cmd (word)
, n (word)
, vx1 (word)
… vxN (word)
, vy1 (word)
… vyN (word)
, colour (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0013 |
n | Specifies the number of elements in the x and y arrays specifying the vertices for the polygon. |
vx, vy | Specifies the array of elements for the x/y coordinates of the vertices. vx1, vx2, …, vxN, vy1, vy2, …, vyN |
colour | Specifies the colour of the polygon. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), n(MSB), n(LSB), vx1(MSB), vx1(LSB), vx2(MSB), vx2(LSB), vx3(MSB),
// vx3(LSB), vx4(MSB), vx4(LSB), vy1(MSB), vy1(LSB), vy2(MSB), vy2(LSB), vy3(MSB), vy3(LSB),
// vy4(MSB), vy4(LSB), colour(MSB), colour(LSB)
0x00, 0x13, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0xB4, 0x00, 0xDC, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00,
0xC8, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0x04, 0xFF, 0xE0
// The following will draw a 4 point Polyline from X1=10 (0x00, 0x0A), Y1=5 (0x00, 0x05),
// to X2=80 (0x00, 0x50), Y2=200 (0x00, 0xC8), to X3=180 (0x00, 0xB4), Y3=80 (0x00, 0x50),
// and finally to X4=220 (0x00, 0xDC), Y4=4 (0x00, 0x04) of Colour=Yellow (0xFF, 0xE0)
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Draw Filled Polygon
The Draw Filled Polygon command draws a solid Polygon between specified vertices: x1, y1 x2, y2, .... , xn, yn using the specified colour. The last point is drawn back to the first point, completing the polygon. Vertices must be a minimum of 3 and can be specified in any fashion.
Library Function: gfx_PolygonFilled
Syntax: cmd (word)
, n (word)
, vx1 (word)
… vxN (word)
, vy1 (word)
… vyN (word)
, colour (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0014 |
n | Specifies the number of elements in the x and y arrays specifying the vertices for the polygon. |
vx, vy | Specifies the array of elements for the x/y coordinates of the vertices. vx1, vx2, …, vxN, vy1, vy2, …, vyN |
colour | Specifies the colour of the polygon. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), n(MSB), n(LSB), vx1(MSB), vx1(LSB), vx2(MSB), vx2(LSB), vx3(MSB),
// vx3(LSB), vx4(MSB), vx4(LSB), vy1(MSB), vy1(LSB), vy2(MSB), vy2(LSB), vy3(MSB), vy3(LSB),
// vy4(MSB), vy4(LSB), colour(MSB), colour(LSB)
0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0xB4, 0x00, 0xDC, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00,
0xC8, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00
// The following will draw a 4 point Polyline from X1=10 (0x00, 0x0A), Y1=5 (0x00, 0x05),
// to X2=80 (0x00, 0x50), Y2=200 (0x00, 0xC8), to X3=180 (0x00, 0xB4), Y3=80 (0x00, 0x50),
// and finally to X4=220 (0x00, 0xDC), Y4=4 (0x00, 0x04) of Colour=Green (0x04, 0x00)
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Draw Triangle
The Draw Triangle command draws a triangle outline between vertices x1,y1 , x2,y2 and x3,y3 using the specified colour. The line may be tessellated with the Line Pattern command.
Library Function: gfx_Triangle
Syntax: cmd (word)
, x1 (word)
, y1 (word)
, x2 (word)
, y2 (word)
, x3 (word)
, y3 (word)
, colour (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFBF |
x1, y1 | Specifies the first vertice of the triangle. |
x2, y2 | Specifies the second vertice of the triangle. |
x3, y3 | Specifies the third vertice of the triangle. |
colour | Specifies the colour of the triangle. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), x1(MSB), x1(LSB), y1(MSB), y1(LSB), x2(MSB), x2(LSB), y2(MSB),
// y2(LSB), x3(MSB), x3(LSB), y3(MSB), y3(LSB), colour(MSB), colour(LSB)
0xFF, 0xBF, 0x00, 0x32, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x46, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x07, 0xFF
// This will draw a Triangle from X1=50 (0x00, 0x32), Y1=60 (0x00, 0x3C), to X2=20
// (0x00, 0x14), Y2=170 (0x00, 0xAA), to X3=70 (0x00, 0x46), Y3=170 (0x00, 0xAA) of colour
// Aqua (0x07, 0xFF)
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Draw Filled Triangle
The Draw Filled Triangle command draws a solid triangle between vertices x1, y1, x2, y2 and x3, y3 using the specified colour.
Library Function: gfx_TriangleFilled
Syntax: cmd (word)
, x1 (word)
, y1 (word)
, x2 (word)
, y2 (word)
, x3 (word)
, y3 (word)
, colour (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFA9 |
x1, y1 | Specifies the first vertice of the triangle. |
x2, y2 | Specifies the second vertice of the triangle. |
x3, y3 | Specifies the third vertice of the triangle. |
colour | Specifies the colour of the triangle. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), x1(MSB), x1(LSB), y1(MSB), y1(LSB), x2(MSB), x2(LSB), y2(MSB),
// y2(LSB), x3(MSB), x3(LSB), y3(MSB), y3(LSB), colour(MSB), colour(LSB)
0xFF, 0xA9, 0x00, 0x32, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x46, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x1F
// This will draw a Triangle from X1=50 (0x00, 0x32), Y1=60 (0x00, 0x3C), to X2=20
// (0x00, 0x14), Y2=170 (0x00, 0xAA), to X3=70 (0x00, 0x46), Y3=170 (0x00, 0xAA) of colour
// Blue (0x00, 0x1F)
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Calculate Orbit
The Calculate Orbit command calculates the x, y coordinates of a distant point relative to the current origin, where the only known parameters are the angle and the distance from the current origin. The new coordinates are calculated and then placed in the destination variables Xdest and Ydest.
Library Function: gfx_Orbit
Syntax: cmd (word)
, angle (word)
, distance (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0012 |
angle | Specifies the angle from the origin to the remote point. The angle is specified in degrees. |
distance | Specifies the distance from the origin to the remote point in pixel units. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), Xdist (word), Ydist (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- Xdist: X coordinate from the current origin.
- Ydist: Y coordinate from the current origin.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), angle(MSB), angle(LSB), distance(MSB), distance(LSB)
0x00, 0x12, 0x00, 0x28, 0x00, 0x3C
// This will calculate the x and y coordinates based on the Angle=40 degrees (0x00, 0x28)
// and the Distance=60 pixels (0x00, 0x3C) from the current origin.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x2D, 0x00, 0x25 assuming the origin is at X=0, Y=0.
// New coordinates are X=45 (0x00, 0x2D) and Y=37 (0x00, 0x25)
Put pixel
The Put Pixel command draws a pixel at position x, y using the specified colour.
Library Function: gfx_PutPixel
Syntax: cmd (word)
, x (word)
, y (word)
, colour
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFC1 |
x, y | Specifies the pixel x, y coordinates. |
colour | Specifies the colour of the pixel. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), x(MSB), x(LSB), y(MSB), y(LSB), colour(MSB), colour(LSB)
0xFF, 0xC1, 0x00, 0x28, 0x00, 0x64, 0xFF, 0xE0
// This will put a pixel at X=40 (0x00, 0x28), Y=100 (0x00, 0x64), and colour the pixel
// Yellow (0xFF, 0xE0).
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Read Pixel
The Read Pixel command reads the colour value of the pixel at position x,y.
Library Function: gfx_GetPixel
Syntax: cmd (word)
x (word)
, y (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFC0 |
x, y | Specifies the pixel x, y coordinates. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), colour (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- colour: 16bit colour of the pixel.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), x(MSB), x(LSB), y(MSB), y(LSB)
0xFF, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x28, 0x00, 0x64
// This will read the colour of a pixel at X=40 (0x00, 0x28), Y=100 (0x00, 0x64)
// The response will be 0x06, 0xFF, 0xE0 if the command is successful,
// assuming the pixel being read is coloured Yellow (0xFF, 0xE0)
Move Origin
The Move Origin command moves the origin to a new position, which is suitable for specifying the location for both graphics and text.
Library Function: gfx_MoveTo
Syntax: cmd (word)
, xpos (word)
, ypos (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFCC |
xpos, ypos | Specifies the horizontal and vertical position of the new origin. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), xpos(MSB), xpos(LSB), ypos(MSB), ypos(LSB)
0xFF, 0xCC, 0x00, 0x32, 0x00, 0x5A
// This will move the Origin to be X=50 (0x00, 0x32), Y=90 (0x00, 0x5A)
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Draw Line & Move Origin
The Draw Line & Move Origin command draws a line from the current origin to a new position. The Origin is then set to the new position. The line is drawn using the current object colour, using the Set Graphics Parameters – Object Colour command. The line may be tessellated with the Line Pattern command.
This command is mostly useful with the Calculate Orbit command, and usually the Draw Line command would be used
Library Function: gfx_LineTo
Syntax: cmd (word)
, xpos (word)
, ypos (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFCA |
xpos, ypos | Specifies the horizontal and vertical position of the line end as well as the new origin. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), xpos(MSB), xpos(LSB), ypos(MSB), ypos(LSB)
0xFF, 0xCA, 0x00, 0xC8, 0x00, 0xFA
// This will draw a line from the current origin (assuming this is X=0,
// Y=0 for this example) to X=200 (0x00, 0xC8), Y=250 (0x00, 0xFA) and set the
// origin to be this point (X=200, Y=250).
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
The Clipping command Enables or Disables the ability for Clipping to be used. The clipping points are set with Set Clip Window and must be set first.
Library Function: gfx_Clipping
Syntax: cmd (word)
, value (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFA2 |
value | 0 = Clipping Disabled, 1 = Clipping Enabled |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), value(MSB), value(LSB)
0xFF, 0xA2, 0x00, 0x01
// This will Enable Clipping
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Set Clip Window
The Set Clip Window command specifies a clipping window region on the screen such that any objects and text placed onto the screen will be clipped and displayed only within that region. For the clipping window to take effect, the clipping setting must be enabled separately using the Clipping command.
Library Function: gfx_ClipWindow
Syntax: cmd (word)
, x1 (word)
, y1 (word)
, x2 (word)
, y2 (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFB5 |
x1, y1 | Specifies the horizontal and vertical position of the top left corner of the clipping window. |
x2, y2 | Specifies the horizontal and vertical position of the bottom right corner of the clipping window. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), x1(MSB), x1(LSB), y1(MSB), y1(LSB), x2(MSB), x2(LSB),
// y2(MSB), y2(LSB)
0xFF, 0xB5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x28, 0x00, 0x28
// This will set the top left of the Clipping Window Region to be X1=0 (0x00, 0x00),
// Y1=0 (0x00, 0x00), and bottom right to be X2=40 (0x00, 0x28), Y2=40 (0x00, 0x28)
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Extend Clip Region
The Extend Clip Region command forces the clip region to the extent of the last text that was printed, or the last image that was shown.
Library Function: gfx_SetClipRegion
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFB3 |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0xFF, 0xB3
// This will extend the clip region to the extent of the last text or image that was shown.
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Draw Ellipse
The Draw Ellipse command plots a coloured Ellipse on the screen at centre x, y with x-radius = xrad and y-radius = yrad.
Library Function: gfx_Ellipse
Syntax: cmd (word)
, x (word)
, y (word)
, xrad (word)
, yrad (word)
, colour (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFB2 |
x, y | Specifies the horizontal and vertical position of the centre of ellipse. |
xrad | Specifies x-radius of the ellipse. |
yrad | Specifies y-radius of the ellipse. |
colour | Specifies the colour of the ellipse. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), x(MSB), x(LSB), y(MSB), y(LSB), xrad(MSB), xrad(LSB), yrad(MSB),
// yrad(LSB), colour(MSB), colour(LSB)
0xFF, 0xB2, 0x00, 0x5A, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x0F, 0xFF, 0xDE
// This will draw an Ellipse at X=90 (0x00, 0x5A), Y=60 (0x00, 0x3C),
// where the x-Radius is 20 (0x00, 0x14), and the y-Radius is 15 (0x00, 0x0F),
// where the colour is Cream (0xFF, 0xDE)
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Draw Filled Ellipse
The Draw Filled Ellipse command plots a solid coloured Ellipse on the screen at centre x,y with x-radius = xrad and y-radius = yrad
Library Function: gfx_EllipseFilled
Syntax: cmd (word)
, x (word)
, y (word)
, xrad (word)
, yrad (word)
, colour (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFB1 |
x, y | Specifies the horizontal and vertical position of the centre of ellipse. |
xrad | Specifies x-radius of the ellipse. |
yrad | Specifies y-radius of the ellipse. |
colour | Specifies the colour of the ellipse. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), x(MSB), x(LSB), y(MSB), y(LSB), xrad(MSB), xrad(LSB), yrad(MSB),
// yrad(LSB), colour(MSB), colour(LSB)
0xFF, 0xB1, 0x00, 0x5A, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x0F, 0xFD, 0x20
// This will draw an Ellipse at X=90 (0x00, 0x5A), Y=60 (0x00, 0x3C),
// where the x-Radius is 20 (0x00, 0x14), and the y-Radius is 15 (0x00, 0x0F),
// where the colour is Orange (0xFD, 0x20)
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Draw Button
The Draw Button command draws a 3 dimensional Text Button at screen location defined by x, y parameters (top left corner). The size of the button depends on the font, width, height and length of the text. The button can contain multiple lines of text by having the \n character embedded in the string for the end of line marker. In this case, the widest text in the string sets the overall width, and the height of the button is set by the number of text lines. In the case of multiple lines, each line is left justified. If you wish to centre or right justify the text, you will need to prepare the text string according to your requirements.
Library Function: gfx_Button
Syntax: cmd (word)
, state (word)
, x (word)
, y (word)
, buttoncolour (word)
, txtcolour (word)
, font (word)
, txtWidth (word)
, txtHeight (word)
, text (string)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0011 |
state | Appearance of button, 0 = Button depressed; 1 = Button raised. |
x, y | Specifies the top left corner position of the button on the screen. |
buttonColour | Button colour. |
txtColour | Text colour. |
font | Specifies the Font ID. |
txtWidth | Specifies the width of the text. This value is the font width multiplier and minimum value must be 1. |
txtHeight | Specifies the height of the text. This value is the font height multiplier and minimum value must be 1. |
text | Specifies the text string. The text string must be within the range of printable ASCII character set. The string may have \n characters embedded to create a multiline button. String must be Null terminated. char0, char1, char2, …, charN, NULL |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), state(MSB), state(LSB), x(MSB), x(LSB), y(MSB), y(LSB),
// buttoncolour(MSB), buttoncolour(LSB), txtcolour(MSB), txtcolour(LSB), font(MSB),
// font(LSB), txtWidth(MSB), txtWidth(LSB), txtHeight(MSB), txtHeight(LSB), char0, char1,
// char2, char3, char4, char5, char6, char7, char8, NULL
0x00, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0x50, 0x07, 0xFF, 0x90, 0x1A, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x50, 0x72, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x20, 0x4D, 0x65, 0x00
// This will create a Button with the Up State being OFF, positioned at X=80 (0x00, 0x50),
// Y=80 (0x00, 0x50), where the Button Colour is Aqua (0x07, 0xFF), and the Text Colour is
// Dark Violet (0x90, 0x1A), the text Font is FONT2 (0x00, 0x01), the Text Width multiplier
// is 1 (0x00, 0x01), and the Text Height multiplier is also 1 (0x00, 0x01), and the
// Text states “Press Me” and is Null Terminated.
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Draw Panel
The Draw Panel command draws a 3 dimensional rectangular panel at a screen location defined by x, y parameters (top left corner). The size of the panel is set with the width and height parameters. The colour is defined by colour. The state parameter determines the appearance of the panel, 0 = recessed, 1 = raised.
Library Function: gfx_Panel
Syntax: cmd (word)
, state (word)
, x (word)
, y (word)
, Width (word)
, Height (word)
, colour (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFAF |
state | Appearance of panel, 0 = recessed; 1 = raised. |
x, y | Specifies the top left corner position of the panel on the screen. |
Width | Specifies the width of the panel. |
Height | Specifies the Height of the panel. |
colour | Specifies the colour of the panel. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), state(MSB), state(LSB), x(MSB), x(LSB), y(MSB), y(LSB), Width(MSB),
// Width(LSB), Height(MSB), Height(LSB) colour(MSB), colour(LSB)
0xFF, 0xAF, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xC8, 0x00, 0xB4, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0xFF, 0x9C
// This will draw a Rectangular Panel which has a Raised Profile, located at
// X=200 (0x00, 0xC8), Y=180 (0x00, 0xB4), where the Text Width multiplier is 1 (0x00, 0x01)
// and the Text Height multiplier is 1 (0x00, 0x01), and the colour is Linen (0xFF, 0x9C).
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Draw Slider
The Draw Slider command draws a vertical or horizontal slider bar on the screen. The Draw Slider command has several different modes of operation. In order to minimise the amount of graphics functions we need, all modes of operation are selected naturally depending on the parameter values.
Selection rules:
- If x2-x1 > y2-y1 slider is assumed to be horizontal (ie: if width > height, slider is horizontal)
- If x2-x1 <= y2-y1 slider is assumed to be vertical (ie: if height <= width, slider is horizontal)
- If value is positive, thumb is set to the position that is the proportion of value to the scale parameter.(used to set the control to the actual value of a variable)
- If value is negative, thumb is driven to the graphics position set by the ABSolute of value. (used to set thumb to its actual graphical position (usually by touch screen))
- The thumb colour is determine by the Set Graphics Parameters – Object Colour command, however, if the current object colour is BLACK, a darkened shade of the colour parameter is used for the thumb.
Library Function: gfx_Slider
Syntax: cmd (word)
, mode (word)
, x1 (word)
, y1 (word)
, x2 (word)
, y2 (word)
, colour (word)
, scale (word)
, value (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFAE |
mode | mode = 0 : Slider Indented. mode = 1 : Slider Raised. mode 2, Slider Hidden (background colour). |
x1, y1 | Specifies the top left corner position of the slider on the screen. |
x2, y2 | Specifies the bottom right corner position of the slider on the screen. |
colour | Specifies the colour of the Slider bar. |
scale | scale = n : sets the full scale range of the slider for the thumb from 0 to n. |
value | If value positive, sets the relative position of the thumb on the slider bar, else set thumb to ABS position of the negative number. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), mode(MSB), mode(LSB), x1(MSB), x1(LSB), y1(MSB), y1(LSB), x2(MSB),
// x2(LSB), y2(MSB), y2(LSB), colour(MSB), colour(LSB), scale(MSB), scale(LSB), value(MSB),
// value(LSB)
0xFF, 0xAE, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x28, 0x00, 0xD2, 0x00, 0x5A, 0x89, 0x5C, 0x00,
0x64, 0x00, 0x00
// This will create a Slider with a Raised Profile, with top left corner positioned at
// X1=30 (0x00, 0x1E), Y1=40 (0x00, 0x28), and bottom right corner positioned at X2=210
// (0x00, 0xD2), Y2=90 (0x00, 0x5A), where the slider colour is Blue Violet (0x89, 0x5C),
// Full scale is 100 (0x00, 0x64), and the value of the Thumb Slider is at 0 (0x00, 0x00)
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Screen Copy Paste
The Screen Copy Paste command copies an area of a screen from xs, ys of size given by width and height parameters and pastes it to another location determined by xd, yd.
Library Function: gfx_ScreenCopyPaste
Syntax: cmd (word)
, xs (word)
, ys (word)
, xd (word)
, yd (word)
, width (word)
, height (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFAD |
xs, ys | Specifies the horizontal and vertical position of the top left corner of the area to be copied (source). |
xd, yd | Specifies the horizontal and vertical position of the top left corner of where the paste is to be made (destination). |
width | Specifies the width of the copied area. |
height | Specifies the height of the copied area. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), xs(MSB), xs(LSB), ys(MSB), ys(LSB), xd(MSB), xd(LSB), yd(MSB),
// yd(LSB), width(MSB), width(LSB), height(MSB), height(LSB)
0xFF, 0xAD, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x5A, 0x01, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x5A, 0x00, 0x1E
// This will copy a section of the screen from X1=10 (0x00, 0x0A), Y1=30 (0x00, 0x1E)
// and paste it at X2=90 (0x00, 0x5A), Y2=270 (0x01, 0x0E), where the Width to copy/paste
// is 90 (0x00, 0x5A) and the Height is 30 (0x00, 0x1E)
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Bevel Shadow
The Bevel Shadow command changes the graphics Draw Button commands bevel shadow depth.
Library Function: gfx_BevelShadow
Syntax: cmd (word)
, value (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF98 |
value | 0 = No Bevel Shadow 1-4 = Number of Pixels Deep (Default = 3) |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status: Previous Bevel Shadow status.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), value(MSB), value(LSB)
0xFF, 0x98, 0x00, 0x02
// This will set the Bevel Shadow depth to be 2 pixels
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x03 assuming the previous Bevel Shadow Depth was
// set to 3 (0x00, 0x03) and if the command is successful
Bevel Width
The Bevel Width command changes the graphics Draw Button commands bevel width.
Library Function: gfx_BevelWidth
Syntax: cmd (word)
, value (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF99 |
value | 0 = No Bevel 1-15 = Number of Pixels Wide (Default = 2) |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status: Previous Bevel Width status.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), value(MSB), value(LSB)
0xFF, 0x98, 0x00, 0x0B
// This will set the Bevel Width to be 11 pixels
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x02 assuming the previous Bevel Shadow Depth was
// set to 2 (0x00, 0x04) and if the command is successful
Background Colour
The Background Colour command sets the screen background colour.
Library Function: gfx_BGcolour
Syntax: cmd (word)
, colour (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFA4 |
colour | Specifies the colour to be set (0-65535 or HEX 0x0000-0xFFFF) |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), colour (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- colour: Previous Background Colour.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), colour(MSB), colour(LSB)
0xFF, 0xA4, 0x00, 0x10
// This will set the Background Colour to be Navy (0x00, 0x10)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 assuming the previous Background Colour was
// Black (0x00, 0x00) and if the command is successful
Outline Colour
The Outline Colour command sets the outline colour for rectangles and circles.
Library Function: gfx_OutlineColour
Syntax: cmd (word)
, colour (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF9D |
colour | Specifies the colour to be set (0-65535 or HEX 0x0000-0xFFFF), set to 0 for no effect. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), colour (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- colour: Previous Outline Colour.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), colour(MSB), colour(LSB)
0xFF, 0x9D, 0xF8, 0x1F
// This will set the Outline Colour to be Fuchsia (0xF8, 0x1F)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x1F assuming the previous Outline Colour was
// Blue (0x00, 0x1F) and if the command is successful
The Contrast Command sets the contrast of the display, or turns it On/Off depending on display model.
Library Function: gfx_Contrast
Syntax: cmd (word)
, contrast (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF9C |
contrast | Contrast 0 = display OFF, non-zero = display ON EXCEPTION: uLCD-43 supports Contrast values from 1-15 and 0 to turn the Display off. 3202X-P1 supports Contrast values from 1 to 9 and 0 to turn the Display off. Note: Does not apply to uVGA-II/III modules. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Previous Contrast value.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), contrast(MSB), contrast(LSB)
0xFF, 0x9C, 0x00, 0x06
// This will set the Contrast of the display (example is a uLCD-43PT) to be 6
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 assuming the previous Contrast was
// Display Off (0x00, 0x00) and if the command is successful
Frame Delay
The Frame Delay command sets the inter frame delay for the Media Video command.
Library Function: gfx_FrameDelay
Syntax: cmd (word)
, Msec (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF9F |
Msec | 0-255 milliseconds |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Previous Frame Delay value.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), Msec(MSB), Msec(LSB)
0xFF, 0x9F, 0x00, 0x05
// This will set the Contrast of the display (example is a uLCD-43PT) to be 5 milliseconds
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 assuming the previous Frame Delay value was
// 0 (0x00, 0x00) and if the command is successful
Line Pattern
The Line Pattern command sets the line draw pattern for line drawing. If set to zero, lines are solid, else each '1' bit represents a pixel that is turned off.
Library Function: gfx_LinePattern
Syntax: cmd (word)
, pattern (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF9B |
pattern | 0 = all line pixels are on (Default) 0-65535 (or HEX 0x0000-0xFFFF) = number of bits in the line are turned off to form a pattern. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Previous Line Pattern value.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), pattern(MSB), pattern(LSB)
0xFF, 0x9B, 0x00, 0x08
// This will set the Line Pattern of the line to be drawn to have 8 bits out of the
// 65535 turned off.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 assuming the previous Line Pattern value was
// 0 (0x00, 0x00) and if the command is successful
Screen Mode
The Screen Mode command alters the graphics orientation LANDSCAPE, LANDSCAPE_R, PORTRAIT, PORTRAIT_R.
Library Function: gfx_ScreenMode
Syntax: cmd (word)
, mode (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF9E |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Previous Screen Mode value.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), mode(MSB), mode(LSB)
0xFF, 0x9E, 0x00, 0x00
// This will set the Screen Mode of the display to be Landscape.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x02 assuming the previous Screen Mode value was
// Portrait (0x00, 0x02) and if the command is successful
The Transparency command turns the transparency ON or OFF. Transparency is automatically turned OFF after the next image or video command.
Library Function: gfx_Transparency
Syntax: cmd (word)
, mode (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFA0 |
mode | 0 = Transparency OFF 1 = Transparency ON |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Previous Transparency value.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), mode(MSB), mode(LSB)
0xFF, 0xA0, 0x00, 0x01
// This will set the Transparency of the display to be ON.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 assuming the previous Transparency value was
// OFF (0x00, 0x00) and if the command is successful
Transparent Colour
The Transparent Colour command alters the colour that needs to be made transparent.
Library Function: gfx_TransparentColour
Syntax: cmd (word)
, mode (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFA1 |
mode | 0-65535 (or HEX 0x0000-0xFFFF) = colour to make transparent. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Previous Transparent Colour value.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), mode(MSB), mode(LSB)
0xFF, 0xA1, 0x84, 0x00
// This will set the Transparent Colour of the display to be Olive (0x84, 0x00).
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 assuming the previous Transparent Colour value was
// Black (0x00, 0x00) and if the command is successful
Set Graphics Parameters
Returns various graphics parameters to the caller.
Library Function: gfx_Set
Syntax: cmd (word)
, function (word)
, value (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFCE |
function | See the list below. |
value | See the list below. |
function | value |
Function = 18 Object Colour Sets the Object colour used in various functions such as Draw Slider and Draw Line & Move Origin |
0 – 65535 or 0 - 0xFFFF |
Function = 32 Screen Resolution Set VGA Screen resolution. Applies to uVGA-II and uVGA-III only |
0 for 320x240 1 for 640 x 480 2 for 800 x 480 |
Function = 33 Page Display Choose Page to be displayed. Value depends on the resolution set. Applies to uVGA-II, uVGA-III and uLCD-43 range only. |
e.g. 0-4 for 320x240 resolution on a uVGA-II and uVGA-III |
Function = 34 Page Read Choose the Page to be read. Value depends on the resolution set. Applies to uVGA-II, uVGA-III and uLCD-43 range only.. |
e.g. 0-4 for 320x240 resolution on a uVGA-II and uVGA-III |
Function = 35 Page Write Choose the Page to be written. Value depends on the resolution set. Applies to uVGA-II, uVGA-III and uLCD-43 range only. |
e.g. 0-4 for 320x240 resolution on a uVGA-II and uVGA-III |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), function(MSB), function(LSB), value(MSB), value(LSB)
0xFF, 0xCE, 0x00, 0x12, 0x04, 0x00
// This will call the Object Colour command and set the object colour to be
// Green (0x04, 0x00)
// The response will be 0x06 if successful
Get Graphics Parameters
Returns various graphics parameters to the caller.
Library Function: gfx_Get
Syntax: cmd (word)
, mode (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFA6 |
mode | mode = 0 : Current orientations maximum X value (X_MAX) mode = 1 : Current orientations maximum Y value (Y_MAX) mode = 2 : Left location of last Object mode = 3 : Top location of Object mode = 4 : Right location of last Object mode = 5 : Bottom location of Object |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value(word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value:
- Mode0: Returns the maximum horizontal resolution of the display, minus 1. X_MAX returns Horizontal Resolution - 1.
- Mode1: Returns the maximum vertical resolution of the display, minus 1. Y_MAX returns Vertical Resolution - 1.
- Mode2: Returns the left location of the last drawn object.
- Mode3: Returns the top location of the last drawn object.
- Mode4: Returns the right location of the last drawn object.
- Mode5: Returns the bottom location of the last drawn object.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), mode(MSB), mode(LSB)
0xFF, 0xA6, 0x00, 0x01
// This will request the display current maximum Y value based on the screens orientation.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0xEF which is ACK followed by 239 (0x00, 0xEF)
// assuming the display is in Landscape mode, with 239 Pixels in the Y Direction.
// The return is 0 based, so it’s the resolution – 1.
Media Commands (SD/SDHC Memory Cards)
The following is a summary of the commands available to be used for Media:
- Media Init
- Set Byte Address
- Set Sector Address
- Read Sector
- Write Sector
- Read Byte
- Read Word
- Write Byte
- Write Word
- Flush Media
- Display Image (RAW)
- Display Video (RAW)
- Display Video Frame (RAW)
Media Init
The Media Init command initialises a uSD/SD/SDHC memory card for further operations. The SD card is connected to the SPI (serial peripheral interface) of the Picaso-GFX2 chip.
Library Function: media_Init
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF89 |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value(word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value:
- 1 if memory card is present and successfully initialised.
- 0 if no card is present or not able to initialise.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0xFF, 0x89
// This command will initialize a uSD/SD/SDHC memory card so it can be used
// for further operations.
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Set Byte Address
The Set Byte Address command sets the media memory internal Address pointer for access at a non-sector aligned byte address.
Library Function: media_SetAdd
Syntax: cmd (word)
, HIword (word)
, LOword (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF93 |
HIword | Specifies the high word (upper 2 bytes) of a 4 byte media memory byte address location. |
LOword | Specifies the low word (lower 2 bytes) of a 4 byte media memory byte address location. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), HIword(MSB), HIword(LSB), LOword(MSB), LOword(LSB)
0xFF, 0x93, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01
// This will set the media address to byte 513 (0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01)
// (which is sector #1, 2nd byte in sector) for subsequent operations.
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Set Sector Address
The Set Sector Address command sets the media memory internal Address pointer for sector access.
Library Function: media_SetSector
Syntax: cmd (word)
, HIword (word)
, LOword (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF92 |
HIword | Specifies the high word (upper 2 bytes) of a 4 byte media memory sector address location. |
LOword | Specifies the low word (lower 2 bytes) of a 4 byte media memory sector address location. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), HIword(MSB), HIword(LSB), LOword(MSB), LOword(LSB)
0xFF, 0x92, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0A
// This will set the media address to the 11th (0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0A)
// sector (which is also byte address 5120) for subsequent operations
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
Read Sector
The Read Sector command reads and returns 512 bytes (256 words) pointed to by the internal Sector pointer, determined by the Set Sector Address command. After the read the Sector pointer is automatically incremented by 1.
Library Function: media_RdSector
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0016 |
Returns: acknowledge (byte) , status (word), block (sector)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status: 1 for successful media response. 0 for attempt failed.
- block: 512 bytes (256 words)
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0x00, 0x16
// This will initiate the read and return of 512 bytes starting where the
// Set Sector Address command was set to.
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
See also
The Media Init command to enable the media to be ready for access, and Set Sector Address command to define where reading is to occur.
Write Sector
The Write Sector command writes 512 bytes (256 words) from a source memory block into the uSD card. After the write the Sect pointer is automatically incremented by 1.
Library Function: media_WrSector
Syntax: cmd (word)
. block (sector)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0017 |
block | 512 bytes (256 words) to be written to the media sector address. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte) , status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status: 1 for successful media response. 0 for attempt failed.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), block(sector)
0x00, 0x17, 0x…(512 Bytes worth of data)…
// This will transfer a 512 bytes block of data to the address pointed to by the
// “Set Sector Address” command.
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
See also
The Media Init command to enable the media to be ready for access, and Set Sector Address command to define where writing is to occur.
Read Byte
The Read Byte command returns the byte value from the current media address, set by the Set Byte Address command. The internal byte address will then be internally incremented by one.
Library Function: media_ReadByte
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF8F |
Returns: acknowledge (byte) , value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Byte value in the LSB.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0xFF, 0x8F
// This will read and return the byte value from the media address set by the
// Set Byte Address command.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0xFF assuming the value being read was
// 255 (0x00, 0xFF).
// Due to the Picaso being a 16bit system, each byte is reported in word format
// (2 bytes).
See also
The Media Init command to enable the media to be ready for access, and Set Byte Address command to define where reading is to occur.
Read Word
The Read Word command returns the word value (2 bytes) from the current media address, set by the Set Byte Address command. The internal byte address will then be internally incremented by one. If the address is not aligned, the word will still be read correctly.
Library Function: media_ReadWord
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF8E |
Returns: acknowledge (byte) , value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Word value.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0xFF, 0x8E
// This will read and return the byte value from the media address set by the
// Set Byte Address command.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x3B, 0xAF assuming the value being read was
// 15279 (0x3B, 0xAF).
See also
The Media Init command to enable the media to be ready for access, and Set Byte Address command to define where reading is to occur.
Write Byte
Writes a byte to the current media address that was initially set with the Set Sector Address command.
Writing bytes or words to a media sector must start from the beginning of the sector. All writes will be incremental until the Flush Media command is executed, or the sector address rolls over to the next sector. When the Flush Media command is called, any remaining bytes in the sector will be padded with 0xFF, destroying the previous contents. An attempt to use the Set Byte Address command will result in the lower 9 bits being interpreted as zero. If the writing rolls over to the next sector, the Flush Media command is issued automatically internally.
Library Function: media_WriteByte
Syntax: cmd (word)
, value (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF8D |
value | Byte value, in the LSB, to be written at the current byte address location. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte) , status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status: Non Zero for successful media response. 0 for attempt failed.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), value(MSB), value(LSB)
0xFF, 0x8D, 0x00, 0x61
// This will write the ASCII character ‘a’ (0x00, 0x61) as a byte to the media address
// set by Set Sector Address.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the value being written was successful.
See also the Media Init command to enable the media to be ready for access, and Set Sector Address command to define where writing is to occur.
Write Word
Writes a word to the current media address that was initially set with the Set Sector Address command.
Writing bytes or words to a media sector must start from the beginning of the sector. All writes will be incremental until the Flush Media command is executed, or the sector address rolls over to the next sector. When Flush Media command is called, any remaining bytes in the sector will be padded with 0xFF, destroying the previous contents. An attempt to use the Set Byte Address command will result in the lower 9 bits being interpreted as zero. If the writing rolls over to the next sector, the Flush Media command is issued automatically internally.
Library Function: media_WriteWord
Syntax: cmd (word)
, value (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF8C |
value | The 16 bit word to be written at the current media address location. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte) , status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status: Non Zero for successful media response. 0 for attempt failed.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), value(MSB), value(LSB)
0xFF, 0x8C, 0x00, 0x41
// This will write the ASCII character ‘A’ (0x00, 0x41) as a word to the media address
// set by Set Sector Address.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the value being written was successful.
See also
The Media Init command to enable the media to be ready for access, and Set Sector Address command to define where writing is to occur.
Flush Media
After writing any data to a sector, the Flush Media command should be called to ensure that the current sector that is being written is correctly stored back to the media else write operations may be unpredictable.
Library Function: media_Flush
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF8A |
Returns: acknowledge (byte) , status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status: Non Zero for successful media response. 0 for attempt failed.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0xFF, 0x8A
// This command will ensure data written to the current sector is correctly stored
// to the media.
// The response will be 0x06, 0xFF, 0xFF if the command is successful (see Status above)
Display Image (RAW)
Displays an image from the media storage at the specified co-ordinates. The image address is previously specified with the Set Byte Address command or Set Sector Address command. If the image is shown partially off screen, it may not be displayed correctly.
Library Function: media_Image
Syntax: cmd (word)
, x (word)
, y (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF8B |
x, y | Specifies the top left position where the image will be displayed. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), x(MSB), x(LSB), y(MSB), y(LSB)
0xFF, 0x8B, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x14
// This will display an image at X=10 (0x00, 0x0A), Y=20 (0x00, 0x14) from the media
// storage location specified.
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
See also
The Media Init command to enable the media to be ready for access, and Set Byte Address or Set Sector Address commands to define where reading is to occur.
Display Video (RAW)
Displays a video clip from the media storage device at the specified co-ordinates. The video address location in the media is previously specified with the Set Byte Address or Set Sector Address commands. If the video is shown partially off screen, it may not be displayed correctly. Note that showing a video blocks all other processes until the video has finished showing. See the Display Video Frame command for alternatives.
Library Function: media_Video
Syntax: cmd (word)
, x (word)
, y (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF95 |
x, y | Specifies the top left position where the video clip will be displayed. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), x(MSB), x(LSB), y(MSB), y(LSB)
0xFF, 0x95, 0x00, 0x32, 0x00, 0x0A
// This will display a video clip at X=50 (0x00, 0x32), Y=10 (0x00, 0x0A) from the
// media storage device location specified.
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
See also
The Media Init command to enable the media to be ready for access, and Set Byte Address or Set Sector Address commands to define where reading is to occur. See the Display Video Frames command for an alternative.
Display Video Frame (RAW)
Displays a video from the media storage device at the specified co-ordinates. The video address is previously specified with the Set Byte Address command or Set Sector Address command. If the video is shown partially off it may not be displayed correctly. The frames can be shown in any order. This function gives you great flexibility for showing various icons from an image strip, as well as showing videos while doing other tasks.
The Display Video Frame (RAW) command will now show an error box for out of range video frames. Also, if frame is set to -1, just a rectangle will be drawn in background colour to blank an image. It applies to PmmC R29 or above.
Library Function: media_VideoFrame
Syntax: cmd (word)
, x (word)
, y (word)
, frameNumber (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF94 |
x, y | Specifies the top left position of the video frame to be displayed. |
frameNumber | Specifies the required frame number to be displayed. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), x(MSB), x(LSB), y(MSB), y(LSB), frameNumber(MSB), frameNumber(LSB)
0xFF, 0x94, 0x00, 0x23, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x2D
// This will display frame number 45 (0x00, 0x2D) of the video clip stored at the address
// specified, and display it at location X=35 (0x00, 0x23), Y=5 (0x00, 0x05).
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
See also
The Media Init command to enable the media to be ready for access, and Set Byte Address or Set Sector Address commands to define where reading is to occur.
Serial (UART) Communications Commands
The following is a summary of the commands available to be used for Serial (UART) Communications:
- Set Baud Rate
Set Baud Rate
The Set Baud Rate command is used to set the required baud rate. To set the default baud rate, please refer to the instructions in Introduction to using Workshop4 in the Serial Environment.
Library Function: setbaudWait
Syntax: cmd (word)
, index (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0026 |
index | Specifies the baud rate index value. Refer to the baud rate index table below. |
Baud Rate Index Table
index | Required Baud Rate | %Error | Actual Baud Rate |
0 | 110 | 0.00% | 110 |
1 | 300 | 0.00% | 300 |
2 | 600 | 0.01% | 600 |
3 | 1200 | 0.03% | 1200 |
4 | 2400 | 0.07% | 2402 |
5 | 4800 | 0.16% | 4808 |
6 | 9600 | 0.33% | 9632 |
7 | 14400 | 0.16% | 14423 |
8 | 19200 | 0.33% | 19264 |
9 | 31250 | 0.00% | 31250 |
10 | 38400 | 0.33% | 38527 |
11 | 56000 | 0.45% | 56250 |
12 | 57600 | 1.73% | 58594 |
13 | 115200 | 1.73% | 117188 |
14 | 128000 | 4.63% | 133929 |
15 | 256000 | 9.86% | 281250 |
16 | 300000 | 4.17% | 312500 |
17 | 375000 | 7.14% | 401786 |
18 | 500000 | 12.50% | 562500 |
19 | 600000 | 17.19% | 703125 |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), index(MSB), index(LSB)
0x00, 0x26, 0x00, 0x0D
// This will set the baud rate to be 115200, which is Index 13 (0x00, 0x0D)
// The response will be 0x06 at the new baud rate set, 100ms after the command is sent
Timer Commands
The following is a summary of the commands available to be used for the Timers:
- Sleep
The Sleep command puts the display and processor into low power mode for a period of time. If "units" is zero, the display goes into sleep mode forever and needs power cycling to re-initialize. If "units" is 1 to 65535, the display will sleep for that period of time, or will be woken when touch screen is touched. The function returns the count of "units" that are remaining when the screen was touched. When returning from sleep mode, the display and processor are restored from low power mode.
Prior to PmmC R33, the Sleep command units were not approximately a second in length. This was fixed in R33.
Library Function: sys_Sleep
Syntax: cmd (word)
, units (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF3B |
units | When in sleep mode, timing is controlled by an RC oscillator, therefore, timing is not totally accurate and should not be relied on for timing purposes. Sleep timer units may vary, however 1 unit is approximately 1 second. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte) , units (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- units: Remaining time units when touch screen is touched, else returns zero.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), units(MSB), units(LSB)
0xFF, 0x3B, 0x00, 0x0A
// This will put the display to sleep for 10 (0x00, 0x0A) ‘units’, or approximately
// 10 seconds.
// If the display is touched in this time, it will return the number of ‘units’
// remaining in the timer.
// The response is 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 assuming the display was not touched during
// this period.
FAT16 File Commands
The following is a summary of the commands available to be used for FAT16:
- File Error
- File Count
- List Filenames
- Find First File
- Find First File and Report
- Find Next File
- Find Next File and Report
- Find Exists
- File Open
- File Close
- File Read
- File Seek
- File Index
- File Tell
- File Write
- File Size
- Display Image (FAT)
- Screen Capture
- Write Character to the File
- Read Character from the File
- Write Word to the File
- Read Word from the File
- Write String to the File
- Read String from the File
- File Erase
- File Rewind
- File Load Function
- File Call Function
- File Run
- File Execute
- Load Image Control
- File Mount
- File Unmount
- Play WAV File
- Load String for 4XE/4FN File
- Read String for 4XE/4FN File
File Error
Returns the most recent error code or 0 if there were no errors.
Library Function: file_Error
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF1F |
Returns: acknowledge (byte) , ErrorNumber (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- ErrorNumber: Returns Error Number. Please refer to the error number table below.
Error number table
ErrorNumber | Description |
1 | IDE command execution error |
2 | CARD not present |
3 | WRONG partition type, not FAT16 |
4 | MBR sector invalid signature |
5 | Boot Record invalid signature |
6 | Media not mounted |
7 | File not found in open for read |
8 | File not open |
9 | Fat attempt to read beyond EOF |
10 | Reached the end of file |
11 | Invalid cluster value > maxcls |
12 | All root dir entry are taken |
13 | All clusters in partition are taken |
14 | A file with same name exist already |
15 | Cannot init the CARD |
16 | Cannot read the MBR |
17 | Malloc could not allocate the FILE struct |
18 | Mode was not r.w. |
19 | Failure during FILE search |
20 | Invalid Filename |
21 | bad media |
22 | Sector Read fail |
23 | Sector write fail |
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), line(MSB), line(LSB), column(MSB), column(LSB)
0xFF, 0x1F
// This will request the most recent error code from the display.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x02 assuming the most recent error was 2 (0x00, 0x02)
// Card not Present.
File Count
Returns number of files found that match the criteria.
The wild card character '*'matches up with any combination of allowable characters and '?' matches up with any single allowable character.
Library Function: file_Count
Syntax: cmd (word)
. filename (string)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0001 |
filename | Name of the file(s) for the search (passed as a string). Filename must be 8.3 format. char0, char1, char2, …, charN, NULL |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), count (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- count: Number of files that match the criteria.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), char0, char1, char2, NULL
0x00, 0x01, 0x2A, 0x2E, 0x2A, 0x00
// This will request the display to return the number of files on the disk,
// by sending the string “*.*” (0x2A, 0x2E, 0x2A) followed by a NULL.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x23 assuming there are 35 (0x00, 0x23)
// files located on the root of the micro SD card.
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
List Filenames
Lists the stream of file names that agree with the search key on the Display Screen. Returns number of files found that match the criteria. The wild card character '*' matches up with any combination of allowable characters and '?' matches up with any single allowable character.
Find First File and Report and Find Next File and Report are recommended alternatives in order to return the responses.
Library Function: file_Dir
Syntax: cmd (word)
, filename (string)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0002 |
filename | Name of the file(s) for the search (passed as a string). Filename must be 8.3 format. char0, char1, char2, …, charN, NULL |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), count (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- count: Number of files that match the criteria.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), char0, char1, char2, char3, char4, NULL
0x00, 0x02, 0x2A, 0x2E, 0x34, 0x58, 0x45, 0x00
// This will list on the display all the files on the root of the uSD card that fall in the
// category of “*.4XE” (0x2A, 0x2E, 0x34, 0x58, 0x45) followed by a NULL.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x03 assuming there are 3 (0x00, 0x03) files located on
// the root of the micro SD card with the extension *.4XE
// The listing of these 3 files will also be displayed on the screen.
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
Find First File and Report and Find Next File and Report commands as alternatives which return the responses.
Find First File
Returns true if at least 1 file exists that satisfies the file argument.
Wildcards are usually used so if the Find First File command returns true, further tests can be made using the Find Next File command to find all the files that match the wildcard class. Note that the filename is printed on the screen.
Find First File and Report and Find Next File and Report are recommended alternatives in order to return the responses.
Library Function: file_FindFirst
Syntax: cmd (word)
, filename (string)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0006 |
filename | Name of the file(s) for the search (passed as a string). Filename must be 8.3 format. char0, char1, char2, …, charN, NULL |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status:
- 1: If at least one file exists that satisfies the criteria.
- 0: If no file satisfies the criteria.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), char0, char1, char2, char3, char4, NULL
0x00, 0x06, 0x2E, 0x2A, 0x47, 0x43, 0x49, 0x00
// This will list on the display the first file on the root of the uSD card that falls in
// the category of “*.GCI” (0x2E, 0x2A, 0x47, 0x43, 0x49) followed by a NULL.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming there was at least 1 (0x00, 0x01)
// file located on the root of the micro SD card that satisfied this search.
// The listing of this file will also be displayed on the screen.
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system. Find Next File command, to find the next file which meets the criteria. Find First File and Report and Find Next File and Report commands as alternatives which return the responses.
Find First File and Report
The Find First File and Report command returns the length of the filename and the filename if at least 1 file exists that matches the criteria.
Wildcards are usually used so if Find First File and Report command returns the stringlength and filename, further tests can be made using Find Next File or Find Next File and Report commands to find all the files that match the wildcard class.
Library Function: file_FindFirstRet
Syntax: cmd (word)
, filename (string)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0024 |
filename | Name of the file(s) for the search (passed as a string). Filename must be 8.3 format. char0, char1, char2, …, charN, NULL |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), stringlength (word), filename (string)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- stringlength: Length of the File-name string.
- filename: Filename if it exists. Filename string is not NULL terminated.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), char0, char1, char2, char3, char4, NULL
0x00, 0x24, 0x2E, 0x2A, 0x47, 0x43, 0x49, 0x00
// This will list on the display the first file on the root of the uSD card that falls in
// the category of “*.GCI” (0x2A, 0x2E, 0x47, 0x43, 0x49) followed by a NULL.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x07, 0x42, 0x6F, 0x62, 0x2A, 0x47, 0x43, 0x49
// assuming there was a file in the root of the uSD card called “Bob.GCI”,
// where the reported length of the filename was 7 (0x00, 0x07),
// and the filename was reported “Bob.GCI” (0x42, 0x6F, 0x62, 0x2E, 0x47, 0x43, 0x49)
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system. Find Next File and Report and Find Next File commands to find the next file which meets the criteria.
Find Next File
The Find Next File command returns true if more file exists that satisfies the file argument that was given for the Find First File or Find First File and Report commands. Wildcards must be used for the Find First File or Find First File and Report commands else this function will always return zero as the only occurrence will have already been found. Note that the filename is printed on the screen.
Library Function: file_FindNext
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF1B |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status:
- 1: If at least one file exists that satisfies the criteria.
- 0: If no file satisfies the criteria.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0xFF, 0x2B
// This will find the next file that meets the criteria specified in the Find First File or
// Find First File and Report commands used previously.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming there is another file found that matches
// the criteria.
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system. Find First File command, to find the first file which meets the criteria. Find First File and Report and Find Next File and Report commands as alternatives which return the responses.
Find Next File and Report
Returns length of the filename and the filename if at least 1 file exists that matches the criteria given for the Find First File or Find First File and Report commands. Wildcards must be used for the Find First File or Find First File and Report commands else this function will always return zero as the only occurrence will have already been found.
Wildcards are usually used, so if the Find First File or Find First File and Report commands return the stringlength and filename, further tests can be made using Find Next File and Report command to find all the files that match the wildcard class.
Library Function: file_FindNextRet
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0025 |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), stringlength (word), filename (string)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- stringlength: Length of the File-name string.
- filename: Filename if it exists. Filename string is not NULL terminated.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0x00, 0x25
// This will find the next file that meets the criteria specified in the Find First File or
// Find First File and Report commands used previously.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x07, 0x42, 0x6F, 0x62, 0x2E, 0x47, 0x43, 0x49 assuming
// there was a file in the root of the uSD card that matched the wild card search criteria
// used in the “Find First File” or “Find First File and Report” commands, where the reported
// length of the filename was 7 (0x00, 0x07), and the filename was reported
// “Bob.GCI” (0x42, 0x6F, 0x62, 0x2E, 0x47, 0x43, 0x49).
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system. Find First File and Report and Find First File commands to find the next file which meets the criteria.
File Exists
Tests for the existence of the file provided with the search key. Returns TRUE if found.
Library Function: file_Exists
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0005 |
filename | Name of the file(s) for the search (passed as a string). Filename must be 8.3 format. char0, char1, char2, …, charN, NULL |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status:
- 1: File found
- 0: File not found
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), char0, char1, char2, char3, char4, char5, char6, char7, NULL
0x00, 0x05, 0x54, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x2E, 0x34, 0x58, 0x45, 0x00
// This will search for the file “TEST.4XE” (0x54, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x2E, 0x34, 0x58, 0x45)
// on the uSD card, the string is ended with a NULL (0x00).
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the file was found.
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
File Open
Returns handle if file exists. The file ‘handle’ that is created is now used as reference for ‘filename’ for further file commands such as File Close, etc. For File Write and File Append modes ('w' and 'a') the file is created if it does not exist. If the file is opened for append and it already exists, the file pointer is set to the end of the file ready for appending, else the file pointer will be set to the start of the newly created file.
If the file was opened successfully, the internal error number is set to 0 (i.e. no errors) and can be read with the File Error command. For File Read mode ('r') the file must exist else a null handle (0x00, 0x00) is returned and the 'file not found' error number is set which can be read with the File Error command.
If a file is opened for File Write mode 'w', and the file already exists, the operation will fail. Unlike C and some other languages where the file will be erased ready for re-writing when opened for writing, 4DGL offers a simple level of protection that ensures that a file must be purposely erased before being re-written.
Beginning with the v4.0 PmmC a file opened with FILE_APPEND may be randomly read and or written. Also any altered file will have the Archive bit set in the directory entry.
Library Function: file_Open
Syntax: cmd (word)
, filename (string)
, mode (byte)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x000A |
filename | Name of the file(s) for the search (passed as a string). Filename must be 8.3 format. char0, char1, char2, …, charN, NULL |
mode | 'r' or 0x72 for File Read 'w' or 0x77 for File Write 'a' or 0x61 for File Append |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), handle (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- handle: Returns handle if file exists. Sets internal file error number accordingly (0 if no errors).
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), line(MSB), line(LSB), column(MSB), column(LSB)
0x00, 0x0A, 0x54, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x2E, 0x54, 0x58, 0x54, 0x00, 0x72
// This will attempt to read (0x72) a file called “TEST.TXT” (0x54, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x2E,
// 0x54, 0x58, 0x54) followed by a NULL (0x00) from the uSD Card
// The response will be 0x06, 0x14, 0x65 assuming the command was a success and the handle
// that was created had the value of DEC 5221 (0x14, 0x65).
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system. The File Close command, to close the file once opened with this command.
File Close
The File Close command will close the previously opened file.
Library Function: file_Close
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF18 |
handle | The file handle that was created by the File Open command which is now used as reference ‘handle’ for the filename, for further file functions such as in this function to close the file. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status:
- 1: File closed.
- 0: File not closed.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB)
0xFF, 0x18, 0x14, 0x65
// This will close the file with the handle value of 5221 (0x14, 0x65) which was opened
// previously
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the command was a success and the file
// was successfully closed.
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system. The File Open command, to initially open the file.
File Read
Returns the number of bytes specified by ‘size’ from the file referenced by ‘handle’.
Library Function: file_Read
Syntax: cmd (word)
, size (word)
, handle (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x000C |
size | Number of bytes to be read. |
handle | The handle that references the file to be read. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), count (word), data (string)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- count: Returns the number of bytes read.
- data: Data read from the file
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB)
0x00, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x14, 0x14, 0x65
// This will read 20 bytes (0x00, 0x14) from the file with handle 5221 (0x14, 0x65)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x14, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38,
// 0x39, 0x30, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6A assuming the
// command was a success, and 20 bytes (0x00, 0x14) were read.
// The File contained the following data: 1234567890abcdefghij
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
File Seek
The File Seek command places the file pointer at the required position in a file that has been opened in 'r' (read) or 'a' (append) mode. In append mode, File Seek does not expand a filesize, instead, the file pointer (handle) is set to the end position of the file, e.g. assuming the file size is 10000 bytes, the File Seek command with HiWord = 0x00 and LoWord = 0x1234 will set the file position to 0x00001234 (byte position 4660) for the file handle, so subsequent data may be read from that position onwards with Read Character from the File, Read Word from the File, Read String from the File commands, or an image can be displayed with the Display Image (FAT) command.
Conversely, Write Character to the File, Write Word to the File, Write String to the File commands can write to the file at the position. A FE_EOF (end of file error) will occur if you try to write or read past the end of the file, visible from the File Error command.
Library Function: file_Seek
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
, HiWord (word)
, LoWord (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF16 |
handle | The handle that references the file. |
HiWord | Contains the upper 16bits of the memory pointer into the file. |
LoWord | Contains the lower 16bits of the memory pointer into the file. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status:
- 1: If Seek successful.
- 0: if attempt failed.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB), HiWord(MSB), HiWord(LSB), LoWord(MSB),
// LoWord(LSB)
0xFF, 0x16, 0x10, 0xD5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x12, 0x34
// This will place a file pointer at the byte position 4660 (HiWord = 0x00, 0x00,
// LoWord = 0x12, 0x34) on the file with handle 4309 (0x10, 0xD5)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 if the command was successful and the Seek was
// successful.
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
The Read Character from the File, Read Word from the File, Read String from the File, Write Character to the File, Write Word to the File, and Write String to the File commands.
Display Image (FAT) command for displaying the image from File. File Error command for retrieving any error which may have occurred.
File Index
Places the file pointer at the position in a file that has been opened in 'r' (read) or 'a' (append) mode. In append mode, File Index does not expand a filesize, instead, the file pointer (handle) is set to the end position of the file, e.g. assuming the record size is 100 bytes, the File Index command with HiSize = 0, LoSize = 100 and recordnum = 22 will set the file position to 2200 for the file handle, so subsequent data may be read from that position onwards with Read Character from the File, Read Word from the File, Read String from the File commands or an image can be displayed with the Display Image (FAT) command.
Conversely, the Write Character to the File, Write Word to the File, Write String to the File commands can write to the file at the position. A FE_EOF (end of file error) will occur if you try to write or read past the end of the file, visible from the File Error command.
Library Function: file_Index
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
, HiSize (word)
, LoSize (word)
, recordnum (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF15 |
handle | The handle that references the file. |
HiSize | Contains the upper 16bits of the size of the file records. |
LoSize | Contains the lower 16bits of the size of the file records. |
recordnum | The index of the required record. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status:
- 1: If the index found successfully.
- 0: if the attempt failed.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB), HiSize(MSB), HiSize(LSB), LoSize(MSB),
// LoSize(LSB), recordnum(MSB), recordnum(LSB)
0xFF, 0x15, 0x10, 0xD5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0x16
// This will place a file pointer at the end of the file records specified, 22 records
// where each record is of size 100, (HiSize = 0x00, 0x00, LoSize = 0x00, 0x64,
// recordnum = 0x00, 0x16) on the file with handle 4309 (0x10, 0xD5)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 if the command was successful and the Index was
// successful.
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
The Read Character from the File, Read Word from the File, Read String from the File, Write Character to the File, Write Word to the File, and Write String to the File commands.
Display Image (FAT) command for displaying the image from File. File Error command for retrieving any error which may have occurred.
File Tell
The File Tell command returns the current value of the file pointer.
Library Function: file_Tell
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x000F |
handle | The handle that references the file. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status:
- 1: If the operation successful.
- 0: if the attempt failed.
- HiWord: Contains the upper 16bits of the value of the pointer.
- LoWord: Contains the lower 16bits of the value of the pointer.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB)
0x00, 0x0F, 0x10, 0xD5
// This will return the current value of the file pointer 4309 (0x10, 0xD5)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x98 assuming the command
// was successful (0x06), the operation was successful (0x00, 0x01), and the file pointer
// had the value of 2200 (0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x98)
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
File Write
The File Write command writes the number of bytes specified by "size" from the source buffer into the file referenced by "handle".
Library Function: file_Write
Syntax: cmd (word)
, size (word)
, source (string)
, handle (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0010 |
size | Number of bytes to be written. Maximum that can be written at one time is 512 bytes. |
source | String of Data without Null terminator. |
handle | The handle that references the file to write. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), count (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- count: Returns the number of bytes written.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), size(MSB), size(LSB), source(MSB), source(LSB), handle(MSB),
// handle(LSB)
0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x05, 0x48, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F, 0x0F, 0xB8
// This will write 5 bytes (0x00, 0x05) where the string of data is “Hello” (0x48, 0x65,
// 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F) to the file with the handle of 4024 (0x0F, 0xB8)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x05 assuming the command was successful and 5 bytes
// (0x00, 0x05) were successfully written
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
File Size
The File Size command reads the 32 bit file size.
Library Function: file_Size
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x000E |
handle | The handle that references the file to write. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word), HiWord (word), LoWord (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status:
- 1: If the operation successful.
- 0: if the attempt failed.
- HiWord: Contains the upper 16bits of the file size.
- LoWord: Contains the lower 16bits of the file size.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB)
0x00, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0xB8
// This will request the size of the file with the handle 4024 (0x0F, 0xB8)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA7 assuming the command was
// successful (0x06), the operation was successful (0x00, 0x01), and the file size was
// 167 (0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA7)
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
Display Image (FAT)
Display an image from the file stream at screen location specified by x, y (top left corner). If there is more than 1 image in the file, it can be accessed with the File Seek command.
Library Function: file_Image
Syntax: cmd (word)
, x (word)
, y (word)
, handle (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF11 |
x | X-position of the image to be displayed. |
y | Y-position of the image to be displayed. |
handle | The handle that references the file containing the image(s). |
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- error: Returns a copy of the File Error, see the File Error command.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), x(MSB), x(LSB), y(MSB), y(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB)
0xFF, 0x11, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x05, 0x0E, 0x9B
// This will display the image which has the file handle of 3739 (0x0E, 0x9B) at position
// X=5 (0x00, 0x05), Y=5 (0x00, 0x05)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 if the command was successful and there was no
// error associated with this command.
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system. File Seek command to access another image from the same file, if required. File Error command for retrieving any error which may have occurred.
Screen Capture
The Screen Capture command saves an image of the screen shot to file at the current file position.
The image can later be displayed with the Display Image (FAT) command. The file may be opened in append mode to accumulate multiple images. Later, the images can be displayed with the File Seek command. The image is saved from x, y (with respect to top left corner), and the capture area is determined by "width" and "height".
Library Function: file_ScreenCapture
Syntax: cmd (word)
, x (word)
, y (word)
, width (word)
, height (word)
, handle (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF10 |
x | X-position of the image to be captured. |
y | Y-position of the image to be captured. |
width | Width of the area to be captured. |
height | Height of the area to be captured. |
handle | The handle that references the file to store the image(s). |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status: 0: If the operation was successful
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), x(MSB), x(LSB), y(MSB), y(LSB), width(MSB), width(LSB), height(MSB),
// height(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB)
0xFF, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0x64, 0x0C, 0x4E
// This will capture from X=0 (0x00, 0x00), Y=0 (0x00, 0x00) across 100 pixels (0x00, 0x64)
// and down 100 pixels (0x00, 0x64), and save the image inside that region to the file with
// handle 3150 (0x0C, 0x4E)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 if the command was successful (0x06) and the
// operation was successful (0x00, 0x00)
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system. Display Image (FAT) command for displaying the image from File. File Seek command to access another image from the same file, if required.
Write Character to the File
This function writes the byte specified by "char" to the file, at the position indicated by the associated file-position pointer (set by the File Seek or File Index commands) and advances the pointer appropriately (incremented by 1). The file must be previously opened with 'w' (write) or 'a' (append) modes.
Library Function: file_PutC
Syntax: cmd (word)
, char (word)
, handle (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x001F |
char | Data byte (in the LSB) about to be written. |
handle | The handle that references the file to be written to. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status: Returns the number of bytes written successfully.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), char(MSB), char(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB)
0x00, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x58, 0x0B, 0x31
// This will write the character ‘X’ (0x00, 0x58) to the file with handle 2865 (0x0B, 0x31)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 if the command was successful (0x06)
// and the operation successfully wrote the 1 byte (0x00, 0x01)
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system. File Seek and File Index commands to access another image from the same file, if required.
Read Character from the File
The Read Character from the File command reads a byte from the file, at the position indicated by the associated file-position pointer (set by the File Seek or File Index commands) and advances the pointer appropriately (incremented by 1). The file must be previously opened with 'r' (read) mode.
Library Function: file_GetC
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF0E |
handle | The handle that references the file to be read from. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), char (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- char: Returns the data byte read from the file in the LSB.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB)
0xFF, 0x0E, 0x0B, 0x31
// This will read the character from the file with the point of 2865 (0x0B, 0x31) based on
// the position of the pointer determined previously by the “File Seek” or “File Index”
// commands.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x74 assuming the command was successful and the pointer
// was pointing at the position of the file which contained the character ‘t’ (0x00, 0x74)
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system. File Seek and File Index commands to access another image from the same file, if required.
Write Word to the File
This function writes word sized (2 bytes) data specified by ‘word’ to the file, at the position indicated by the associated file-position pointer (set by the File Seek or File Index commands) and advances the pointer appropriately (incremented by 2). The file must be previously opened with 'w' (write) or 'a' (append) modes.
Library Function: file_PutW
Syntax: cmd (word)
, word (word)
, handle (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF0D |
word | Word about to be written. |
handle | The handle that references the file to be written to. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status: Returns the number of bytes written successfully.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), word(MSB), word(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB)
0xFF, 0x0D, 0x01, 0xBB, 0x0B, 0x31
// This will write the word 443 (0x01, 0xBB) to the file with handle 2865 (0x0B, 0x31)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x02 assuming the command was successful and the
// operation was successful at writing the 2 bytes (0x00, 0x02).
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system. File Seek and File Index commands to access another image from the same file, if required.
Read Word from the File
This function reads a word (2 bytes) from the file, at the position indicated by the associated file-position pointer (set by the File Seek or File Index commands) and advances the pointer appropriately (incremented by 2). The file must be previously opened with 'r' (read) mode.
Library Function: file_GetW
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF0C |
handle | The handle that references the file to be read from. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), word (word)
- acknowlede: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- word: Returns the word read from the file.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB)
0xFF, 0x0E, 0x0B, 0x31
// This will read the character from the file with the point of 2865 (0x0B, 0x31) based
// on the position of the pointer determined previously by the “File Seek” or “File Index”
// commands.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x74 assuming the command was successful and the pointer
// was pointing at the position of the file which contained the word 25972 (0x65, 0x74)
See also
The file Mount command, to initially mount the file system. File Seek and File Index commands to access another image from the same file, if required.
Write String to the File
This function writes a null terminated string to the file, at the position indicated by the associated file-position pointer (set by the File Seek or File Index commands) and advances the pointer appropriately. The file must be previously opened with 'w' (write) or 'a' (append) modes.
Library Function: file_PutS
Syntax: cmd (word)
, data (string)
, handle (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0020 |
date | A Null terminated string to be written to the file. |
handle | The handle that references the file to be written to. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), count (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- count: Returns the number of characters written (excluding the null terminator).
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), char0, char1, char2, char3, char4, char5, char6, char7, char8,
// handle(MSB), handle(LSB)
0x00, 0x20, 0x34, 0x44, 0x20, 0x53, 0x79, 0x73, 0x74, 0x65, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x00, 0x0B, 0x31
// This will write the string “4D Systems” (0x34, 0x44, 0x20, 0x53, 0x79, 0x73, 0x74, 0x65,
// 0x6D, 0x73) followed by a Null (0x00) to the file which has a handle of 2865 (0x0B, 0x31)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x0A assuming the command was successful and the 10
// characters (0x00, 0x0A) were written
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
File Seek and File Index commands to access another image from the same file, if required.
Read String from the File
This function reads a line of text from a file at the current file position indicated by the associated file-position pointer (set by the File Seek or File Index commands) and advances the pointer appropriately. Characters are read until either a newline or an EOF is received or until the specified maximum "size" is reached. In all cases, the string is null terminated. The file must be previously opened with 'r' (read) mode.
Library Function: file_GetS
Syntax: cmd (word)
, size(word)
, handle (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0007 |
size | The maximum number of bytes to be read from the file. |
handle | The handle that references the file to be read from. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), word (word), data (string)
- acknowledge:(0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- count: Returns the number of characters read from file (excluding the null teminator).
- data: Returns the string read from the file excluding the Null terminator.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), size(MSB), size(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB)
0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x05, 0x0B, 0x31
// This will read the string from the file with handle 2865 (0x0B, 0x31) up to the
// maximum of 5 characters (0x00, 0x05) in length.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x04, 0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74 assuming the command was
// successful and the file contained only 4 characters (0x00, 0x04) at the pointer location,
// and the string was “test” (0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74)
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
File Seek and File Index commands to access another image from the same file, if required.
File Erase
This function erases a file on the disk.
If the function fails, the appropriate error number is set in the File Error command and will usually be error 19, "failure during FILE search".
Library Function: file_Erase
Syntax: cmd (word)
. filename (string)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0003 |
filename | Name of the file to be erased (passed as a string). Filename must be 8.3 format. char0, char1, char2, …, charN, NULL |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status:
- 1: If the operation successful.
- 0: if the attempt failed.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), char0, char1, char2, char3, char4, char5, char6, char7, NULL
0x00, 0x03, 0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x2E, 0x74, 0x78, 0x74, 0x00
// This will erase the file called “test.txt” (0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x2E, 0x74, 0x78,
// 0x74) followed by NULL (0x00)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the command was successful and the
// operation was successful.
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
File Seek and File Index commands to access another image from the same file, if required.
File Rewind
The File Rewind command resets the file pointer to the beginning of a file that has been opened in 'r' (read), 'w', or 'a' (append) mode.
Library Function: file_Rewind
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF08 |
handle | The handle that references the file. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), word (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status:
- 1: If the operation successful.
- 0: if the attempt failed.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB)
0xFF, 0x08, 0x0B, 0x31
// This will reset the file point to the beginning of the file with file pointer 2865
// (0x0B, 0x31)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the command was successful and the
// operation was successful
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
File Load Function
The File Load Function command allocates the RAM area to the 4FN or 4XE program, load it from the uSD card in to the RAM and return a function pointer to the allocation.
The function can then be invoked just like any other function would be called via a function pointer using the File Call Function commands. The 4FN or 4XE program may be discarded at any time when no longer required, thus freeing its memory resources.
The loaded function can be discarded with the Memory Free command.
A 4FN or a 4XE file is an executable file generated when a 4DGL file is compiled. 4DGL file refers to the program files developed under “Designer” or “ViSi” Environments in the 4D Workshop4 IDE.
.4FN file is generated when the 4DGL program has ‘main’ with arguments.
.4XE file is generated when the 4DGL program has a ‘main’, with no arguments.
Library Function: file_LoadFunction
Syntax: cmd (word)
, filename (string)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0008 |
filename | Name of the 4DGL function (filename.4FN) or application program (filename.4XE) that is about to be loaded into RAM. Filename must be 8.3 format. char0, char1, char2, …, charN, NULL |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), pointer (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- pointer: Returns a pointer to the memory allocation where the function has been loaded from file which can be then used as a function call.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), char0, char1, char2, char3, char4, char5, char6, char7, char8,
// char9, char10, char11, NULL
0x00 0x08 0x34 0x46 0x4E 0x2D 0x50 0x52 0x4F 0x47 0x2E 0x34 0x46 0x4E 0x00
// This will load the “4FN-Prog.4FN” (0x34 0x46 0x4E 0x2D 0x50 0x52 0x4F 0x47 0x2E
// 0x34 0x46 0x4E 0x00) file, followed by a NULL.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x0D, 0x8B assuming the command was successful and the
// pointer in memory where the function call has been loaded is 3467 (0x0D, 0x8B)
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
File Call Function command to invoke a loaded function.
Memory Free command to discard a loaded function
File Call Function
Call the function previously loaded through File Load Function.
Parameters may be passed to it in a conventional way except the strings which needs to be loaded in to memory location separately through Load String for 4XE/4FN File command and the string handle is given to the File Call Function. The 4FN function or 4XE application may be discarded at any time when no longer required, thus freeing its memory resources.
The loaded function can be discarded with the Memory Free command.
A 4FN or a 4XE file is an executable file generated when a 4DGL file is compiled.
.4FN file is generated when the 4DGL program has ‘main’ with arguments.
.4XE file is generated when the 4DGL program has a ‘main’, with no arguments.
Library Function: file_CallFunction
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle(word)
, Argcount(word)
, Arg0(word)
, Arg1(word)
, …, ArgN(word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0019 |
handle | The file handle that was created by the File Load Function command which is now used as reference ‘handle’ for the filename, for further file functions such as in this function to close the file. |
Argcount | Number of arguments to be passed to the File Run command. Maximum 6 arguments. |
Arg0 | Argument 0 to be passed. (optional) |
Arg1 | Argument 1 to be passed. (optional) |
ArgN | Argument N to be passed. (optional) |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Returns the value from main in the called function.
// This program “**4FN-Prog.4FN**” when compiled under the “Designer Environment”
// generates the .4FN file.
#platform "uLCD-32PTU"
#inherit "4DGL_16bitColours.fnc"
/* A 4DGL program without 'main'. When compiled, a .4FN extension file is generated
at the root folder where the 4DGL program resides. Copy the 4FN file to the Fat16
(aka FAT) formatted uSD card.*/
func messagebox(var line, var col, var txt)
var txts ;
gfx_ScreenMode(PORTRAIT) ; // Change Orientation
print("I am the Child Program\n"); // Print text on screen
print("line=", line, "\n"); // Print the 1st parameter
print("column=", col, "\n"); // Print the 2nd parameter
txt_MoveCursor(line, col); // Move cursor to line, col
txts := txt ; // because str_Printf changes txt
str_Printf(&txt, "%s"); // Print the 3rd parameter
pause(3000); // Pause for 3 sec.
str_Copy(txts,"I have returned");
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB)
0x00 0x22 0x01 0x0E
// Response:
0x49 0x20 0x68 0x61 0x76 0x65 0x20 0x72 0x65 0x74 0x75 0x72 0x6E 0x65 0x64
// ( ACK, char0, char1, char2, char3, char4, char5, char6, char7, char8, char9,
// char10, char11, char12, char13, char14, char15, char16 )
// Response = “I have returned”
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
File Load Function command to load a function.
Memory Free command to discard a loaded function.
Load String for 4XE/4FN File command to pass a string to the Function.
File Run
The File Run command will load the 4FN or 4XE program from the uSD card in to the RAM and execute it. Once the program is called, the Host must wait until the program finished execution. Any attempt to send further commands while the 4FN or 4XE file is executing can cause the module to reset or respond with erroneous data.
The 4FN or 4XE program may be discarded at any time when no longer required, thus freeing its memory resources.
Parameters may be passed to it in a conventional way except the strings which needs to be loaded in to memory location separately through Load String command and the string handle is given to the File Call Function. The 4FN function or 4XE application may be discarded at any time when no longer required, thus freeing its memory resources.
The loaded function can be discarded with the Memory Free command.
A 4FN or a 4XE file is an executable file generated when a 4DGL file is compiled.
.4FN file is generated when the 4DGL program has ‘main’ with arguments.
.4XE file is generated when the 4DGL program has a ‘main’, with no arguments.
Any memory allocations in the main FLASH program are released; however, the stack and globals are maintained. func 'main' in the called program accepts the arguments, if any. If Argcount is 0, no arguments are passed; else Arg0-ArgN contains argument 0 to argument N.
The disk does not need to be mounted; File Run automatically mounts the drive.
Library Function: file_Run
Syntax: cmd (word)
, filename (string)
, Argcount (word)
, Arg0(word)
, Arg1(word)
,…, ArgN(word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x000D |
filename | A 4FN or a 4XE file is an executable file generated when a 4DGL file is compiled. Filename must be 8.3 format. char0, char1, char2, …, charN, NULL |
Argcount | Number of arguments to be passed to the File Run command. |
Arg0 | Argument 0 to be passed. (optional) |
Arg1 | Argument 1 to be passed. (optional) |
ArgN | Argument N to be passed. (where N is Argcount-1, optional) |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge:(0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Returns the value from main in the called function.
// This program “4FN-Prog.4FN” when compiled under the “Designer Environment”
// generates the .4FN file.
#platform "uLCD-32PTU"
#inherit "4DGL_16bitColours.fnc"
/* A 4DGL program without 'main'. When compiled, a .4FN extension file is generated
at the root folder where the 4DGL program resides. Copy the 4FN file to the Fat16
(aka FAT) formatted uSD card.*/
func messagebox(var line, var col, var txt)
var txts ;
gfx_ScreenMode(PORTRAIT) ; // Change Orientation
print("I am the Child Program\n") ; // Print text on screen
print("line=", line, "\n"); // Print the 1st parameter
print("column=", col, "\n"); // Print the 2nd parameter
txt_MoveCursor(line, col); // Move cursor to line, col
txts := txt ; // because str_Printf changes txt
str_Printf(&txt, "%s"); // Print the 3rd parameter
pause(3000); // Pause for 3 sec.
str_Copy(txts,"I have returned");
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), char0, char1, char2, char3, char4, char5, char6, char7,
// char8, char9, char10, char11, Argcount(MSB), Argcount(LSB), Arg0(MSB), Arg0(LSB),
// Arg1(MSB), Arg1(LSB), Arg2(MSB), Arg2(LSB)
0x00 0x0D 0x34 0x46 0x4E 0x2D 0x50 0x52 0x4F 0x47 0x2E 0x34 0x46 0x4E 0x00 0x00 0x03 0x00 0x0A 0x00 0x0A 0x01 0x0E
// Response:
0x06 0x80 0x24
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB)
0x00 0x22 0x01 0x0E
// Response:
0x49 0x20 0x68 0x61 0x76 0x65 0x20 0x72 0x65 0x74 0x75 0x72 0x6E 0x65 0x64
// (ACK, char0, char1, char2, char3, char4, char5, char6, char7, char8, char9,
// char10, char11, char12, char13, char14, char15, char16)
// Response = “I have returned”
File Execute
The File Execute command will load the 4FN or 4XE program from the uSD card in to the RAM and execute it. Once the program is called, the Host must wait until the program finished execution. Any attempt to send further commands while the 4FN or 4XE file is executing can cause the module to reset or respond with erroneous data.
The 4FN or 4XE program may be discarded at any time when no longer required, thus freeing its memory resources.
Parameters may be passed to it in a conventional way except the strings which needs to be loaded in to memory location separately through Load String command and the string handle is given to the File Call Function. The 4FN function or 4XE application may be discarded at any time when no longer required, thus freeing its memory resources.
The loaded function can be discarded with the Memory Free command.
A 4FN or a 4XE file is an executable file generated when a 4DGL file is compiled.
.4FN file is generated when the 4DGL program has ‘main’ with arguments.
.4XE file is generated when the 4DGL program has a ‘main’, with no arguments.
This function is similar to File Run, however, the main program in FLASH retains all memory allocations (eg file buffers, memory allocated with mem_Alloc etc)
Library Function: file_Exec
Syntax: cmd (word)
, filename (string)
, Argcount (word)
, Arg0(word)
, Arg1(word)
, …, ArgN(word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0004 |
filename | A 4FN or a 4XE file. 4FN or a 4XE file is an executable file generated when a 4DGL file is compiled. Filename must be 8.3 format. char0, char1, char2, …, charN, NULL |
Argcount | Number of arguments to be passed to the File Run command. |
Arg0 | Argument 0 to be passed. (optional) |
Arg1 | Argument 1 to be passed. (optional) |
ArgN | Argument N to be passed. (where N is Argcount - 1, optional) |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Returns the value from the called program.
// This program “4FN-Prog.4FN” when compiled under the “Designer Environment” generates
// the .4FN file.
#platform "uLCD-32PTU"
#inherit "4DGL_16bitColours.fnc"
/* A 4DGL program without 'main'. When compiled, a .4FN extension file is generated at
the root folder where the 4DGL program resides. Copy the 4FN file to the Fat16 (aka FAT)
formatted uSD card.*/
func messagebox(var line, var col, var txt)
var txts ;
gfx_ScreenMode(PORTRAIT) ; // Change Orientation
print("I am the Child Program\n") ; // Print text on screen
print("line=", line, "\n"); // Print the 1st parameter
print("column=", col, "\n"); // Print the 2nd parameter
txt_MoveCursor(line, col); // Move cursor to line, col
txts := txt ; // because str_Printf changes txt
str_Printf(&txt, "%s"); // Print the 3rd parameter
pause(3000); // Pause for 3 sec.
str_Copy(txts,"I have returned");
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), char0, char1, char2, char3, char4, char5, char6, char7, char8, char9,
// char10, char11, Argcount(MSB), Argcount(LSB), Arg0(MSB), Arg0(LSB), Arg1(MSB), Arg1(LSB),
// Arg2(MSB), Arg2(LSB)
0x00 0x04 0x34 0x46 0x4E 0x2D 0x50 0x52 0x4F 0x47 0x2E 0x34 0x46 0x4E 0x00 0x00 0x03 0x00 0x0A 0x00 0x0A 0x01 0x0E
// Response:
0x06 0x80 0x24
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB)
0x00 0x22 0x01 0x0E
// Response:
0x49 0x20 0x68 0x61 0x76 0x65 0x20 0x72 0x65 0x74 0x75 0x72 0x6E 0x65 0x64
// ( ACK, char0, char1, char2, char3, char4, char5, char6, char7, char8, char9, char10,
// char11, char12, char13, char14, char15, char16 )
// Response = “I have returned”
Load Image Control
Reads a control file to create an image list. The GCI file may contain images, videos or animations built through the Graphics Composer Software tool.
The GCI file is created by selecting the GCI – FAT Selected Folder option in the Built Option type. See the Graphics Composer User Guide for further details on the Graphics Composer.
Library Function: file_LoadImageControl
Syntax: cmd (word)
, filename1 (string)
, filename2 (string)
, mode (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0009 |
filename1 | The control list filename "*.dat". Created from Graphics Composer. Filename must be 8.3 format. char0, char1, char2, …, charN, NULL |
filename2 | The image filename "*.gci". Created from Graphics Composer. Filename must be 8.3 format. char0, char1, char2, …, charN, NULL |
mode | mode 0: It is assumed that there is a graphics file with the file extension "fname2.gci". In this case, the images have been stored in a FAT16 file concurrently, and the offsets that are derived from the "fname1.dat" file are saved in the image control so that the Load Image Control command can open the file (*.gci) and use the File Seek command to get to the position of the image which can then automatically be displayed using the Display Image (FAT) command. Mode 0 builds the image control quickly as it only scans the *.dat file for the file offsets and saves them in the relevant entries in the image control. The penalty is that images take longer to find when displayed due to the File Seek command overheads. mode 1: It is assumed that there is a graphics file with the file extension "fname2.gci". In this case, the images have been stored in a FAT16 file concurrently, and the offset of the images are saved in the image control so that image file (*.gci) can be mapped to directly. The absolute cluster/sector is mapped so file seek does not need to be called internally.This means that there is no seek time penalty, however, the image list takes a lot longer to build, as all the seeking is done at control build time. mode 2: In this case, the images have been stored in a in a RAW partition of the uSD card, and the absolute address of the images are saved in the DAT file. This is the fastest operation of the image control as there is no seeking or other disk activity taking place. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), handle (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- handle: Returns a handle (pointer to the memory allocation) to the image control list that has been created.
Returns NULL if function fails.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), charA0, charA1, charA2, ..., charA12, NULL, charB0, charB1, charB2,
// ..., char12, NULL, mode(MSB), mode(LSB)
0x00, 0x09, 0x47, 0x46, 0x58, 0x32, 0x44, 0x45, 0x4D, 0x4F, 0x2E, 0x44, 0x41, 0x54, 0x00, 0x47, 0x46, 0x58, 0x32, 0x44, 0x45, 0x4D, 0x4F, 0x2E, 0x47, 0x43, 0x49, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01
// This will load the Image Control System using the 2 specified files (GFX2DEMO.DAT and
// The response will be 0x06 0x0D 0x6A assuming the command is successful and the handle
// that is returned is 3434 (0x0D, 0x6A)
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system. File Seek command to access another image from the same file, if required. Display Image (FAT) command for displaying the image from File.
File Mount
Starts up the FAT16 disk file services and allocates a small 32 byte control block for subsequent use. When you open a file using the File Open command a further 512 + 44 = 556 bytes are attached to the FAT16 file control block. When you close a file using the File Close command, the 556 byte allocation is released leaving the 32 byte file control block. The File Mount command must be called before any other FAT16 file related functions can be used. The control block and all FAT16 file resources are completely released with the File Unmount command.
Library Function: file_Mount
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF03 |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status:
- Non-zero: If the operation successful.
- 0: if the attempt failed.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0xFF, 0x03
// This will mounts the file system
// The response will be 0x06 followed by a non-zero number (such as 0x00, 0x01) if the
// command is successful, or zero (0x00, 0x00) if unsuccessful.
See also
The File Unmount command, to unmount the file system.
File Unmount
The File Unmount command releases any buffers for FAT16 and unmount the Disk File System. This function is to be called to close the FAT16 file system.
Library Function: file_Unmount
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF02 |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0xFF, 0x02
// This will unmounts the file system
// The response will be 0x06 if the command is successful
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
Play WAV File
Open the wav file, decode the header to set the appropriate wave player parameters and set off the playing of the file as a background process. See “Sound Control Commands” for additional play control functions.
Wave files should be mono to keep data bandwidth to a minimum, and should be 'canonic' format. Lots of windows formats will not work. Use something like ‘Cool Edit’ or similar to tailor the wav files to a suitable format. The ideal sample rate of the WAV file is 16Khz-Mono and the maximum should be 22Khz. Any higher sample rate will extremely slow down the system. Sample rates below 12Khz, the PWM will cause aliasing (filtering is a bare minimum). If you only hear noise or random snippets of sound remember, the Speed and Capacity of the memory card are important, most 2Gb cards should be fine, 64mb cards fail all but the most-simple sounds.
Library Function: file_PlayWAV
Syntax: cmd (word)
, filename.WAV (string)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x000B |
filename.WAV | Name of the wav file to be opened and played. Filename must be 8.3 format. char0, char1, char2, …, charN, NULL |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: If there are no errors, returns number of blocks to play (1 to 32767).
If errors occurred, the following is returned
6 : can’t play this rate
5 : no data chunk found in first sector
4 : no format data
3 : no wave chunk signature
2 : bad wave file format
1 : file not found
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), char0, char1, char2, char3, char4, char5, char6, char7, char8,
// char9, char10
0x00, 0x0B, 0x43, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4D, 0x45, 0x53, 0x2E, 0x57, 0x41, 0x56, 0x00
// This will open the “CHIMES.WAV” file (0x43, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4D, 0x45, 0x53, 0x2E, 0x57,
// 0x41, 0x56) and play it, the string is appended with a Null (0x00)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x1E assuming the command was successful, and it
// returned there are 30 blocks (0x00, 0x1E) of the WAV file to play.
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
All Sound Control Commands
To Load String for 4XE/4FN File
Load the Memory space with the string to be used by the File Call Function, File Run and File Execute commands as an argument.
The Memory Space for the Read String for 4XE/4FN File command or Load String for 4XE/4FN File command is pre-allocated memory, 512 bytes in size. It doesn’t need to be released.
Library Function: writeString
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
, string (string)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0021 |
handle | A string pointer to the memory area where the string is to be loaded. The first string would start with handle = 0, next one would use the handle = string pointer returned from the execution of the Write string earlier. |
string | A Null terminated string which is to be passed to the Child (4XE or 4FN) program. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), pointer (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- pointer: Returns a pointer to the memory allocation where the string has been loaded.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB), char0, char1, char2, char3, char4, NULL
0x00, 0x21, 0x11, 0xA9, 0x48, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F, 0x00
// This will Load the String “Hello” (0x48, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F) which has been NULL
// terminated (0x00) into the designated string pointer location 4521 (0x11, 0xA9)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x01, 0x0E assuming the command was successful and the
// pointer where the string was loaded was 4522 (0x11, 0xAA)
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
File Call Function, File Run and File Execute commands to invoke a loaded function.
Read String for 4XE/4FN File to read the string from the invoked function
Read String for 4XE/4FN File
Allocate and read the string from the Memory space returned by File Call Function, File Run and File Execute functions as an argument.
The Memory Space for the Read String for 4XE/4FN File and Load String for 4XE/4FN File commands is pre-allocated memory, 512 bytes in size. It doesn’t need to be cleared.
You have to write to a string first using the Load String for 4XE/4FN File command to get a handle, you pass that to the program, the handle will be used by the child program to write to what it intends to return, then you use the same handle to read what is being returned by the child program.
If you only have one string then you can write anything to it, if you have 2 and the first one is written to by the child program then the initial write must be longer than the maximum returned string.
See the examples listed under the File Run, File Execute and File Call Functions commands.
Library Function: readString
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0022 |
handle | A string pointer to the memory area where the string is returned from the child (4FN or 4XE) program. The first string would start with handle = 0, next one would use the handle = string pointer returned from the execution of the Write string earlier. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), string (string)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- string: A string without NULL terminator.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB)
0x00, 0x22, 0x01, 0x0E
// This will read the string from the memory space with the handle 270 (0x01, 0x0E), and
// return the string from that memory space, without the NULL terminator.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x49, 0x20, 0x68, 0x61, 0x76, 0x65, 0x20, 0x72, 0x65, 0x74,
// 0x75, 0x72, 0x6E, 0x65, 0x64 assuming the command was successful and the string that was
// returned was “I have returned” (0x49, 0x20, 0x68, 0x61, 0x76, 0x65, 0x20, 0x72, 0x65, 0x74,
// 0x75, 0x72, 0x6E, 0x65, 0x64)
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
File Call Function, File Run and File Execute commands to invoke a loaded function.
Load String for 4XE/4FN File to load the string into the invoked function.
Sound Control Commands
The following is a summary of the commands available to be used for Sound Control:
- Sound Volume
- Sound Pitch
- Sound Buffer
- Sound Stop
- Sound Pause
- Sound Continue
- Sound Playing
All these commands are used in conjunction with Play WAV file command.
Sound Volume
Set the sound playback volume. Var must be in the range from 8 (min volume) to 127 (max volume). If var is less than 8, volume is set to 8, and if var > 127 it is set to 127.
Library Function: snd_Volume
Syntax: cmd (word)
, lavel (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF00 |
level | Sound playback volume level. 0 - 127 |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), level(MSB), level(LSB)
0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x64
// This will set the volume to be 100 (0x00, 0x64) out of the possible 127
// The response will be 0x06 if the command was successful
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
Play WAV File command, to open the WAV file to be played.
Sound Pitch
Sets the samples playback rate to a different frequency. Setting pitch to zero restores the original sample rate.
Library Function: snd_Pitch
Syntax: cmd (word)
, pitch (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFEFF |
pitch | Sample's playback rate. Minimum is 4KHz. Range is, 4000 – 65535. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Returns sample's original sample rate.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), pitch(MSB), pitch(LSB)
0xFE, 0xFF, 0x50, 0x14
// This will set the pitch to be 20500 (0x40, 0x14) out of the possible 65535
// The response will be 0x06 if the command was successful
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
Play WAV File command, to open the WAV file to be played.
Sound Buffer
Specify the memory chunk size for the wavefile buffer, default size 1024 bytes. Depending on the sample size, memory constraints, and the sample quality, it may be beneficial to change the buffer size from the default size of 1024 bytes.
This command is for control of a wav buffer, see the Play WAV File command
Library Function: snd_BufSize
Syntax: cmd (word)
, buffersize (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFEFE |
buffersize | Specifies the buffer size. 0 = 1024 bytes (default) 1 = 2048 bytes 2 = 4096 bytes |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), buffersize(MSB), buffersize(LSB)
0xFE, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x01
// This will set the sound buffer size to be 2048 bytes (0x00, 0x01)
// The response will be 0x06 if the command was successful
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
Play WAV File command, to open the WAV file to be played.
Sound Stop
Stop any sound that is currently playing, releasing buffers and closing any open WAV file.
This command is for control of a wav buffer, see the Play WAV File command
Library Function: snd_Stop
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFEFD |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0xFE, 0xFD
// This will stop any currently playing sound
// The response will be 0x06 if the command was successful
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
Play WAV File command, to open the WAV file to be played.
Sound Pause
Pause any sound that is currently playing.
This command is for control of a wav buffer, see the Play WAV File command
Library Function: snd_Pause
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFEFC |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0xFE, 0xFC
// This will pause any currently playing sound
// The response will be 0x06 if the command was successful
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
Play WAV File command, to open the WAV file to be played.
Sound Continue
Resume any sound that is currently paused by the Sound Pause command.
This command is for control of a wav buffer, see the Play WAV File command.
Library Function: snd_Continue
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFEFB |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0xFE, 0xFB
// This will continue any currently paused sound
// The response will be 0x06 if the command was successful
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
Play WAV File command, to open the WAV file to be played.
Sound Playing
Returns 0 if sound has finished playing, else return number of 512 byte blocks to go.
This command is for control of a wav buffer, see the Play WAV File command
Library Function: snd_Playing
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFEFA |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Number of 512 byte blocks to go.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0xFE, 0xFA
// This command will return the number of 512 byte blocks remaining on the currently
// playing sound file.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x26, 0x2A assuming the command was successful and the
// currently playing WAV file
// had 9770 blocks (0x26, 0x2A) of 512 bytes remaining to play.
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
Play WAV File command, to open the WAV file to be played.
Touch Screen Commands
The following is a summary of the commands available to be used for Touch Screens:
- Touch Detect Region
- Touch Set
- Touch Get
All these commands do not apply for the uVGA-II or uVGA-III.
Touch Detect Region
Specifies a new touch detect region on the screen. This setting will filter out any touch activity outside the region and only touch activity within that region will be reported by the status poll Touch Get command.
Library Function: touch_DetectRegion
Syntax: cmd (word)
, x1 (word)
, y1 (word)
, x2 (word)
, y2 (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF39 |
x1 | Specifies the horizontal position of the top left corner of the region. |
y1 | Specifies the vertical position of the top left corner of the region. |
x2 | Specifies the horizontal position of the bottom right corner of the region. |
y2 | Specifies the vertical position of the bottom right corner of the region. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), line(MSB), line(LSB), column(MSB), column(LSB)
0xFF, 0x39, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0x64
// This will set a touch region between X1=0 (0x00, 0x00), Y1=0 (0x00, 0x00) and
// X2=100 (0x00, 0x64), Y2=100 (0x00, 0x64)
// The response will be 0x06 if the command was successful
Touch Set
Sets various Sets various Touch Screen related parameters.
Library Function: touch_Set
Syntax: cmd (word)
, mode (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF38 |
mode | mode = 0: Enables and initialises Touch Screen hardware. mode = 1: Disables the Touch Screen. Note: Touch Screen task runs in the background and disabling it when not in use will free up extra resources for 4DGL CPU cycles. mode = 2: This will reset the current active region to default which is the full screen area. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), mode(MSB), mode(LSB)
0xFF, 0x38, 0x00, 0x00
// This will enable and initialise the touch screen hardware, Mode = 0 (0x00, 0x00)
// The response will be 0x06 assuming the command was successful
Touch Get
Returns various Touch Screen parameters to caller, based on the touch detect region on the screen set by the Touch Detect Region command.
Library Function: touch_Get
Syntax: cmd (word)
, mode (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF37 |
mode | mode = 0 : Get Status. mode = 1 : Get X coordinates. mode = 2 : Get Y coordinates. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value:
mode = 0:
Returns the various states of the touch screen.
mode = 1:
Returns the X coordinates of the touch reported by mode 0.
mode = 2:
Returns the Y coordinates of the touch reported by mode 0.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), mode(MSB), mode(LSB)
0xFF, 0x38, 0x00, 0x00
// This will enable and initialise the touch screen hardware, Mode = 0 (0x00, 0x00)
// The response will be 0x06 assuming the command was successful
See also
The File Mount command, to initially mount the file system.
Play WAV File command, to open the WAV file to be played.
Image Control Commands
The following is a summary of the commands available to be used for Image Control:
- Image Set Position
- Image Enable
- Image Disable
- Image Darken
- Image Lighten
- Set Image Parameters
- Get Image Parameters
- Show Image
- Set Image Attributes
- Clear Image Attributes
- Image Touched
- Blit Com to Display
All these commands are used in conjunction with the file Load Image Control command.
Image Set Position
This function requires that an image control has been created with the Load Image Control command.
Sets the position where the image will next be displayed. Returns TRUE if index was ok and function was successful. (The return value is usually ignored).
You may turn off an image so when the Show Image command is called, the image will not be shown.
Library Function: img_SetPosition
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
, index (word)
, xpos (word)
, ypos (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF4E |
handle | Pointer to the Image List. |
index | Index of the images in the list. |
xpos | Top left horizontal screen position where image is to be displayed. |
ypos | Top left vertical screen position where image is to be displayed. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status:
- 1: If the operation successful.
- 0: if the attempt failed.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB), index(MSB), index(LSB), xpos(MSB),
// xpos(LSB), ypos(MSB), ypos(LSB)
0xFF, 0x4E, 0x11, 0xB3, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x19, 0x00, 0x0A
// This will set the position of the top left corner of the image to be displayed at
// X=25 (0x00, 0x19), Y=10 (0x00, 0x0A), where the image has a file handle of 4531
// (0x11, 0xB3) and the index of the required image in that file is 1 (0x00, 0x01).
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the command was successful (0x06) and
// the operation was successful (0x00, 0x01)
Image Enable
This command requires that an image control has been created with the Load Image Control command.
Enables a selected image in the image list. Returns TRUE if index was ok and function was successful. This is the default state so when the Show Image command is called, all the images in the list will be shown. To enable all of the images in the list at the same time set index to -1. To enable a selected image, use the image index number.
Library Function: img_Enable
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
, index (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF4D |
handle | Pointer to the Image List. |
index | Index of the images in the list. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status:
- 1: If the operation successful.
- 0: if the attempt failed.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB), index(MSB), index(LSB)
0xFF, 0x4D, 0x11, 0xB3, 0x00, 0x01
// This will enable the image with index = 1 from the image which has a handle of 4531
// (0x11, 0xB3)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the command was successful (0x06) and
// the operation was successful (0x00, 0x01)
Image Disable
This function requires that an image control has been created with the Load Image Control command.
Disables an image in the image list. Returns TRUE if index was ok and function was successful. Use this function to turn off an image so that when the Show Image command is called the selected image in the list will not be shown. To disable all of the images in the list at the same time set index to -1.
Library Function: img_Disable
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
, index (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF4C |
handle | Pointer to the Image List. |
index | Index of the images in the list. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- 1: If the operation successfull.
- 0: if the attempt failed.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB), index(MSB), index(LSB)
0xFF, 0x4C, 0x11, 0xB3, 0x00, 0x02
// This will disable the image with index = 2 from the image which has a handle of 4531
// (0x11, 0xB3)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the command was successful (0x06) and
// the operation was successful (0x00, 0x01)
Image Darken
This function requires that an image control has been created with the Load Image Control command.
Darken an image in the image list. Returns TRUE if index was ok and function was successful. Use this function to darken an image so that when the Show Image command is called the control will take effect. To darken all of the images in the list at the same time set index to -1.
This feature will take effect one time only and when the Show Image command is called again the darkened image will revert back to normal.
Library Function: img_Darken
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
, index (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF4B |
handle | Pointer to the Image List. |
index | Index of the images in the list. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status:
- 1: If the operation successful.
- 0: if the attempt failed.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB), index(MSB), index(LSB)
0xFF, 0x4B, 0x11, 0xB3, 0xFF, 0xFF
// This will darken all of the images in the list that will next be shown by using the
// index = -1 (0xFF, 0xFF), using the image file which has a handle of 4531 (0x11, 0xB3)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the command was successful (0x06) and
// the operation was successful (0x00, 0x01)
Image Lighten
This function requires that an image control has been created with the Load Image Control command.
Lighten an image in the image list. Returns TRUE if index was ok and function was successful. Use this function to lighten an image so that when the Show Image command is called the control will take effect. To lighten all of the images in the list at the same time set index to -1.
This feature will take effect one time only and when the Show Image command is called again the lightened image will revert back to normal.
Library Function: img_Lighten
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
, index (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF4A |
handle | Pointer to the Image List. |
index | Index of the images in the list. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status:
- 1: If the operation successful.
- 0: if the attempt failed.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB), index(MSB), index(LSB)
0xFF, 0x4A, 0x11, 0xB3, 0x00, 0x01
// This will lighten the images in the list that has the index = 1 (0x00, 0x01),
// using the image file which has a handle of 4531 (0x11, 0xB3)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the command was successful (0x06) and
// the operation was successful (0x00, 0x01)
Set Image Parameters
This function requires that an image control has been created with the Load Image Control command.
Set image parameters in an image entry.
The Show Image command will now show an error box for out of range video frames. Also, if frame is set to -1, just a rectangle will be drawn in background colour to blank an image. It applies to PmmC R29 or above.
Library Function: img_SetWord
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
, index (word)
, offset (word)
, value (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF49 |
handle | Pointer to the Image List. |
index | Index of the images in the list. |
offset | Offset of the required word in the image entry. 2 - IMAGE_XPOS // WORD image location X 3 - IMAGE_YPOS // WORD image location Y 6 - IMAGE_FLAGS // WORD image flags 7 - IMAGE_DELAY // WORD inter frame delay 9 - IMAGE_INDEX // WORD current frame Note: Not all Constants are listed as some are Read Only. |
value | The word to be written to the entry. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status:
- 1: If the operation successful.
- 0: if the attempt failed.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB), index(MSB), index(LSB), offset(MSB),
// offset(LSB), value(MSB), value(LSB)
0xFF, 0x49, 0x0D, 0xE4, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x64
// This will set the IMAGE_WIDTH parameter (0x00, 0x04) of the image with a handle of
// 3556 (0x0D, 0xE4) and image index of 1 (0x00, 0x01) to have the value of 100 (0x00, 0x64)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the command was successful (0x06) and
// the operation was successful (0x00, 0x01)
Get Image Parameters
This function requires that an image control has been created with the Load Image Control command.
Returns the image parameters in an image entry.
Library Function: img_GetWord
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
, index (word)
, offset (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF48 |
handle | Pointer to the Image List. |
index | Index of the images in the list. |
offset | Offset of the required word in the image entry. 2 - IMAGE_XPOS // WORD image location X 3 - IMAGE_YPOS // WORD image location Y 4 - IMAGE_WIDTH // WORD image width 5 - IMAGE_HEIGHT // WORD image height 6 - IMAGE_FLAGS // WORD image flags 7 - IMAGE_DELAY // WORD inter frame delay 8 - IMAGE_FRAMES // WORD number of frames 9 - IMAGE_INDEX // WORD current frame |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: The word to be written to the entry.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB), index(MSB), index(LSB), offset(MSB),
// offset(LSB)
0xFF, 0x48, 0x0D, 0xE4, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x05
// This will get the current IMAGE_HEIGHT (0x00, 0x05) value from the image, which has
// a handle of 3556 (0x0D, 0xE4), and index of 6 (0x00, 0x05)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x49 assuming the command was successful and
// the Image Height was reported to be 73 (0x00, 0x49).
Show Image
This function requires that an image control has been created with the Load Image Control command.
Enable the displaying of the image entry in the image control.
Returns a non-zero value if successful but return value is usually ignored.
Library Function: img_Show
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
, index (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF47 |
handle | Pointer to the Image List. |
index | Index of the images in the list. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value:
- 0: if the attempt failed.
- Non 0: If the operation was successful.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB), index(MSB), index(LSB)
0xFF, 0x47, 0x0D, 0xE4, 0x00, 0x01
// This will show the image which has a handle of 3556 (0x0D, 0xE4) and image index of
// 1 (0x00, 0x01)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the command was successful and
// the image show operation was successful (return may be any non-zero value) (0x00, 0x01)
Set Image Attributes
This command SETS one or more bits in the IMAGE_FLAGS field of an image control entry. "value" refers to various bits in the image control entry (see image attribute flags above).
A '1' bit in the "value" field SETS the respective bit in the IMAGE_FLAGS field of the image control entry.
Image Attribute Flags
I_ENABLED | 0x8000 | bit 15, set for image enabled |
I_DARKEN | 0x4000 | bit 14, display dimmed |
I_LIGHTEN | 0x2000 | bit 13, display bright |
I_Y_LOCK | 0x0800 | bit 11, stop Y movement |
I_X_LOCK | 0x0400 | bit 10, stop X movement |
I_TOPMOST | 0x0200 | bit 9, draw on top of other images next update |
I_STAYONTOP | 0x0100 | bit 8, draw on top of other images always |
I_TOUCH_DISABLE | 0x0020 | bit 5, set to disable touch for this image, default=1 for movie, default=0 for image |
Library Function: img_SetAttributes
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
, index (word)
, value (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF46 |
handle | Pointer to the Image List. |
index | Index of the images in the list. |
value | Refer to the Image Attribute Flags in the description below. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status: TRUE or FALSE
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB), index(MSB), index(LSB), value(MSB),
// value(LSB)
0xFF, 0x46, 0x11, 0xB3, 0x00, 0x01, 0x40, 0x00
// This will set the image with handle=4531 (0x11, 0xB3) with index=1 (0x00, 0x01)
// that is next shown with the “Show Image” command to be Darker (0x40, 0x00), the same
// as using the “Image Darken” command.
// The response will be 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the command was successful and
// the image attribute was successfully set (0x00, 0x01)
Clear Image Attributes
Clear various Image Attribute Flags in an image control entry. (see image attribute flags below)
Image Attribute Flags may be combined by adding the hex of two or more flags together, or with binary addition.
This function requires that an image control has been created with the Load Image Control command. Returns TRUE if index was ok and function was successful. (the return value is usually ignored).
Image Attributes Flags
I_ENABLED | 0x8000 | bit 15, set for image enabled |
I_DARKEN | 0x4000 | bit 14, display dimmed |
I_LIGHTEN | 0x2000 | bit 13, display bright |
I_Y_LOCK | 0x0800 | bit 11, stop Y movement |
I_X_LOCK | 0x0400 | bit 10, stop X movement |
I_TOPMOST | 0x0200 | bit 9, draw on top of other images next update |
I_STAYONTOP | 0x0100 | bit 8, draw on top of other images always |
I_TOUCH_DISABLE | 0x0020 | bit 5, set to disable touch for this image, default=1 for movie, default=0 for image |
Library Function: img_ClearAttributes
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
, index (word)
, value (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF45 |
handle | Pointer to the Image List. |
index | Index of the images in the list. |
value | A '1' bit indicates that a bit should be set and a '0' bit indicates that a bit is not altered. Note: if index is set to -1, the attribute is altered in ALL of the entries in the image list. Refer to the Image Attribute Flags in the description below. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), status (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status:
- 1: If the operation successful.
- 0: if the attempt failed.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB), index(MSB), index(LSB), value(MSB),
// value(LSB)
0xFF, 0x45, 0x11, 0xB3, 0x00, 0x21, 0x80, 0x00
// This will clear the I_ENABLED (0x80, 0x00) attribute from the image with
// handle = 4531 (0x11, 0xB3) and index = 33 (0x00, 0x21)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the command was successful (0x06) and
// the attribute was successfully cleared (0x00, 0x01)
Image Touched
This command requires that an image control has been created with the Load Image Control command.
Returns index if image touched or returns -1 image not touched. If index is passed as -1 the command tests all images and returns -1 if image not touched or returns index.
Library Function: img_Touched
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
, index (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF44 |
handle | Pointer to the Image List. |
index | Index of the images in the list. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Returns image index if image touched. -1 if image not touched.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB), index(MSB), index(LSB)
0xFF, 0x44, 0x0D, 0xE4, 0x00, 0x05
// This will return if an image with handle 3556 (0x44, 0x0D) and index 5 (0x00, 0x05)
// has been touch.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x05 assuming the command was successful and
// the image touched had the index of 5 (0x00, 0x05).
Blit Com to Display
This command will BLIT (Block Image Transfer) 16 bit pixel data from the Com port on to the screen.
Library Function: blitComtoDisplay
Syntax: cmd (word)
, x (word)
, y (word)
, width (word)
, height (word)
, data (data)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0023 |
x, y | Specifies the horizontal and vertical position of the top-left corner of the image to be displayed. |
width | width of the image to be displayed. |
height | height of the image to be displayed. |
data | pixel1…pixeln 16 bit pixel data to be plotted on the Display screen. 16 bit = 5bit Red, 6bit Green, 5bit Blue. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), x(MSB), x(LSB), y(MSB), y(LSB), width(MSB), width(LSB),
// height(MSB), height(LSB), pixel1, pixel2, …, pixelN
0x00, 0x23, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x00, 0xBC, 0x31, 0x81, 0x63... etc
// This will displaying an image at X=0 (0x00, 0x00), Y=0 (0x00, 0x00) with
// Width = 480 (0x01, 0xE0) and height = 188 (0x00, 0xBC)
// The response will be 0x06 assuming the command was successful
System Commands
The following is a summary of the commands available to be used for System:
- Memory Release
- Memory Status
- Get Display Model
- Get SPE Version
- Get PmmC Version
- Peek Memory
- Poke Memory
Memory Release
The memory release command releases the memory space used by the the Load Image Control and file Load Function commands.
Library Function: mem_Free
Syntax: cmd (word)
, handle (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF24 |
handle | Pointer to the memory block. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- status:
- 0: If the attempt failed.
- Non-0: If the operation successful.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), handle(MSB), handle(LSB)
0xFF, 0x24, 0x11, 0xB3
// This will release the memory utilized by the handle 4531 (0x11, 0xB3)
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the command was successful and the
// operation was successful.
Memory Status
Returns byte size of the largest chunk of memory available in the heap.
Library Function: mem_Heap
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFF23 |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Returns the largest available memory chunk of the heap.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0xFF, 0x23
// This will return the largest available chunk of memory in the heap
// The response will be 0x06, 0x26, 0x86 assuming the command was successful and
// the display reported back 9862 (0x26, 0x86) bytes of available memory in its
// largest chunk
Get Display Model
Returns the Display Model in the form of a string without Null terminator.
Library Function: sys_GetModel
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x001A |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), count (word), model (string)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- count: Number of characters in the model name to return.
- model: Display Module’s model name. Without NULL terminator.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0x00, 0x1A
// This will request the display to return its model name as a string of characters
// without the NULL.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x75, 0x4C, 0x43, 0x44, 0x2D, 0x33, 0x32,
// 0x50, 0x54, 0x55 assuming the command was successful and the display returned 10
// characters (0x00, 0x0A) and the display model was “uLCD-32PTU” (0x75, 0x4C, 0x43,
// 0x44, 0x2D, 0x33, 0x32, 0x50, 0x54, 0x55)
Get SPE Version
Returns the SPE Version installed on the module.
Library Function: sys_GetVersion
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x001B |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), version (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- version: SPE Version installed on the module.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0x00, 0x1B
// This will return the version of the SPE Application loaded into the display
// The response will be 0x06, 0x01, 0x00 assuming the command was successful and
// the version of the SPE Application was 256 (0x01, 0x00)
Get PmmC Version
Returns the PmmC Version installed on the module.
Library Function: sys_GetPmmC
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x001C |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), version (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- version: PmmC Version installed on the module.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0x00, 0x1C
// This will return the version of the PmmC loaded into the display
// The response will be 0x06, 0x03, 0x03 assuming the command was successful and
// the PmmC loaded was version 771 (0x03, 0x03)
Peek Memory
Returns the word contents of a specified memory address. This command would normally be used to read the contents of File and/or ImageControl handles.
Library Function: peekM
Syntax: cmd (word)
, address(word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0027 |
address | The address to be peeked. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), contents (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- contents: The contents of the specified memory address.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), address(MSB), address(LSB)
0x00, 0x27, 0x14, 0x3C
// This example assumed a file had been opened and the handle returned was at 0x142A.
// Offset 18 from this (0x143C) is the FILE_ATTRIBUTES word.
// The response will be 0x06, 0x00, 0x20 assuming the command was successful and the
// file had the Archive bit set.
Poke Memory
Sets the word contents of a specified memory address. This command would normally be used to alter the contents of File and/or ImageControl handles.
Library Function: pokeM
Syntax: cmd (word)
, address (word)
, wordvalue (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0x0028 |
address | The address to be poked. |
wordvalue | The data to be poked into the address. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), address(MSB), address(LSB)
0x00, 0x27, 0x14, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x00
// This example assumed a file had been opened and the handle returned was at 0x142A.
// Offset 18 from this (0x143C) is the FILE_ATTRIBUTES word.
// The response will be 0x06 assuming the command was successful. This example would
// clear the Archive bit.
I/O Commands
The following is a summary of the commands available to be used for I/O Control:
- BUS In
- BUS out
- BUS Read
- BUS Set
- BUS Write
- Pin HI
- Pin LO
- Pin Read
- Pin Set
Returns the state of the bus as an 8bit value in to the lower byte of the assigned variable. Bus pins can be set as either INPUT or OUTPUT, using the BUS Set command.
Library Function: bus_In
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFD3 |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Returns the state of the bus as an 8bit value.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0xFF, 0xD3
// This will return the value of the BUS pins
// The response could be 0x06, 0x00, 0x49 assuming the command was successful and the
// BUS has BUS0, BUS3 and BUS6 HI and the rest LO (0x00, 0x49) or (01001001 in Binary)
See also
Bus Set command, to determine if the pin is an INPUT or an OUTPUT.
Sets the value of the BUS pins.
Bus pins should be set as OUTPUT first, using the BUS Set command.
Library Function: bus_Out
Syntax: cmd (word)
, arg (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFD2 |
arg | Argument specifying the pins on the bus to output. The lower byte of the argument is placed on the 8bit wide bus. The upper byte of the argument is ignored. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), arg(MSB), arg(LSB)
0xFF, 0xD2, 0x00, 0x03
// This will output HI on to BUS0 and BUS1 and LO on to the rest of the
// BUS pins (0x00, 0x03 is 00000011 in binary)
// The response could be 0x06 assuming the command was successful
BUS Read
Returns the state of the bus as an 8bit value in to the lower byte of the assigned variable. Bus pins can be set as either INPUT or OUTPUT, using the BUS Set command.
The BUS_RD pin set to LO, then, after a settling delay of approx 50nsec, the BUS is read into the lower 8 bits of the assigned variable (the upper 8 bits being set to 0) the BUS_RD pin is then set back to a HI level.
The BUS_RD pin is automatically pre-set to an output to ensure BUS write integrity.
Please refer to the datasheet of the display module you are using, to determine which pin on your module is BUS_RD.
Library Function: bus_Read
Syntax: cmd (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFCF |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Returns the state of the bus as an 8bit value.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB)
0xFF, 0xCF
// This will return the value of the BUS pins
// The response could be 0x06, 0x00, 0xEC assuming the command was successful and the
// BUS has BUS2, BUS3, BUS5, BUS6 and BUS7 HI and the rest LO (0x00, 0xEC) or
// (11101100 in Binary)
See also
Bus Set command, to determine if the pin is an INPUT or an OUTPUT
The lower 8 bits of arg are placed in the BUS direction register.
A '1' sets a pin to be an input, a '0' sets a pin to be output.
The upper 8 bits of arg are ignored.
The BUS_RD and BUS_WR pins are not affected.
Bus Set is only valid for the BUS Pins, BUS0 to BUS7. It does not work on any of the other Pins.
Library Function: bus_Set
Syntax: cmd (word)
, arg (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFD1 |
arg | Argument specifying the pins direction. The lower byte of the argument is placed on the 8bit wide bus. The upper byte of the argument is ignored. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), arg(MSB), arg(LSB)
0xFF, 0xD1, 0x00, 0xAA
// This will set BUS1, BUS3, BUS5 and BUS7 to be INPUTs and the rest of the BUS pins
// will be OUTPUTs (0x00, 0xAA is 10101010 in binary)
// The response could be 0x06 assuming the command was successful
BUS Write
Sets the value of the BUS pins.
Bus pins should be set as OUTPUT first, using the BUS Set command.
The lower 8 bits of arg1 are placed on the BUS, then, after a settling delay of approx 50nsec, the BUS_WR pin is strobed LO for approx 50nsec then set back HI.
The upper 8 bits of arg1 are ignored.
The BUS_WR pin is automatically pre-set to an output to ensure BUS write integrity.
Please refer to the datasheet of the display module you are using, to determine which pin on your module is BUS_WR.
Library Function: bus_Write
Syntax: cmd (word)
, arg (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFD0 |
arg | Argument specifying the pins on the bus to output. The lower byte of the argument is placed on the 8bit wide bus. The upper byte of the argument is ignored. |
Returns: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), arg(MSB), arg(LSB)
0xFF, 0xD0, 0x00, 0x02
// This will output HI on to BUS1 and LO on to the rest of the
// BUS pins (0x00, 0x02 is 00000010 in binary)
// The response could be 0x06 assuming the command was successful
See also
Bus Set command, to determine if the pin is an INPUT or an OUTPUT.
Pin HI
Outputs a High level (logic 1) on the appropriate pin that was previously selected as an Output. If the pin is not already set to an output, it is automatically made an output.
I/O pins should be set as OUTPUT first, using the Pin Set/Bus Set commands.
Pin Constants able to be used with the Pin HI, Pin LO and Pin Read commands:
IO1_PIN | 1 | Used for FMARK on the PTU Modules (See Datasheet) |
IO2_PIN | 2 | Used for STAT on the PTU Modules (See Datasheet) |
IO3_PIN | 3 | Used for PERF SUPPLY on the PTU Modules (See Datasheet) |
IO4_PIN | 4 | Also used for BUS_RD |
IO5_PIN | 5 | Also used for BUS_WR |
BUS_RD_PIN | 4 | Alias IO4_PIN |
BUS_WR_PIN | 5 | Alias IO5_PIN |
BACKLIGHT | 6 | Backlight control pin |
AUDIO_ENABLE | 7 | Amplifier chip control pin |
BUS_0 | 8 | Bus 0, also able to be set with Pin commands |
BUS_1 | 9 | Bus 1, also able to be set with Pin commands |
BUS_2 | 10 | Bus 2, also able to be set with Pin commands |
BUS_3 | 11 | Bus 3, also able to be set with Pin commands |
BUS_4 | 12 | Bus 4, also able to be set with Pin commands |
BUS_5 | 13 | Bus 5, also able to be set with Pin commands |
BUS_6 | 14 | Bus 6, also able to be set with Pin commands |
BUS_7 | 15 | Bus 7, also able to be set with Pin commands |
Constant variables available for use when using a 4D Labs Serial library.
Library Function: pin_Hi
Syntax: cmd (word)
, pin (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFD6 |
pin | A value specifying the pin number. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Returns 1 if the pin value was a legal number.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), pin(MSB), pin(LSB)
0xFF, 0xD6, 0x00, 0x04
// This will set Pin 4 (IO4) to output HI
// The response could be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the command was successful, and
// the pin number was legal (0x00, 0x01)
See also
Pin Set command, to determine if the pin is an INPUT or an OUTPUT.
Bus Set command, to determine if the bus pin is an INPUT or an OUTPUT.
Pin LO
Outputs a Low level (logic 0) on the appropriate pin that was previously selected as an Output. If the pin is not already set to an output, it is automatically made an output.
I/O pins should be set as OUTPUT first, using the Pin Set/Bus Set commands.
Pin Constants able to be used with the Pin HI, Pin LO and Pin Read commands:
IO1_PIN | 1 | Used for FMARK on the PTU Modules (See Datasheet) |
IO2_PIN | 2 | Used for STAT on the PTU Modules (See Datasheet) |
IO3_PIN | 3 | Used for PERF SUPPLY on the PTU Modules (See Datasheet) |
IO4_PIN | 4 | Also used for BUS_RD |
IO5_PIN | 5 | Also used for BUS_WR |
BUS_RD_PIN | 4 | Alias IO4_PIN |
BUS_WR_PIN | 5 | Alias IO5_PIN |
BACKLITE | 6 | Backlight control pin |
AUDIO_ENABLE | 7 | Amplifier chip control pin |
BUS_0 | 8 | Bus 0, also able to be set with Pin commands |
BUS_1 | 9 | Bus 1, also able to be set with Pin commands |
BUS_2 | 10 | Bus 2, also able to be set with Pin commands |
BUS_3 | 11 | Bus 3, also able to be set with Pin commands |
BUS_4 | 12 | Bus 4, also able to be set with Pin commands |
BUS_5 | 13 | Bus 5, also able to be set with Pin commands |
BUS_6 | 14 | Bus 6, also able to be set with Pin commands |
BUS_7 | 15 | Bus 7, also able to be set with Pin commands |
Constant variables available for use when using a 4D Labs Serial library.
Library Function: pin_Lo
Syntax: cmd (word)
, pin (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFD5 |
pin | A value specifying the pin number. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Returns 1 if the pin value was a legal number.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), pin(MSB), pin(LSB)
0xFF, 0xD5, 0x00, 0x05
// This will set Pin 5 (IO5) to output HI
// The response could be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the command was successful, and
// the pin number was legal (0x00, 0x01)
See also
Pin Set command, to determine if the pin is an INPUT or an OUTPUT.
Bus Set command, to determine if the bus pin is an INPUT or an OUTPUT.
Pin Read
Returns a "Low" level (logic 0) or a “High” level (logic 1) based on the value of the selected pin.
I/O pins can be set as either INPUT or OUTPUT, using the Pin Set/Bus Set commands.
Library Function: pin_Read
Syntax: cmd (word)
, pin (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFD4 |
pin | A value specifying the pin number. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknnowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Returns a 0 or 1 depending on the state of the pin.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), pin(MSB), pin(LSB)
0xFF, 0xD4, 0x00, 0x09
// This will read the value of Pin 9 (BUS1)
// The response could be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the command was successful, and
// the I/O pin was set HI (0x00, 0x01)
See also
Pin Set command, to determine if the pin is an INPUT or an OUTPUT.
Bus Set command, to determine if the bus pin is an INPUT or an OUTPUT.
Pin Set
There are pre-defined constants for mode and pin:
Pin Constant | Description | Remarks |
IO1_PIN | I/O Pin 1 (IO1), pin = 1 | FMARK on PTU modules |
IO2_PIN | I/O Pin 2 (IO2), pin = 2 | STAT on PTU modules |
IO3_PIN | I/O Pin 3 (IO3), pin = 3 | PERF SUPPLY on PTU modules |
IO4_PIN | I/O Pin 4 (IO4), pin = 4 | Also used for BUS_RD |
IO5_PIN | I/O Pin 5 (IO5), pin = 5 | Also ud for BUS_WR |
BACKLITE | Back-light control pin, pin = 6 | Used internally. Permanently set as Output. HIGH: BACKLITE ON LOW : BACKLITE OFF |
AUDIO_ENABLE | Amplifier Chip control pin, pin = 7 | Used internally. Permanently set as Output HIGH: Amplifier OFF LOW : Amplifier ON |
Mode Constant | Mode Value | Description/Meaning | IO1 | IO2 | IO3 | IO4 | IO5 |
OUTPUT | 0 | Pin is set to an output | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
INPUT | 1 | Pin is set to an input | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
To set the mode of the Bus Pins, please see the BUS Set command.
Library Function: pin_Set
Syntax: cmd (word)
, mode (word)
, pin (word)
Commands | Description |
cmd | 0xFFD7 |
mode | A value specifying the pin mode. |
pin | A value specifying the pin number. |
Returns: acknowledge (byte), value (word)
- acknowledge: (0x06) ACK byte if successful. Anything else implies mismatch between command and response.
- value: Returns 1 if the pin value was a legal number.
// Byte Stream:
// cmd(MSB), cmd(LSB), mode(MSB), mode(LSB), pin(MSB), pin(LSB)
0xFF, 0xD7, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03
// This will set Pin 3 (IO3) as an Input
// The response could be 0x06, 0x00, 0x01 assuming the command was successful,
// and the I/O pin specified was a valid pin number (0x00, 0x01)
Revision History
Document Revision
Revision Number | Date | Description |
1.0 | 17/12/2012 | First Release |
1.1 | 12/01/2013 | Added additional description for Move Origin, explaining it can be used for both Text and Graphics, and adding See Also links for some text commands. Fixed a few typo mistakes in the File Commands sections, where incorrect byte values were written. |
1.2 | 14/01/2013 | Making location of libraries more apparent. |
1.3 | 29/01/2013 | File_Mount return fixed, as it can be a non-zero number for successful, not just 0x00 0x01. |
1.4 | 10/02/2013 | Write Word command number missing, and updated example. |
1.5 | 13/02/2013 | Correction to the gfx_Contrast command, plus addition of additional information. |
1.6 | 17/02/2013 | Touch Get explanation of Mode 1 and Mode 2 extended. |
1.7 | 22/02/2013 | Added character limit information to Put String command. |
1.8 | 26/02/2013 | Added Pin and Bus I/O Control commands – NEW FEATURE. |
1.9 | 27/02/2013 | Added missing Command Words for File Execute and Load Image Control. |
1.10 | 28/02/2013 | 2s changed to 3s on the Power Up after Reset section. |
1.11 | 07/03/2013 | Updated Set and Get Image Parameters offset constants. |
1.12 | 23/04/2013 | Updated Set and Clear Image Attributes tables, and correction in File Mount return. |
1.13 | 23/04/2013 | Screen Mode command updated, removing uVGA-II/III statement which was incorrect. |
1.14 | 30/01/2014 | Corrected return of File Call Function which was incorrect, Fixed a missing word in the response title for File Size command. Added txt_Wrap command. |
1.15 | 21/03/2014 | Documented v4.0 PmmC’s changes to files opened in append mode. Added peekM and pokeM commands for SPE 1.2. |
1.16 | 07/05/2014 | Updated image in section 2.2. |
1.17 | 01/10/2014 | Fixed typo in putstr function (was shown as putStr incorrectly). |
1.18 | 22/12/2014 | Added information for file_LoadImageControl. Updated control block size in file_Mount. Added information relating to Set Font and uSD based fonts. Added note about restriction of clipping command. Added information about the use of TRANSPARENCY. |
1.19 | 29/06/2015 | Added max write size to “File Write” command. |
1.20 | 10/11/2015 | Added Arduino specific library functions. |
2.0 | 01/05/2017 | Updated formatting and contents. |
2.1 | 26/02/2019 | Updated formatting. |
2.2 | 27/05/2024 | Converted for resource centre. |
2.3 | 03/06/2024 | Fix typo errors on Library Functions, missing syntax and Add Write Byte function. |