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The GFX4dESP32 library is provided by 4D Systems for use with gen4-ESP32-XX product series. This library provides users access to the graphics, touch, and Wi-Fi functionalities of 4D Systems' ESP32-S3 display modules.

Note however that some functionalities might not be supported by a certain product types, depending on its specifications. For instance, non-touch variants have no access to all touch-related functions. For more information on the specifications of a product, refer to its datasheet.

To install the library, please refer to the instructions in Workshop4 ESP32 Development Manual.

It is recommended to use Workshop4 IDE to get the most out of the library functions.


Workshop4 is a Windows-only application.

Library Setup

When using Workshop4, the library is automatically included in the code.

To set up the library for use with Arduino IDE or other Arduino-compatible IDEs, the correct header file for the target display must be included and an instance of the library needs to be created.

A sample code should look like this:

#include "gfx4desp32_%%displaynm%%.h"

gfx4desp32_%%displaynm%% gfx = gfx4desp32_%%displaynm%%();

where %%displaynm%%is the name of the target display module with underscores (_) as separators instead of a hyphen (-).

Here's a table listing all the available products and their respective header files.

Product Header File
gen4-ESP32-24 gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_24.h
gen4-ESP32-24CT gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_24CT.h
gen4-ESP32-24CT-CLB gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_24CT-CLB.h
gen4-ESP32-28 gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_28.h
gen4-ESP32-28CT gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_28CT.h
gen4-ESP32-28CT-CLB gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_28CT-CLB.h
gen4-ESP32-32 gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_32.h
gen4-ESP32-32CT gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_32CT.h
gen4-ESP32-32CT-CLB gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_32CT-CLB.h
gen4-ESP32-35 gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_35.h
gen4-ESP32-35CT gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_35CT.h
gen4-ESP32-35CT-CLB gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_35CT-CLB.h
gen4-ESP32-43 gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_43.h
gen4-ESP32-43T gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_43T.h
gen4-ESP32-43CT gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_43CT.h
gen4-ESP32-43CT-CLB gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_43CT-CLB.h
gen4-ESP32-50 gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_50.h
gen4-ESP32-50T gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_50T.h
gen4-ESP32-50CT gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_50CT.h
gen4-ESP32-50CT-CLB gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_50CT-CLB.h
gen4-ESP32-70 gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_70.h
gen4-ESP32-70T gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_70T.h
gen4-ESP32-70CT gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_70CT.h
gen4-ESP32-70CT-CLB gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_70CT-CLB.h
gen4-ESP32Q-43 gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32Q_43.h
gen4-ESP32Q-43T gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32Q_43T.h
gen4-ESP32Q-43CT gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32Q_43CT.h
gen4-ESP32Q-43CT-CLB gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32Q_43CT-CLB.h
ESP32-90 gfx4desp32_ESP32_90.h
ESP32-90T gfx4desp32_ESP32_90T.h
ESP32-90CT gfx4desp32_ESP32_90CT.h
ESP32-90CT-CLB gfx4desp32_ESP32_90CT-CLB.h

5-inch Resistive Touch Variant Example

#include "gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_50T.h"

gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_50T gfx = gfx4desp32_gen4_ESP32_50T();


When using Workshop4, a new project will include the snippet of code with %%displaynm%% above. Workshop4 automatically replaces %%displaynm%% with the correct name for the current display selected in the project before the project is compiled.f!!

To start using the created gfx instance, add the line gfx.begin() before using any other library functions.

Common Setup Routine

void setup() {
    gfx.begin(); // Initialize the display
    gfx.TextColor(WHITE); gfx.Font(2); gfx.TextSize(1);

General and Utility Functions


Initialize the display module and all onboard components.

Syntax: gfx.begin();

Return: None (void)


void setup()
    gfx.TextColor(WHITE, BLACK); gfx.Font(2);  gfx.TextSize(1);
    gfx.Open4dGFX("sample");        // Opens DAT/GCI files using filename w/o extension
    gfx.touch_Set(TOUCH_ENABLE);    // Global touch enabled


Returns the height of the display in pixels at the current orientation

Syntax: gfx.getHeight();

Return: Height of the display in pixels at the current orientation (int16_t)


int16_t displayHeight = gfx.getHeight();
// Get display height then print its value
gfx.print("Height: "); gfx.println(displayHeight);


Returns the width of the display in pixels at the current orientation

Syntax: gfx.getWidth();

Return: Width of the display in pixels at the current orientation (int16_t)


int16_t displayWidth = gfx.getWidth();
// Get display Width then print its value
gfx.print("Width: "); gfx.println(displayWidth);


Enables or disables transparent colours.

Syntax: gfx.Transparency(mode);

Argument Type Description
mode boolean Use true to enable or false to disable transparent colours

Return: None (void)


gfx.Transparency(true);     // Enable transparency


This doesn't apply to pushColors function


Sets the colour to be treated as transparent when transparency is enabled

Syntax: gfx.TransparentColor(colour);

Argument Type Description
colour uint16_t RGB565 colour that won't be drawn in all functions when transparency is enabled

Return: None (void)


See gfx.Transparency for an example


This doesn't apply to pushColors function


Enables Alpha Blending of new foreground colour to existing background colour

Syntax: gfx.AlphaBlend(mode);

Argument Type Description
mode bool Specifies whether to enable (true) or disable (false) alpha blending

Return: None (void)


gfx.AlphaBlendLevel(127); // sets level to 127 of 0 to 255
gfx.AlphaBlend(true); // Enable alpha blending


Sets the level of alpha blending between new foreground colour and existing background colour. gfx.AlphaBlend must be used and set to true or ON for this to take effect.

Syntax: gfx.AlphaBlendLevel(value);

Argument Type Description
value uint32_t Specifies the intensity for alpha blending (0 to 255)

Return: None (void)


See gfx.AlphaBlend for an example


Turns the backlight ON or OFF.

Syntax: gfx.BacklightOn(mode);

Argument Type Description
mode boolean Use true to turn ON and false to turn OFF

Return: None (void)


gfx.BacklightOn(false); // Turns the backlight OFF
delay(3000);            // Wait for approx. 3 seconds
gfx.BacklightOn(true);  // Turns the backlight ON


Sets the backlight intensity

Syntax: gfx.Contrast(level);

Argument Type Description
level int 0 = backlight is OFF, 1-15 = backlight brightness level

Return: None (void)


for (i = currentLevel; i >= 0; i--) {
    delay(200);         // Slowly dim the backlight
    gfx.Contrast(i);    // until it is off


Inverts the colours displayed on the screen or returns to original.

Syntax: gfx.Invert(mode);

Argument Type Description
mode boolean Use true to invert display colours and false to display original

Return: None (void)


gfx.RectangleFilled(0, 0, 50, 50, BLACK);
gfx.RectangleFilled(100, 100, 150, 150, BLUE);
gfx.Invert(true);   // Inverts colours displayed on screen
gfx.Invert(false);  // Revert back to original colours


Clear the screen and fill with the specified colour. If no colour value was specified, the function will use BLACK.

This function also brings some settings back to default.

  • Cursor position is reset to (0, 0)
  • Scroll is set to 0 pixels

Syntax: gfx.Cls([colour]);

Argument Type Description
colour (optional) uint16_t Specifies the colour to clear the screen with

Return: None (void)


gfx.Cls();      // Clears the screen with BLACK
gfx.Cls(LIME);  // Clears the screen with LIME


Fills the screen with the specified colour.

Syntax: gfx.FillScreen(colour);

Argument Type Description
colour uint16_t Specifies the colour to fill the screen with

Return: None (void)


gfx.FillScreen(LIME);   // Fills the screen with LIME


Get Orientation

Get the current display orientation. See Set Orientation for possible values

Syntax: gfx.Orientation();

Return: Current orientation (uint8_t)


int8_t orientation = gfx.Orientation();
// Get orientation then print its value
gfx.print("Orientation: "); gfx.println(orientation);

Set Orientation

Sets the orientation of the display the mode specified.

Constants Value

Syntax: gfx.Orientation(orient);

Argument Type Description
orient uint8_t Specifies the orientation, refer to table above

Return: None (void)


gfx.Orientation(PORTRAIT);  // Sets Orientation to PORTRAIT


The cursor position is not altered in any way by changing the orientation.


Check if a uSD card is properly mounted to the display module.

If the uSD Card is properly mounted during the execution of gfx.begin(), this function will return true. Otherwise, this will return false.

Syntax: gfx.CheckSD();

Return: true if uSD is properly mounted, false otherwise (boolean)


if (!gfx.CheckSD()) {
    gfx.print("uSD Card not mounted.");
    gfx.print("Please insert uSD Card and restart module");
} // Check if the uSD is mounted


Calculate the position of the pixel relative to the current cursor position using the given angle and length.

Syntax: gfx.Orbit(angle, length, output);

Argument Type Description
angle int Angle in degrees relative to the current cursor position
length int Pixel distance from current cursor position
output int * Pointer to an int array with at least 2 elements for x and y

Return: None (void)


int xy[2];
gfx.MoveTo(gfx.getWidth() / 2, gfx.getHeight() / 2);
gfx.Orbit(135, 50, xy);
gfx.printf("Pixel is in (%d, %d)\n", xy[0], xy[1]);


Calculate the angle between the current cursor position and the pixel position specified and return it in degrees.

Syntax: gfx.XYposToDegree(x, y);

Argument Type Description
x int Horizontal pixel position of the pixel
y int Vertical pixel position of the pixel

Return: Angle in degrees relative to current cursor position (int16_t)


int16_t deg = gfx.XYposToDegree(100, 150);
gfx.printf("(100, 150) is at %d degrees from current cursor position\n", deg);


Capture and save to uSD an area of the screen and returns true if successful.

The operation can fail under two conditions:

  • uSD is not mounted properly
  • File with the filename specified already exists

Syntax: gfx.ScreenCapture(x, y, w, h, fname);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Top left horizontal position in pixels
y int16_t Top left vertical position in pixels
w int16_t Width of the capture area in pixels
h int16_t Height of the capture area in pixels
fname String Filename to save the image with

Return: true if successful, false otherwise (boolean)



// draw a few things here...

gfx.ScreenCapture(0, 0, gfx.getWidth(), gfx.getHeight(), "fullpage.bmp");


Returns a reference to the initialized SdFat instance of the uSD. This allows access full access to the mounted uSD card.

Please refer to the SdFat documentation for more information.

Syntax: gfx.getSdFatInstance();

Return: Instance of SdFat (SdFat &)


SdFat& uSD;

void setup()
    gfx.TextColor(WHITE, BLACK); gfx.Font(2);  gfx.TextSize(1);
    gfx.Open4dGFX("sample");        // Opens DAT/GCI files using filename w/o extension
    gfx.touch_Set(TOUCH_ENABLE);    // Global touch enabled
    uSD = gfx.getSdFatInstance();

    // use "uSD" as needed here

void loop() 
    // use "uSD" as needed here


Version 1.0.0 of the GFX4dESP32 library depends on SdFat version 2.2.2 or higher.

The library is tested to work specifically with SdFat v2.2.2, therefore using this version is mainly recommended if any issues are encountered with newer versions.


Executes various display initialization functions as listed:


Syntax: gfx.DisplayControl(action);

Argument Type Description
action uint8_t Specifies the initialization function to perform

Return: None (void)




Enables previously defined clipping area.

Syntax: gfx.Clipping(true);

Argument Type Description
mode bool Specifies whether to enable (true) or disable (false) clipping

Return: None (void)




Set clip window specified by the rectangle with diagonal at (x1, y1) to (x2, y2)

Syntax: gfx.ClipWindow(x1, y1, x2, y2);

Argument Type Description
x1 int Horizontal position of first endpoint of one diagonal of the clipping window
y1 int Vertical position of first endpoint of one diagonal of the clipping window
x2 int Horizontal position of second endpoint of one diagonal of the clipping window
y2 int Vertical position of second endpoint of one diagonal of the clipping window

Return: None (void)


gfx.ClipWindow(10, 0, 229, 319);

Primitive Shapes


Writes the pixel colour to the specified position

Syntax: gfx.PutPixel(x, y, colour);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Horizontal position in pixels
y int16_t Vertical position in pixels
colour uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 colour to be drawn to the specified position

Return: None (void)


gfx.PutPixel(5, 10, RED); // Draws a RED pixel at (5,10)


Draws a pixel to the current frame buffer with color parameter switch.

Syntax: gfx.PutPixelAlpha(x, y, colour, alpha);

Argument Type Description
x int Horizontal position in pixels
y int Vertical position in pixels
colour int32_t 16-bit RGB565 colour, a GCI image, or Framebuffer image to be drawn to the specified position
alpha uint8_t Alpha level (0-255)

Return: None (void)


gfx.PutPixelAlpha(10, 10, GCI_IMAGE + 3, 255);           
// draws a pixel at 10, 10
// from GCI image index 3 and full alpha level. x and y are relative to objects x and y.

gfx.PutPixelAlpha(10, 10, FRAMEBUFFER_IMAGE + 3, 127); 
// draws a pixel at 10, 100
// from Framebuffer index 3 with half alpha at the same x and y position.

gfx.PutPixelAlpha(10, 10, RED, 127);                     
// draws a RED pixel at 10, 10
// with half alpha at the same x and y position.


Draws a vertical line from point (x, y) with length equal to height using the specified colour.

Direction is specified by the sign of height: positive (+) draws downwards and negative (-) draws upwards

Syntax: gfx.Vline(x, y, height, colour);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Horizontal position in pixels
y int16_t Vertical position in pixels
height int16_t Length in pixels and direction of the vertical line
colour uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the line

Return: None (void)


// Draws a 100-pixel RED Vline from (5,10) downwards
// Draws a 100-pixel BLUE Vline from (5,10) upwards


Draws a horizontal line from point (x, y) with length equal to width using the specified colour.

Direction is specified by the sign of width: positive (+) draws to the right and negative (-) draws to the left

Syntax: gfx.Hline(x, y, width, colour);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Horizontal position in pixels
y int16_t Vertical position in pixels
height int16_t Length in pixels and direction of the horizontal line
colour uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the line

Return: None (void)


// Draws a 100-pixel RED Hline from (5,10) to the right
// Draws a 100-pixel BLUE Hline from (5,10) to the left


Draws a vertical line from point (x, y1) to (x, y2) using the specified colour.

Syntax: gfx.VlineD(x, y1, y2, colour);

Argument Type Description
x int Horizontal position in pixels
y1 int Vertical position in pixels of first endpoint
y2 int Vertical position in pixels of second endpoint
colour int 16-bit RGB565 colour of the line

Return: None (void)


// Draws a vertical RED line from (5,10) to (5, 100)


Draws a horizontal line from point (x1, y) to point (x2, y) using the specified colour.

Syntax: gfx.HlineD(y, x1, x2, colour);

Argument Type Description
y int Vertical position in pixels
x1 int Horizontal position in pixels of first endpoint
x1 int Horizontal position in pixels of second endpoint
colour int 16-bit RGB565 colour of the line

Return: None (void)


gfx.HlineD(10, 5, 100, RED);
// Draws a horizontal RED line from (5, 10) to (100, 10)


Draws a vertical line from point (x, y) with length equal to height using the specified colour, source GCI image, or source framebuffer.

Direction is specified by the sign of height: positive (+) draws downwards and negative (-) draws upwards

Syntax: gfx.Vline(x, y, height, colour);

Argument Type Description
x int Horizontal position in pixels
y int Vertical position in pixels
height int Length in pixels and direction of the vertical line
colour int32_t 16-bit RGB565 colour, source GCI image, or source framebuffer.

Return: None (void)


gfx.VlineX(10, 10, 100, GCI_IMAGE + 3);
// draws a vertical line at 10, 10 and a length of 100 pixels
// from GCI image index 3. x and y are relative to objects x and y.

gfx.VlineX(10, 10, 100, FRAMEBUFFER_IMAGE + 3);
// draws a vertical line at 10, 10 and a length of 100 pixels
// from framebuffer index 3 at the same x and y position.


Draws a horizontal line from point (x, y) with length equal to width using the specified colour, source GCI image, or source framebuffer.

Direction is specified by the sign of width: positive (+) draws to the right and negative (-) draws to the left

Syntax: gfx.HlineX(x, y, width, colour);

Argument Type Description
x int Horizontal position in pixels
y int Vertical position in pixels
height int Length in pixels and direction of the horizontal line
colour int32_t 16-bit RGB565 colour, source GCI image, or source framebuffer.

Return: None (void)


gfx.HlineX(10, 10, 100, GCI_IMAGE + 3);
// draws a horizontal line at 10, 10 and a length of 100 pixels
// from GCI image index 3. x and y are relative to objects x and y.

gfx.HlineX(10, 10, 100, FRAMEBUFFER_IMAGE + 3);
// draws a horizontal line at 10, 10 and a length of 100 pixels
// Draws a 100-pixel BLUE Hline from (5,10) to the left


Draws a line from point (x0, y0) to point (x1, y1) using the specified colour.

Syntax: gfx.Line(x0, y0, x1, y1, colour);

Argument Type Description
x0 int16_t Horizontal position of starting point in pixels
y0 int16_t Vertical position of starting point in pixels
x1 int16_t Horizontal position of endpoint in pixels
y1 int16_t Vertical position of endpoint in pixels
colour uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the line

Return: None (void)


// Draws a RED line from (0,0) to (50,50)


Draws a smooth line from point (x0, y0) to point (x1, y1) using the specified colour and width w

Syntax: gfx.LineAA(x0, y0, x1, y1, w, colour);

Argument Type Description
x0 float Horizontal position of starting point in pixels
y0 float Vertical position of starting point in pixels
x1 float Horizontal position of endpoint in pixels
y1 float Vertical position of endpoint in pixels
w float Line width
colour int32_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the line, GCI image index, or Framebuffer index

Return: None (void)


gfx.LineAA(0, 0, 50, 50, 3, RED);
// Draws a RED line from (0,0) to (50,50) with thickness 3


Draws a solid rectangle having a diagonal with endpoints at (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).

Syntax: gfx.RectangleFilled(x1, y1, x2, y2, colour);

Argument Type Description
x1 int Horizontal position of first endpoint of one diagonal of the rectangle
y1 int Vertical position of first endpoint of one diagonal of the rectangle
x2 int Horizontal position of second endpoint of one diagonal of the rectangle
y2 int Vertical position of second endpoint of one diagonal of the rectangle
colour uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the solid rectangle

Return: None (void)


gfx.RectangleFilled(0, 0, 50, 50, YELLOW);
// Draws a YELLOW solid rectangle with:
// a diagonal whose end points are (0, 0) and (50, 50)


Draws a rectangle to the current frame buffer having a diagonal with endpoints at (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) with color parameter switch

Syntax: gfx.RectangleFilledX(x1, y1, x2, y2, colour);

Argument Type Description
x1 int Horizontal position of first endpoint of one diagonal of the rectangle
y1 int Vertical position of first endpoint of one diagonal of the rectangle
x2 int Horizontal position of second endpoint of one diagonal of the rectangle
y2 int Vertical position of second endpoint of one diagonal of the rectangle
colour int32_t 16-bit RGB565 colour, GCI image index, or Framebuffer index to draw in the rectangular region

Return: None (void)


gfx.RectangleFilledX(0, 0, 50, 50, YELLOW);
// Draws a YELLOW solid rectangle
// with a diagonalwhose end points are (0, 0) and (50, 50)

gfx.RectangleFilledX(10, 10, 100, 100, GCI_IMAGE + 3); 
// Draws a rectangle at (10, 10) from GCI image index 3,
// x and y are relative to objects x and y.

gfx.RectangleFilledX(10, 10, 100, 100, FRAMEBUFFER_IMAGE + 3); 
// Draws a rectangle at (10, 10) from framebuffer 3
// at the same x and y position.


Draws an outlined rectangle having a diagonal with endpoints at (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).

Syntax: gfx.Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, colour);

Argument Type Description
x1 int16_t Horizontal position of first endpoint of one diagonal of the rectangle
y1 int16_t Vertical position of first endpoint of one diagonal of the rectangle
x2 int16_t Horizontal position of second endpoint of one diagonal of the rectangle
y2 int16_t Vertical position of second endpoint of one diagonal of the rectangle
colour uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the outlined rectangle

Return: None (void)


gfx.Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 50, CYAN);
// Draws a CYAN rectangle with:
// a diagonal whose end points are (0, 0) and (50, 50) 


Draws a solid-coloured circle with the specified radius and colour with the center at (x, y)

Syntax: gfx.CircleFilled(x, y, r, colour);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Horizontal position of the centre of the circle
y int16_t Vertical position of the centre of the circle
r int16_t Radius of the filled circle in pixels
colour uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the filled circle

Return: None (void)


gfx.CircleFilled(50, 50, 10, RED);
// Draws a RED filled circle with:
// radius of 10 and center @(50, 50)


Draws a smooth filled circle with the specified radius and colour with the center at (x, y)

Syntax: gfx.CircleFilledAA(x, y, r, colour);

Argument Type Description
x float Horizontal position of the centre of the circle
y float Vertical position of the centre of the circle
r float Radius of the filled circle in pixels
colour int32_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the filled circle, GCI image index, or Framebuffer index

Return: None (void)


gfx.CircleFilledAA(50.0, 50.0, 10.0, RED);
// Draws a RED filled circle with:
// radius of 10 and center @(50, 50)


Draws an outlined circle with the specified radius and colour with the center at (x, y)

Syntax: gfx.Circle(x, y, r, colour);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Horizontal position of the centre of the circle
y int16_t Vertical position of the centre of the circle
r int16_t Radius of the outlined circle in pixels
colour uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the filled circle

Return: None (void)


gfx.Circle(50, 50, 10, RED);
// Draws a RED circle w/ radius of 10 and center at (50, 50)


Draws a solid coloured ellipse with the specified x radius (radx), y radius (rady), and colour with the center at (x, y)

Syntax: gfx.EllipseFilled(x, y, radx, rady, colour);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Horizontal position of the centre of the ellipse
y int16_t Vertical position of the centre of the ellipse
radx int16_t Radius of the ellipse along the x-axis
rady int16_t Radius of the ellipse along the y-axis
colour uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the filled ellipse

Return: None (void)


gfx.EllipseFilled(50, 50, 10, 5, RED);
// Draws a RED filled ellipse with:
// x-radius of 10, y-radius of 5 and center @(50, 50)


Draws an outlined ellipse with the specified x radius (radx), y radius (rady), and colour with the center at (x, y)

Syntax: gfx.Ellipse(x, y, radx, rady, colour);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Horizontal position of the centre of the ellipse
y int16_t Vertical position of the centre of the ellipse
radx int16_t Radius of the ellipse along the x-axis
rady int16_t Radius of the ellipse along the y-axis
colour uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the outlined ellipse

Return: None (void)


gfx.Ellipse(50, 50, 10, 5, RED);
// Draws a RED ellipse with:
// x-radius of 10, y-radius of 5 and center @(50, 50)


Draw 90-degree Arcs with center at (x, y) and gap between left and right parts. This is a support function used for filled rounded rectangles and circles.

Syntax: gfx.ArcFilled(x, y, r, topBottom, gap, colour);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Horizontal position of the centre of the arc
y int16_t Vertical position of the centre of the arc
r int16_t Radius in pixels of the filled arc
topBottom int16_t Indicates whether to draw the top arcs (1), bottom arcs (2) or both sets (3)
gap int16_t Indicates the gap between the left and right arcs
colour uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the filled arc

Return: None (void)


gfx.ArcFilled(100, 100, 50, 3, 0, RED);


Draw 90-degree Arcs with center at (x, y) for the selected quadrants This is a support function used for outlined rounded rectangles and circles.

Multiple quadrants can be selected by setting the following bits for the value of quadrants:

  • 0x01 - Top left
  • 0x02 - Top right
  • 0x04 - Bottom right
  • 0x08 - Bottom left

Syntax: gfx.Arc(x, y, r, quadrants, colour);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Horizontal position of the centre of the arc
y int16_t Vertical position of the centre of the arc
r int16_t Radius in pixels of the outlined arc
quadrants uint16_t The selected quadrants
colour uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the outlined arc

Return: None (void)


gfx.Arc(100, 100, 50, 0x8 | 0x4, RED);
// Draw the bottom left and bottom right arcs with
// center at (100, 100), a radius of 50 pixels


Draws a solid round-cornered rectangle having an outer rectangle diagonal with endpoints at (x, y) and (x1, y1) and with a corner radius of r.

RoundRectFilled Diagram

Syntax: gfx.RoundRectFilled(x, y, x1, y1, r, colour);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Horizontal position of first endpoint of one diagonal of the outer rectangle
y int16_t Vertical position of first endpoint of one diagonal of the outer rectangle
x1 int16_t Horizontal position of second endpoint of one diagonal of the outer rectangle
y1 int16_t Vertical position of second endpoint of one diagonal of the outer rectangle
r int16_t Corner radius. This is the distance in pixels extending from the corners of the inner rectangle.
colour uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the filled rounded rectangle

Return: None (void)


gfx.RoundRectFilled(0, 0, 50, 50, 10, RED);
// Draws a solid RED round-cornered rectangle with:
// a diagonal whose end points are (0, 0) and (50, 50)
// and with a corner radius of 10


Draws an outlined round-cornered rectangle having an outer rectangle diagonal with endpoints at (x, y) and (x1, y1) and with a corner radius of r.

RoundRect Diagram

Syntax: gfx.RoundRect(x, y, x1, y1, r, colour);

Argument Type Description
x0 int16_t Horizontal position of first endpoint of one diagonal of the outer rectangle
y0 int16_t Vertical position of first endpoint of one diagonal of the outer rectangle
x1 int16_t Horizontal position of second endpoint of one diagonal of the outer rectangle
y1 int16_t Vertical position of second endpoint of one diagonal of the outer rectangle
r int16_t Corner radius. This is the distance in pixels extending from the corners of the inner rectangle.
colour uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the outlined rounded rectangle

Return: None (void)


// Draws a GREEN round-cornered rectangle with:
// a diagonal whose end points are (0,0) and (50,50) // and corner radius of 10


Draws a solid triangle between vertices (x1, y1), (x2, y2) and (x3, y3) using the specified colour c.

Syntax: gfx.TriangleFilled(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, c);

Argument Type Description
x1 int16_t Horizontal position of first vertex of the triangle
y1 int16_t Vertical position of first vertex of the triangle
x2 int16_t Horizontal position of second vertex of the triangle
y2 int16_t Vertical position of second vertex of the triangle
x3 int16_t Horizontal position of third vertex of the triangle
y3 int16_t Vertical position of third vertex of the triangle
c uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the filled triangle

Return: None (void)


gfx.TriangleFilled(0, 0, 10, 50, 50, 50, CYAN);
// Draws a solid CYAN triangle with:
// the vertices (0, 0), (10, 50), and (50, 50)


Draws a triangle outline between vertices (x0, y0), (x1, y1), and (x2, y2) using the specified colour c.

Syntax: gfx.Triangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, c);

Argument Type Description
x0 int16_t Horizontal position of first vertex of the triangle
y0 int16_t Vertical position of first vertex of the triangle
x1 int16_t Horizontal position of second vertex of the triangle
y1 int16_t Vertical position of second vertex of the triangle
x2 int16_t Horizontal position of third vertex of the triangle
y2 int16_t Vertical position of third vertex of the triangle
c uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the outlined triangle

Return: None (void)


gfx.Triangle(0, 0, 10, 50, 50, 50, CYAN);
// Draws a CYAN triangle with:
// the vertices (0, 0), (10, 50), and (50, 50)


Draws a smooth triangle outline between vertices (x0, y0), (x1, y1), and (x2, y2) using the specified colour c and line width w.

Syntax: gfx.TriangleAA(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, w, c);

Argument Type Description
x0 float Horizontal position of first vertex of the triangle
y0 float Vertical position of first vertex of the triangle
x1 float Horizontal position of second vertex of the triangle
y1 float Vertical position of second vertex of the triangle
x2 float Horizontal position of third vertex of the triangle
y2 float Vertical position of third vertex of the triangle
w int Line width
c int32_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the outlined triangle, GCI image index, or Framebuffer index

Return: None (void)


gfx.TriangleAA(0, 0, 10, 50, 50, 50, 2, CYAN);
// Draws a CYAN triangle with:
// the vertices (0, 0), (10, 50), and (50, 50)
// with line width 2


Produce a triangle with or without a gradient

Syntax: gfx.GradTriangleFilled(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, colour, ncCol, h, ypos, lev, erase);

Argument Type Description
x0 int Horizontal position of first vertex of the triangle
y0 int Vertical position of first vertex of the triangle
x1 int Horizontal position of second vertex of the triangle
y1 int Vertical position of second vertex of the triangle
x2 int Horizontal position of third vertex of the triangle
y2 int Vertical position of third vertex of the triangle
colour int Colour that will be used if the Solid or Gradient parameter is set to 0
ncCol int Colour that will be used if the Solid or Gradient parameter is set to 1
h int Height of the area that the gradient will be calculated. Can be larger than the triangle
ypos int Position on the Y axis that the gradient will be calculated from with respect to triangle position
lev int Level of gradient applied
erase int Select whether solid triangle or gardient triangle is drawn

Return: None (void)


gfx.GradTriangleFilled(10, 10, 10, 100, 100, 100, YELLOW, DARKKHAKI, 100, 10, 30, 1);


Produce a shaped color gradient using the supplied parameters

Syntax: gfx.gradientShape(vert, ow, xPos, yPos, w, h, r1, r2, r3, r4, darken, color, sr1, gl1, colorD, sr3, gl3, gtb);

Argument Type Description
vert int Horizontal or Vertical gradient -- 0 or 1
ow int Outer gradient width
ow int Outer gradient width
xPos int x co-ordinate
yPos int y co-ordinate
w int Width
h int Height
r1 int Top left corner radius
r2 int Top right corner radius
r3 int Bottom left radius
r4 int Bottom right radius
darken int Darken both colours by a value. Can be a negative to lighten instead
color int Outer Gradient colour
sr1 int Outer Gradient type (0 - 3 horizontal, +4 vertical)
0 - Raised
1 - Sunken
2 - Raised flatter middle
3 - Sunken flatter middle
gl1 int Outer Gradient level 0 - 63
colorD int Inner Gradient colour
sr3 int Outer Gradient type (0 - 3 horizontal, +4 vertical)
0 - Raised
1 - Sunken
2 - Raised flatter middle
3 - Sunken flatter middle
gl3 int Inner Gradient level 0 - 63
gtb int Split gradient

Return: None (void)


gfx.gradientShape(HorzVert, OuterWidth, X, Y, W, H, TLrad, TRrad, BLrad, BRrad,
    Darken, OuterColor, OuterType, OuterLevel,
    InnerColor, InnerType, InnerLevel, Split);

Primitive Widgets


Draws a raised 3-dimensional rectangular panel at a screen location defined by x and y parameters (top left corner). The size of the panel is set with the w and h parameters. The colour is defined by colour c

Syntax: gfx.Panel(x, y, w, h, c);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Horizontal position of the top left pixel of the panel
y int16_t Vertical position of the top left pixel of the panel
w int16_t Horizontal position of second endpoint of one diagonal of the panel
h int16_t Vertical position of second endpoint of one diagonal of the panel
c uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the panel

Return: None (void)


gfx.Panel(0, 0, 100, 50, GRAY);
// Draws a 100x50 GRAY raised panel @(0, 0) 


Draw recessed Panel at (x, y), with dimensions w and h and colour c.

Syntax: gfx.Panel(x, y, w, h, c);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Left most pixel position of the panel
y int16_t Vertical position of first endpoint of one diagonal of the panel
w int16_t Horizontal position of second endpoint of one diagonal of the panel
h int16_t Vertical position of second endpoint of one diagonal of the panel
c uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 colour of the panel

Return: None (void)


gfx.PanelRecessed(0, 0, 100, 50, GRAY);
// Draws a 100x50 GRAY recessed panel @(0, 0) 


Sets the style of primitive buttons with the following defined styles


Syntax: gfx.ButtonXstyle(style);

Argument Type Description
style byte Selected button style

Return: None (void)




This function draws a button at the specified state using the size, color and text parameters provided. This is a support function for ButtonX functions.

Syntax: gfx.drawButton(updn, x, y, w, h, colourb, btext, tfont, tfontsize, tfontsizeht, tcolour [, compressed]);

Argument Type Description
updn uint8_t State of the button
x int16_t Horizontal pixel position of the left side of the button
y int16_t Vertical pixel position of the top side of the button
w int16_t Width of the button in pixels
h int16_t Height of the button in pixels
colourb uint16_t Button colour
btext String Button text
tfont uint8_t
const uint8_t *
Button text font
tfontsize int8_t Font size multiplier
tfontsizeht int8_t
tcolour uint16_t Button text colour
bool Only used when using font array (const uint8_t *), specifies whether the font array is compressed or GCI formatted

Return: None (void)


gfx.drawButton(1, 50, 50, 150, 50, GRAY, "START", FONT2, 1, 1, BLACK);


Draws a slider with diagonal at (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). The thumb will be drawn depending on the specified scale and value.

Syntax: gfx.Slider(state, x1, y1, x2, y2, colourb, colourt, scale, value);

Argument Type Description
state uint8_t State of the slider
x1 int16_t Horizontal pixel position of the left side of the slider
y1 int16_t Vertical pixel position of the top side of the slider
x2 int16_t Horizontal pixel position of the right side of the slider
y2 int16_t Vertical pixel position of the bottom side of the slider
colourb uint16_t Base colour
colourt uint16_t Thumb colour
scale int16_t Maximum value of the slider
value int16_t Value of the slider

Return: None (void)


gfx.Slider(state, x1, y1, x2, y2, colourb, colourt, scale, value);


x2 ad y2 should be greater than x1 and y1 respectively


Draws a 3-dimensional Text Button at screen location defined by (x, y).

The font to be used can be system font, GCI font (opened using gfx.Open4dFont) or font array. When using font array, an optional parameter can be specified to indicate whether the format is compressed or GCI formatted.

Syntax: gfx.Button(state, x, y, colorb, tcolor, tfont, tfontsizeh, tfontsize, btext [, compressed]);

Argument Type Description
state uint8_t State of the button
x int16_t Horizontal pixel position of the left side of the button
y int16_t Vertical pixel position of the top side of the button
colorb uint16_t Button colour
tcolor uint16_t Text colour
tfont uint8_t
const uint8_t *
Button text font
tfontsizeh int8_t Font height multiplier
tfontsize int8_t Font width multiplier
btext String Button text
bool Only used when using font array (const uint8_t *), specifies whether the font array is compressed or GCI formatted

Return: None (void)


gfx.Button(state, x, y, colorb, tcolor, tfont, tfontsizeh, tfontsize, btext, compressed);


Draws a 3-dimensional Text Button at screen location defined by (x, y) parameters The user needs to specify a handler for the button that will be used by the functions:

  • ButtonUp
  • ButtonDown
  • ButtonActive
  • DeleteButton
  • CheckButtons

The font to be used can be system font, GCI font (opened using gfx.Open4dFont) or font array. When using font array, an optional parameter can be specified to indicate whether the format is compressed or GCI formatted.

Syntax: gfx.Buttonx(hndl, x, y, w, h, colorb, btext, tfont, tcolor [, compressed]);

Argument Type Description
hndl uint8_t ID specified to identify the button
x int16_t Horizontal pixel position of the left side of the button
y int16_t Vertical pixel position of the top side of the button
w int16_t Width of the button in pixels
h int16_t Height of the button in pixels
colorb uint16_t Button colour
btext String Button text
tfont uint8_t
const uint8_t *
Button text font
tcolor uint16_t Text colour
bool Only used when using font array (const uint8_t *), specifies whether the font array is compressed or GCI formatted

Return: None (void)


gfx.Buttonx(hndl, x, y, w, h, colorb, btext, tfont, tcolor, compressed);


Enable/disable the specified button.

Syntax: gfx.ButtonActive(id, mode);

Argument Type Description
id uint8_t ID specified using gfx.Buttonx to identify the button
mode boolean Indicates whether to activate (true) or deactivate (false) a buttonx

Return: None (void)


gfx.ButtonActive(1, true);


Delete previously created primitive button n and, optionally, redraw background in colour bc.

Syntax: gfx.DeleteButton(hndl, bc);

Argument Type Description
id uint8_t ID specified using gfx.Buttonx to identify the button
bc (optional) uint16_t Optional background color to redraw when deleting button

Return: None (void)


gfx.DeleteButton(3, BLACK);


Delete previously created primitive button n and redraw section of background image bg.

Syntax: gfx.DeleteButtonBG(id, bg);

Argument Type Description
id uint8_t ID specified using gfx.Buttonx to identify the button
bg uint16_t Background image to redraw

Return: None (void)


gfx.DeleteButton(3, iForm0);

Support Colour Functions


Returns a darker and lighter colour of the given colour (colorb) by a set 18 steps.

The darker color is stored in the high word of the return value while the lighter color is stored in the low word.

Syntax: gfx.bevelColor(colorb);

Argument Type Description
colorb uint16_t Color to process into darker and lighter shades

Return: Combined darkened and lightened color (uint32_t)


uint32_t output = gfx.bevelColor(0x8787);
uint16_t darkColor = output >> 16;
uint16_t lightColor = output & 0xFFFF;


Returns a darker and lighter colour of the given colour (colorh) by the given steps

The darker color is stored in the high word of the return value while the lighter color is stored in the low word.

Syntax: gfx.HighlightColors(colorh, step);

Argument Type Description
colorh uint16_t Color to process into darker and lighter shades
step int Number of steps to darken/lighten the original color

Return: Combined darkened and lightened color (uint32_t)


uint32_t output = gfx.HighlightColors(0x8787, 15);
uint16_t darkColor = output >> 16;
uint16_t lightColor = output & 0xFFFF;


Converts red green and blue colour elements to RGB565 16bit colour value

Syntax: gfx.RGBto565(rc, gc, bc);

Argument Type Description
r uint8_t 8-bit red component
g uint8_t 8-bit green component
b uint8_t 8-bit blue component

Return: 16-bit RGB565 color (uint16_t)


uint16_t color = gfx.RGBto565(255, 0, 100);


Converts RGB888 to 16-bit RGB565 value

This function is provided for compatibility with gen4-IoD projects.

Syntax: gfx.RGBs2COL(r, g, b);

Argument Type Description
r uint8_t 8-bit red component
g uint8_t 8-bit green component
b uint8_t 8-bit blue component

Return: 16-bit RGB565 color (uint16_t)


uint16_t color = gfx.RGBs2COL(255, 0, 100);

Text Functions


The GFX4dESP32 class inherits Arduino's Print class by overriding this function.

This function can be used directly or simply use any print functions from the Print class such as print, println and printf

Syntax: gfx.write(c);

Argument Type Description
c uint8_t 8-bit character to process/write to the display

Return: Number of characters written (size_t)


void setup() {
    gfx.begin(); // Initialize the display
    gfx.TextColor(WHITE); gfx.Font(2); gfx.TextSize(1);

    gfx.write('4'); gfx.write('D');
    gfx.println(" Systems");


The GFX4dESP32 class inherits Arduino's Print class by overriding write(c). This provides access to all functions from this parent class which is commonly used when using Serial.

Syntax: gfx.print(value [, format]);

Argument Type Description
value any The value to print
format (optional) int Specifies the number base (for intergral data types) or number of decimal places (for floating point types)

Return: Number of characters written (size_t)


gfx.print(78);              // gives "78"
gfx.print(1.23456);         // gives "1.23"
gfx.print('N');             // gives "N"
gfx.print("Hello world.");  // gives "Hello world."
gfx.print(78, BIN);         // gives "1001110"
gfx.print(78, OCT);         // gives "116"
gfx.print(78, DEC);         // gives "78"
gfx.print(78, HEX);         // gives "4E"
gfx.print(1.23456, 0);      // gives "1"
gfx.print(1.23456, 2);      // gives "1.23"
gfx.print(1.23456, 4);      // gives "1.2346"


For more information, please refer to Arduino documentation.


The GFX4dESP32 class inherits Arduino's Print class by overriding write(c). This provides access to all functions from this parent class which is commonly used when using Serial.

The println function is very similar to print and simply adds carriage return '\r' and a line feed character '\n' at the end.

Syntax: gfx.println(value [, format]);

Argument Type Description
value any The value to print
format (optional) int Specifies the number base (for intergral data types) or number of decimal places (for floating point types)

Return: Number of characters written (size_t)


gfx.println(78);              // gives "78\r\n"
gfx.println(1.23456);         // gives "1.23\r\n"
gfx.println('N');             // gives "N\r\n"
gfx.println("Hello world.");  // gives "Hello world.\r\n"
gfx.println(78, BIN);         // gives "1001110\r\n"
gfx.println(78, OCT);         // gives "116\r\n"
gfx.println(78, DEC);         // gives "78\r\n"
gfx.println(78, HEX);         // gives "4E\r\n"
gfx.println(1.23456, 0);      // gives "1\r\n"
gfx.println(1.23456, 2);      // gives "1.23\r\n"
gfx.println(1.23456, 4);      // gives "1.2346\r\n"


For more information, please refer to Arduino documentation.


The GFX4dESP32 class inherits Arduino's Print class by overriding write(c). This provides access to all functions from this parent class which is commonly used when using Serial.

The printf function takes a format string as its first argument, followed by optional additional arguments that correspond to the placeholders in the format string. These placeholders are denoted by % followed by a format specifier, such as %d for integers, %f for floating-point numbers, %s for strings, and more.

Syntax: gfx.println(value [, format]);

Argument Type Description
format const char * The base string format to use when printing
... any / multiple Multiple additional values that should be formatted according to the format string

Return: Number of characters written (size_t)


gfx.printf("Slider Value: %d\r\n", sliderVal);


Moves the cursor to the new position specified by (x, y).

Syntax: gfx.MoveTo(x, y);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Horizontal pixel position of the print cursor
y int16_t Vertical pixel position of the print cursor

Return: None (void)


gfx.MoveTo(50, 30);
int16_t CursorX = gfx.getX();
int16_t CursorY = gfx.getY();

// Get cursor X and Y positions then print their values
gfx.print("X-Position: "); gfx.println(CursorX);
gfx.print("Y-Position: "); gfx.println(CursorY);


Returns the current position of the cursor in the X-axis

Syntax: gfx.getX();

Return: Current cursor position in X-axis (int16_t)


gfx.MoveTo(50, 30);
int16_t CursorX = gfx.getX();

// Get cursor X position then print its value
gfx.print("X-Position: "); gfx.println(CursorX);


Returns the current position of the cursor in the Y-axis

Syntax: gfx.getY();

Return: Current cursor position in Y-axis (int16_t)


gfx.MoveTo(50, 30);
int16_t CursorY = gfx.getY();

// Get cursor Y position then print its value
gfx.print("Y-Position: "); gfx.println(CursorY);


Get Font

Get the currently set font type or internal/system font.

Possible return values are:

Value Description
2 System Font 2
1 System Font 1
0 Font file in uSD, opened using Open4dFont
-1 Font array in program space

Syntax: gfx.Font();

Return: Font type (int8_t)


gfx.Font(FONT2); // Sets FONT2 as font to be used for printing text

int8_t fontID = gfx.Font(); // Get current font then print its value
gfx.print("Current Font: "); gfx.println(fontID);

Set System Font

Sets a system font to use for printing text.

Constants Value

Syntax: gfx.Font(f);

Argument Type Description
f uint8_t System font to use when printing text

Return: None (void)


gfx.Font(FONT2); // Sets FONT2 as font to be used for printing text

Set Font File

Sets a GCI/IFont file in the uSD as font to use for printing text.

Syntax: gfx.Font(f);

Argument Type Description
f gfx4d_font Font opened using Open4dFont

Return: None (void)


gfx4d_font arial = gfx.Open4dFont("Arial.IFont");
// Sets "Arial.IFont" as font to be used for printing text

Set Font Array

Sets a byte array to use as font for printing text.

Syntax: gfx.Font(f [, compressed]);

Argument Type Description
f const uint8_t Byte array containing font data in the GCI/IFont format of WS4's compressed font format
boolean Specifies whether the data is compressed or following the original GCI/IFont format, default: false

Return: None (void)


const uint8_t sample_data[BYTE_COUNT] = {
    // ... font data here

void setup() {
    gfx.begin(); // Initialize the display
    gfx.Font(sample_data, true); 


Sets the text width and height multiplier. Text will be printed magnified horizontally and vertically by this factor.

Syntax: gfx.TextSize(s);

Argument Type Description
s uint8_t Specifies the text width and height multiplier

Return: None (void)


// Sets the current text width and height multiplier to 1


Sets the text foreground and background colour for printing text.

If background colour is not specified, this function will treat it as transparent.

Syntax: gfx.TextColor(c [, b]);

Argument Type Description
c uint16_t Specifies the text foreground colour
b (optional) uint16_t Specifies the text background colour

Return: None (void)


// sets the text foreground colour to WHITE

gfx.TextColor(WHITE, BLACK);
// sets the text foreground colour to WHITE
// and the text background colour to BLACK


Set text background colour

Syntax: gfx.BGcolour(c);

Argument Type Description
c uint16_t Specifies the text background colour

Return: None (void)


// sets the text background colour to BLACK


Set text foreground colour

Syntax: gfx.FGcolour(c);

Argument Type Description
c uint16_t Specifies the text foreground colour

Return: None (void)


// sets the text foreground colour to WHITE


Text wrapping is ENABLED if mode is true otherwise text wrapping is DISABLED

Syntax: gfx.TextWrap(mode);

Argument Type Description
mode boolean Use true to ENABLE and false to DISABLE

Return: None (void)


gfx.TextWrap(false);    // Disable text wrapping

gfx.TextWrap(true);     // Enable text wrapping


The default mode is ENABLED.


Return height of current selected font without the multiplier

Syntax: gfx.FontHeight();

Return: Font height without multiplier (int8_t)


int8_t fontHeight = gfx.FontHeight();


Select font style for Font1 characters.

Valid styles are:


Syntax: gfx.FontStyle(ctyp);

Argument Type Description
ctyp uint8_t Specifies the style to use when using System Font 1

Return: None (void)




Sets whether to draw background color when printing font characters or not.

Syntax: gfx.Opacity(opacity);

Argument Type Description
opacity boolean Enable (true) or disable (false) font background transparency

Return: None (void)


// Enable font background transparency

// Disable font background transparency


Draw user defined character using data array of size l at x, y, with foreground colour fc and background colour bc.

Syntax: gfx.UserCharacter(data, l, x, y, fc, bc);

Argument Type Description
data uint32_t* Array containing character data
l uint8_t Pixel size multiplier to use for displaying the character
x int16_t Horizontal pixel position of the character
y int16_t Vertical pixel position of the character
fc uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 foreground color
bc uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 background color

Return: None (void)


gfx.UserCharacter(data, l, x, y, fc, bc);


Option 1

Draw a user defined character with a specified (ui) gci image number being drawn as the character background

  • Setting draw to false will draw backround only.
  • Setting draw to true will draw background and character.

Syntax: gfx.UserCharacterBG(ui, data, ucsize, ucx, ucy, colour, draw);

Argument Type Description
ui int8_t Specifies the GCI index for the background
data uint32_t * Array containing character data
ucsize uint8_t Pixel size multiplier to use for displaying the character
ucx int16_t Horizontal pixel position of the character
ucy int16_t Vertical pixel position of the character
color uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 foreground color
draw boolean Determines whether to draw the the character (true) or only the background (false)

Return: None (void)


gfx.UserCharacterBG(ui, data, ucsize, ucx, ucy, colour, draw);

Option 2

Draw a user defined character with a downloaded gci image file being drawn as the character background. bgindex is set to 0 if a a single image exists in the gci image file or can be set to other images if they exist

  • Setting draw to false will draw backround only.
  • Setting draw to true will draw background and character.

Syntax: gfx.UserCharacterBG(data, ucsize, ucx, ucy, colour, draw, bgindex);

Argument Type Description
data uint32_t * Array containing character data
ucsize uint8_t Pixel size multiplier to use for displaying the character
ucx int16_t Horizontal pixel position of the character
ucy int16_t Vertical pixel position of the character
color uint16_t 16-bit RGB565 foreground color
draw boolean Determines whether to draw the the character (true) or only the background (false)
bgindex uint32_t Specifies the GCI index for the background

Return: None (void)


gfx.UserCharacterBG(data, ucsize, ucx, ucy, colour, draw, bgindex);


Prints string to the current cursor position

Syntax: gfx.putstr(text);

Argument Type Description
text String
const char *
Text to print at current cursor position

Return: None (void)


gfx.putstr("4D Systems");


Prints string to the specified position

Syntax: gfx.putstrXY(xpos, ypos, text);

Argument Type Description
xpos int Horizontal pixel position
ypos int Vertical pixel position
text String
const char *
Text to print at specified position

Return: None (void)


gfx.putstrXY(50, 100, "4D Systems");


Prints a single character to the current cursor position

Syntax: gfx.putch(chr);

Argument Type Description
chr uint8_t Character to print at current cursor position

Return: None (void)




Prints a single character to the specified position

Syntax: gfx.putchXY(xpos, ypos, chr);

Argument Type Description
xpos int Horizontal pixel position
ypos int Vertical pixel position
chr uint8_t Character to print at specified position

Return: None (void)


gfx.putch(50, 20, '4');


Returns the width of the character in pixels with the font size multiplier

Syntax: gfx.charWidth(ch);

Argument Type Description
ch uint8_t Character to get the print width of

Return: Print width of the character (int)


int width = gfx.charWidth('4') + gfx.charWidth('D');


Returns the height of the character with the font size multiplier

Syntax: gfx.charHeight(ch);

Argument Type Description
ch uint8_t Character to get the print height of

Return: Print height of the character (int)


int height = gfx.charHeight('4');


Returns the width of the string with the font size multiplier

Syntax: gfx.strWidth(ts);

Argument Type Description
ts String
const char *
Text to get the print width of

Return: Print width of the string (int)


int width = gfx.strWidth("4D Systems");

Text Window Functions


Prints the value to the TextWindow followed by new line

Syntax: gfx.TWprintln(value);

Argument Type Description
value String
char *
Value to print

Return: None (void)


gfx.TWprintln("D Systems");


Prints the value to the TextWindow

Syntax: gfx.TWprint(value);

Argument Type Description
value String
char *
Value to print

Return: None (void)


gfx.TWprintln("D Systems");


Retrieves the text entered in text window since previous carriage return sent

Syntax: gfx.GetCommand();

Return: Command entered in the text window (string)


String cmd = gfx.GetCommand();
// Get the last entered command from the Text Window


Sets the print color when printing to the text window

Syntax: gfx.TWtextcolor(twc);

Argument Type Description
twc uint16_t Text foreground color

Return: None (void)


String cmd = gfx.GetCommand();
// Get the last entered command from the Text Window


Sets the cursor position for printing in the text window

Syntax: gfx.TWMoveTo(twcrx, twcry);

Argument Type Description
twcrx uint8_t Horizontal cursor position
twcry uint8_t Vertical cursor position

Return: whether this is successful (true) or not (false) (boolean)


result = gfx.TWMoveTo(10, 10);


Print a string at the specified position in the text window

Syntax: gfx.TWprintAt(pax, pay, istr);

Argument Type Description
pax uint8_t Horizontal cursor position
pay uint8_t Vertical cursor position
istr String Text to print at specified position

Return: None (void)


gfx.TWprintAt(10, 5, "4D Systems");


Write a character to Text Window.

Syntax: gfx.TWwrite(c);

Argument Type Description
c char Character to write to the text window

Return: None (void)




Enables cursor in Text Window

Syntax: gfx.TWcursorOn(mode);

Argument Type Description
mode boolean Specifies whether to enable (true) or disable (false) cursor

Return: None (void)




Clear TextWindows of characters and reset cursor.

Syntax: gfx.TWcls();

Return: None (void)




Sets the specified foreground colour (fcol) and background colour (bcol) as the colours of the text in the text window.

If background colour is not specified, this function will treat it as transparent.

Additionally, when gfx.TextWindowRestore is used, the text window background colour will match the background colour set by this function.

Syntax: gfx.TWcolor(fcol, bcol);

Argument Type Description
fcol uint16_t Specifies the text foreground color for text windows
bcol uint16_t Specifies the text background color for text windows

Return: None (void)


gfx.TextWindow(25, 25, 270, 190, BLACK, SILVER, BROWN);
// Creates a SILVER text window @(25,25) with:
// width of 190 and height of 270 pixels and BROWN frame
// The text printed in this text window is colour BLACK
gfx.TWprintln("1. 4D Systems");

// The text that will be printed next will be colour BROWN
gfx.TWprintln("2. 4D Systems");

// The text that will be printed next will be:
// colour LIME with GRAY background

gfx.TWprintln("3. 4D Systems");


Create Text window at x, y, with dimensions w, h and text colour tcolour, GCI image img, with optional frame colour fcolour to add frame.

Background image will be automatically replaced with image data as text changes

Syntax: gfx.TextWindowImage(x, y, w, h, tc, img, fc);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Horizontal pixel position of the top left of the text window
y int16_t Vertical pixel position of the top left of the text window
w int16_t Width of the text window
h int16_t Height of the text window
tc uint16_t Text foreground colour
img uint16_t Specifies the GCI index to use as background
fc (optional) uint16_t Frame colour

Return: None (void)


gfx.TextWindowImage(10, 20, 200, 100, BLACK, iForm3);


Creates a text window at x, y, with dimensions w, h, text colour tc, background colour bc, and frame in colour fc.

If no frame colour is specified, then no frame will not be rendered.

Syntax: gfx.TextWindow(x, y, w, h, tc, bc [, fc]);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Horizontal pixel position of the top left of the text window
y int16_t Vertical pixel position of the top left of the text window
w int16_t Width of the text window
h int16_t Height of the text window
tc uint16_t Text foreground colour
bc uint16_t Text background colour
fc (optional) uint16_t Frame colour

Return: None (void)


gfx.TextWindow(25,25, 190,270, BLACK, SILVER, DARKGRAY);
// Creates a SILVER text window @(25,25) with:
// width of 190 and height of 270 pixels
// and DARKGRAY frame


Enables or Disables drawing to the text window

Syntax: gfx.TWenable(mode);

Argument Type Description
mode boolean Enables (true) or disables (false) writing to the text window

Return: None (void)




Restore a previously created text window and its contents.

Syntax: gfx.TextWindowRestore();

Return: None (void)


gfx.TextWindow(25,25, 190,270, BLACK, SILVER, DARKGRAY);
// Creates a SILVER text window @(25,25) with:
// width of 190 and height of 270 pixels
// and DARKGRAY frame
// The text printed in this text window is colour BLACK
// Retrieve deleted text window


Contents cleared using gfx.TWcls will not be restored

Scroll Functions


By Specifing Top and Bottom

Set scroll window specified by the top and bottom pixel positions.

This assumes the horizontal area is the full width of the screen.

Syntax: gfx.setScrollArea(y1, y2);

Argument Type Description
y1 int Top pixel position of the scroll area
y2 int Bottom pixel position of the scroll area

Return: None (void)


gfx.setScrollArea(10, 229);

By Specifing a Rectangle

Set scroll window specified by the rectangle with diagonal at (x1, y1) to (x2, y2)

Syntax: gfx.setScrollArea(x1, y1, x2, y2);

Argument Type Description
x1 int Horizontal pixel position of the top-left pixel of the scroll area
y1 int Vertical pixel position of the top-left pixel of the scroll area
x2 int Horizontal pixel position of the bottom-right pixel of the scroll area
y2 int Vertical pixel position of the bottom-right pixel of the scroll area

Return: None (void)


gfx.setScrollArea(10, 0, 229, 319);


Enable or disable auto scrolling

Syntax: gfx.ScrollEnable(mode);

Argument Type Description
mode boolean Enables (true) or disables (false) scrolling

Return: None (void)


gfx.Orientation(PORTRAIT);  // Sets Orientation to PORTRAIT
gfx.ScrollEnable(false);    // Disables Hardware Scrolling
gfx.ScrollEnable(true);     // Enables Hardware Scrolling


Scrolling is disabled by default


If scroll is enabled, this function scrolls the display by the specified number of pixels.

If SmoothScrollSpeed has been set, it will be scrolled pixel line by pixel line, delayed by the value set using gfx.SmoothScrollSpeed in milliseconds

Syntax: gfx.Scroll(steps);

Argument Type Description
steps int Specifies the number of pixels

Return: None (void)


gfx.Scroll(10); // Scroll the screen by 10 pixels


Set blanking line colour after scroll has moved. This can be used to match the current text background colour.

Syntax: gfx.setScrollBlankingColor(colour);

Argument Type Description
colour uint16_t Color to use for scroll blanking

Return: None (void)




Smoothens the scroll animation for the automatic scrolling that occurs when the text being printed is going outside the display area.

Using zero will scroll height defined by character height in one step.

Syntax: gfx.SmoothScrollSpeed(speed);

Argument Type Description
speed uint8_t Speed to use for scrolling

Return: None (void)


gfx.Orientation(PORTRAIT);  // Sets Orientation to PORTRAIT
gfx.SmoothScrollSpeed(7);   // Change Scroll Speed to 7


Default delay is 5


Set scroll direction to the following:


Syntax: gfx.setScrollArea(scrDir);

Argument Type Description
scrDir uint8_t Specifies the direction

Return: None (void)



4D Graphics Functions



Opens 4D DAT file for parsing and GCI file for read using filename without extension.

Syntax: gfx.Open4dGFX(filename);

Argument Type Description
filename String Specifies the filename of the GCI/DAT file without extension

Return: None (void)


gfx.Open4dGFX("filename"); // Opens filename.dat and filename.gci


Filename should have no extension. Both GCI and DAT file should share the same filename. Also, 4D Graphics files follow the 8.3 DOS format

GCI/DAT Arrays

Loads a 4D DAT array and GCI DATA array for reading 4D widgets

Syntax: gfx.Open4dGFX(DATa, DATlen, GCIa, GCIlen);

Argument Type Description
DATa const uint8_t * Specifies the array containing the DAT information
DATlen uint32_t Specifies the size of the DAT array
GCIa const uint8_t * Specifies the array containing the GCI information
GCIlen uint32_t Specifies the size of the DAT array

Return: None (void)


gfx.Open4dGFX(dat_arr, dat_len, gci_arr, gci_len);


Closes the DAT and GCI files opened by gfx.Open4dGFX(filename)

Syntax: gfx.Close4dGFX();

Return: None (void)




Opens a Workshop4 font (IFont/GCI format) for reading.

This returns a reference to the opened font and can be used with gfx.Font

Syntax: gfx.Open4dFont(filename);

Argument Type Description
filename String Complete filename of the font file in SD card

Return: Reference to the opened font (gfx4d_font)


gfx4d_font customFont;

void setup() {
    gfx.begin(); // Initialize the display
    gfx.TextColor(WHITE); gfx.Font(2); gfx.TextSize(1);

    customFont = gfx.Open4dFont("custom.IFont");


Draw widget from GCI file

Syntax: gfx.DrawImageFile(Fname);

Argument Type Description
Fname String Filename of the GCI file in the SD card

Return: None (void)




Draw widget from GCI array

Syntax: gfx.DrawImageArray(ImageArray);

Argument Type Description
ImageArray uint8_t *
uint16_t *
Specifies the array containing the GCI data

Return: None (void)




Returns the current value of a GCI widget

Syntax: gfx.getImageValue(ui);

Argument Type Description
ui uint16_t Index of GCI object

Return: Current value of the GCI widget (int16_t)


uint16_t gauge2Val = gfx.getImageValue(iGauge2);


Queries the current selected parameter of the GCI widget.


Syntax: gfx.imageGetWord(img, controlIndex);

Argument Type Description
img uint16_t Index of GCI object
controlIndex byte Parameter to query

Return: Value of the selected parameter of the GCI widget (int)


int gaugeWidth = gfx.imageGetWord(iGauge2, IMAGE_WIDTH);


Sets the selected parameter(s) of the GCI widget.

Parameters can be IMAGE_XPOS, IMAGE_YPOS, IMAGE_XYPOS or IMAGE_INDEX. When using IMAGE_XYPOS, two values are required.

Syntax: gfx.imageSetWord(img, controlIndex, val1 [, val2]);

Argument Type Description
img uint16_t Index of GCI object
controlIndex byte Parameter to set
val1 int Value to set the selected parameter to
val2 (optional) int Additional value when setting IMAGE_XYPOS

Return: None (void)


gfx.imageSetWord(iGauge2, IMAGE_XPOS, 100);


Get the number of GCI objects found in the GCI file opened with gfx.Open4dGFX

Syntax: gfx.getNumberofObjects();

Return: Number of GCI objects found (uint16_t)


uint16_t gciCount = gfx.getNumberofObjects();


Sets the GCI system to uSD or from a data array

Valid options are:

  • GCI_SYSTEM_USD - sets GCI system to uSD
  • GCI_SYSTEM_PROGMEM - sets GCI system to data array

Syntax: gfx.setGCIsystem(gs);

Argument Type Description
gs uint8_t Indicates whether to set for uSD or progmem

Return: None (void)




Returns currently selected GCI system

Syntax: gfx.getGCIsystem();



uint8_t gciSys = gfx.getGCIsystem();


Draw a single frame GCI widget in the default location or as specified by (x, y)

Syntax: gfx.UserImage(id [, x, y]);

Argument Type Description
id uint16_t Index of the GCI object
x (optional) int Optional horizontal position to draw the image
y (optional) int Optional vertical position to draw the image

Return: None (void)


// Show iImage1

// Show iImage2 at (50,50)


The GCI and DAT files should have been previously opened with the function gfx.Open4dGFX functions


Displays the frame of the GCI object specified by 'id'.

The following can be optionally specified:

  • Horizontal offset - useful for Spectrum and Digits type widgets
  • Alternate X and Y positions - useful for temporarily drawing widgets in alternate positions
  • Both horizontal offset and alternate X and Y positions - useful for temporarily drawing spectrum and digits in alternate positions

Syntax: gfx.UserImages(id, frame [, offset, x, y]);

  • gfx.UserImages(id, frame);
  • gfx.UserImages(id, frame, offset);
  • gfx.UserImages(id, frame, newx, newy);
  • gfx.UserImages(id, frame, offset, altx, alty);

Argument Type Description
id uint16_t Index of the GCI object
frame int16_t Specifies the frame number of the selected GCI object
offset (optional) int Optional horizontal offset to draw the GCI object
x (optional) int16_t Optional horizontal position to draw the GCI object
y (optional) int16_t Optional vertical position to draw the GCI object

Return: None (void)


The GCI and DAT files should have been previously opened with the function gfx.Open4dGFX functions


Draws a section of the selected single frame GCI object (id). The section starts at x and y and has a width of w and height of h.


Syntax: gfx.UserImageDR(id, x, y, w, h, altx, alty);

Argument Type Description
id uint16_t Index of the GCI object
frame int Specifies the frame number of the selected GCI object
x int16_t Specifies the horizontal position of the top left pixel of the section relattve to the top left pixel of the image
y int16_t Specifies the vertical position of the top left pixel of the section relattve to the top left pixel of the image
w int16_t Specifies the width of the section
h int16_t Specifies the height of the section
altx int16_t Specifies the alternate horizontal position for the GCI object
alty int16_t Specifies the alternate vertical position for the GCI object

Return: None (void)


Draws a section of the frame of the selected GCI object (id). The section starts at x and y and has a width of w and height of h.


Syntax: gfx.UserImagesDR(id, frame, x, y, w, h);

Argument Type Description
id uint16_t Index of the GCI object
frame int Specifies the frame number of the selected GCI object
x int16_t Specifies the horizontal position of the top left pixel of the section relattve to the top left pixel of the image
y int16_t Specifies the vertical position of the top left pixel of the section relattve to the top left pixel of the image
w int16_t Specifies the width of the section
h int16_t Specifies the height of the section

Return: None (void)


The GCI and DAT files should have been previously opened with the function gfx.Open4dGFX functions


Draw section of a single frame GCI widget while utilizing cache

Syntax: gfx.UserImageDRcache(id, x, y, w, h, altx, alty);

Argument Type Description
id uint16_t Index of the GCI object
frame int Specifies the frame number of the selected GCI object
x int16_t Specifies the horizontal position of the top left pixel of the section relattve to the top left pixel of the image
y int16_t Specifies the vertical position of the top left pixel of the section relattve to the top left pixel of the image
w int16_t Specifies the width of the section
h int16_t Specifies the height of the section
altx int16_t Specifies the alternate horizontal position for the GCI object
alty int16_t Specifies the alternate vertical position for the GCI object

Return: None (void)


Sets the cache size to use with gfx.UserImageDRcache

Syntax: gfx.setCacheSize(cs);

Argument Type Description
cs uint32_t Size of cache to use with gfx.UserImageDRcache

Return: None (void)




Displays a signed or unsigned numeric value using graphics from Led or Custom Digits.

This routine only works with all numbers and must be generated with project option 'Allow -ve Led and Custom Digits and leading blanks on Custom Digits' is enabled. If not, use gfx.LedDigitsDisplay instead

Position can be overriden by specifying x and y values.

Each of the Leddigits objects and Customdigits objects is composed of 2 GCI objects. A Leddigits object at index 1 si composed of GCI objects named iLeddigits1 and iiLeddigits1. The first one being a single frame containing the whole digits area as seen in Workshop4’s WYSIWYG. The other GCI object is composed of multiple frames containing the digits 0-9, a blank space and a negative sign depending on the setting enabled in the project.

It is ideal to simply let Workshop4 generate this code using the Paste Code functionality.

Syntax: gfx.LedDigitsDisplaySigned(newval, index, Digits, MinDigits, WidthDigit, LeadingBlanks [, x, y]);

Argument Type Description
newval int64_t Value to display using the Digits widget
index uint16_t Specifies which LedDigits object to update
Digits int16_t Maximum number of digits in the widget
MinDigits int16_t Minimum number of digits in the object
WidthDigit int16_t Width of each digit image
LeadingBlanks int16_t Specifies whether to display leading blanks or not
x (optional) int16_t Optional horizontal position to draw the GCI object
y (optional) int16_t Optional vertical position to draw the GCI object

Return: None (void)


Displays a signed or unsigned numeric value using graphics from Led or Custom Digits.

This routine only works with all numbers and must be generated with project option 'Allow -ve Led and Custom Digits and leading blanks on Custom Digits' is disabled. If not, use gfx.LedDigitsDisplaySigned instead

Position can be overriden by specifying x and y values.

Each of the Leddigits objects and Customdigits objects is composed of 2 GCI objects. A Leddigits object at index 1 is composed of GCI objects named iLeddigits1 and iiLeddigits1. The first one being a single frame containing the whole digits area as seen in Workshop4’s WYSIWYG. The other GCI object is composed of multiple frames containing the digits 0-9, a blank space and a negative sign depending on the setting enabled in the project.

It is ideal to simply let Workshop4 generate this code using the Paste Code functionality.

Syntax: gfx.LedDigitsDisplay(newval, index, Digits, MinDigits, WidthDigit, LeadingBlanks [, x, y]);

Argument Type Description
newval int64_t Value to display using the Digits widget
index uint16_t Specifies which LedDigits object to update
Digits int16_t Maximum number of digits in the widget
MinDigits int16_t Minimum number of digits in the object
WidthDigit int16_t Width of each digit image
LeadingBlanks int16_t Specifies whether to display leading blanks or not
x (optional) int16_t Optional horizontal position to draw the GCI object
y (optional) int16_t Optional vertical position to draw the GCI object

Return: None (void)


gfx.LedDigitsDisplay(50, iLeddigits1, 4, 3, 20, false);
// Writes the value 50 to the iLedDigits1 object

gfx.LedDigitsDisplay(50, iLeddigits1, 4, 3, 20, false, 5, 50);
// Writes the value 50 to the iiLeddigits2 object.
// The object will then be shown at (5,50)


Print image from GCI file at 'index' at current cursor position.

Syntax: gfx.PrintImage(index);

Argument Type Description
index uint16_t Specifies the GCI object to print

Return: None (void)


gfx.MoveTo(50, 50);


Prints the first frame of the first object from the specified GCI file at the current cursor position

Syntax: gfx.PrintImageFile(filename);

Argument Type Description
filename String Specifies the GCI file to print an image from

Return: None (void)


gfx.MoveTo(50, 50);
// Prints the 1st frame of the 1st object from filename.GCI


Unlike the function gfx.Open4dGFX, this function requires the extension of the file


Hides the GCI widget using the specified colour or BLACK if no colour is specified. Use -1 for hndl to apply to all GCI widgets.

For touch capable display modules, this also disables touch.

Syntax: gfx.UserImageHide(hndl [, colour]);

Argument Type Description
hndl int Specifies the widget or all widgets (-1) to hide
colour (optional) uint16_t Optional background colour to use to hide the widget

Return: None (void)


gfx.UserImageHide(iImage1);         // Hide iImage1 using default BLACK colour
gfx.UserImageHide(iImage2, WHITE);  // Hide iImage2 using colour WHITE


Hides the GCI widget using the specified background image objBG. Use -1 for hndl to apply to all GCI widgets.

For touch capable display modules, this also disables touch.

Syntax: gfx.UserImageHideBG(hndl, objBG);

Argument Type Description
hndl int Specifies the widget or all widgets (-1) to hide
objBG int Specifies the index of GCI background to use to hide the widget

Return: None (void)


gfx.UserImageHide(iImage2, iForm1);  // Hide iImage2 using background image iForm1


Get the x or y value of the change position of 2 & 3 image widgets

Syntax: gfx.getLastPointerPos();

Return: Value of the widget, x value if horizontal or y value if vertical (int16_t)

Wi-Fi Functions


Full Address

Downloads the file from the specified web address and save it with the specified filename.

An optional certificate can be used.

Syntax: gfx.DownloadFile(WebAddr, Fname [, sha1]);

Argument Type Description
WebAddr String Full URL address of the file
Fname String Filename to store the file with
sha1 (optional) const char * Optional certificate to use

Return: None (void)


gfx.DownloadFile("", "sample.txt");


It is advisable to follow the 8.3 DOS format

Address and Port

Downloads the file from the specified web address and port and save it with the specified filename.

An optional certificate can be used.

Syntax: gfx.DownloadFile(Address, port, hfile, Fname [, certUsed, sha1]);

Argument Type Description
Address String Server address hosting the file
port uint16_t Port number used by the server to host the file
hfile String File path of file to download from the server
Fname String Filename to save the file with
certUsed bool Optionally indicate to use a certificate
sha1 const char * Optional certificate to use

Return: None (void)


gfx.DownloadFile("", 80, "/sample.txt", "sample.txt");


It is advisable to follow the 8.3 DOS format


Check if the last download performed was successful

Syntax: gfx.CheckDL();

Return: true if successful otherwise false (boolean)


gfx.DownloadFile("", "sample.txt");
if (gfx.CheckDL()) {
    gfx.println("Download successful");
} else {
    gfx.println("Download failed");

Sprite Functions


Sets the maximum number of sprites in the sprites list

Syntax: gfx.SetMaxNumberSprites(count);

Argument Type Description
count uint16_t Specifies the new max number of sprites

Return: None (void)




Sets the area of the screen that sprites will be displayed in.

Syntax: gfx.SpriteAreaSet(x, y, x1, y1);

Argument Type Description
x uint16_t Horizontal pixel position of the top-left corner of the sprite area
x uint16_t Vertical pixel position of the top-left corner of the sprite area
x1 uint16_t Horizontal pixel position of the bottom-right corner of the sprite area
y1 uint16_t Vertical pixel position of the bottom-right corner of the sprite area

Return: None (void)


gfx.SpriteAreaSet(0, 0, 239, 319);


Sets number of sprites to use

Syntax: gfx.SetNumberSprites(count);

Argument Type Description
count uint16_t Number of sprites to use

Return: None (void)




Initialize the sprites data array

Syntax: gfx.SpriteInit(data, len);

Argument Type Description
data uint16_t * Pointer to the sprite data array
len size_t Size of sprite data

Return: true if successful otherwise false (boolean)


gfx.SpriteInit(spriteData, sizeof(spriteData));


Return the total number of initialized sprites

Syntax: gfx.GetNumberSprites();

Return: Total number of initialized sprites (int)


initSprites = gfx.GetNumberSprites();


Add a sprite into a specified position in the sprite list.

Syntax: gfx.SpriteAdd(pos, num, x, y, data);

Argument Type Description
pos int Position in the sprite list
num int Number of the sprite in the sprite data
x int Horizontal start position of the sprite
y int Vertical start position of the sprite
data uint16_t * Sprite data array

Return: true if successful otherwise false (boolean)


Sets the position of sprite.

Syntax: gfx.SetSprite(num, active, x, y, bscolor, sdata);

Argument Type Description
num int Number of the sprite in the sprite data
active bool Specifies whether the sprite is active (true) or not (`false)
x int Horizontal new position of the sprite
y int Vertical new position of the sprite
bscolor uint16_t Background color to use to clear previous sprite position
data uint16_t Sprite data array

Return: None (void)


Enables or disables chosen sprite

Syntax: gfx.SpriteEnable(snum, mode);

Argument Type Description
snum int Number of the sprite in the sprite data
mode bool Enables (true) or disables (false) sprite

Return: None (void)


Updates all sprites in the previously set sprite area

Syntax: gfx.UpdateSprites(bscolor, sdata);

Argument Type Description
bscolor uint16_t Background colour to use for clearing old sprite position
sdata uint16_t * Sprite data array

Return: None (void)


Update all sprites in the selected area

Syntax: gfx.SpriteUpdate(tsx, tsy, tsx1, tsy1, bscolor, sdata);

Argument Type Description
tsx int16_t Horizontal pixel position of the top-left corner of the selected area
tsy int16_t Vertical pixel position of the top-left corner of the selected area
tsx1 int16_t Horizontal pixel position of the bottom-right corner of the selected area
tsy1 int16_t Vertical pixel position of the bottom-right corner of the selected area
bscolor uint16_t Background colour to use for clearing old sprite position
sdata uint16_t * Sprite data array

Return: None (void)


Returns the colour of the pixel of the chosen sprite at x, y position

Syntax: gfx.SpriteGetPixel(snum, xo, yo, tcolor, sdata);

Argument Type Description
snum int Number of the sprite in the sprite data
xo int Horizontal position of selected pixel
yo int Vertical position of selected pixel
tcolor uint16_t Colour to test against as transparent
sdata uint16_t * Sprite data array

Return: Pixel colour of the chosen sprite at x, y position (uint16_t)


Return the 16-bit colour in the palette array position specified by pnumber

Syntax: gfx.SpriteGetPalette(pnumber);

Argument Type Description
pnumber int Palette array position

Return: 16-bit colour in the palette array position specified (uint16_t)


Queries the sprites at the current x,y position to a created slist array

Syntax: gfx.GetSpritesAt(xo, yo, tcolour, slist, sdata);

Argument Type Description
xo int Horizontal position of selected pixel
yo int Vertical position of selected pixel
tcolour uint16_t Colour to test against as transparent
slist int * Array to store the list of sprites found
sdata uint16_t * Sprite data array

Return: Number of sprites found (int)


Returns the selected sprite parameter.

Parameter Description
SPRITE_X x position of sprite
SPRITE_Y y position of sprite
SPRITE_W width of sprite
SPRITE_H height of sprite
SPRITE_ACTIVE 1 if sprite enabled
SPRITE_COLLIDE1 number of first collided sprite
SPRITE_COLLIDE2 number of second collided sprite

Syntax: gfx.GetSprite(snum, param);

Argument Type Description
snum int Number of the sprite in the sprite data
param int Sprite parameter to query

Return: Value of the queried parameter (int)


Returns the position of the chosen sprite in the sprite list

Syntax: gfx.GetSpriteImageNum(snum);

Argument Type Description
snum int Number of the sprite in the sprite data

Return: Position of the chosen sprite in the sprite list (int16_t)


Set the colour in the 4 bit pallette specified by the colour number (pnumber) with 16bit colour (plcolour)

Syntax: gfx.SpriteSetPalette(pnumber, plcolour);

Argument Type Description
pnumber int Colour number
plcolour uint16_t Colour value

Return: None (void)

GRAM Functions


Define pixel write area in the current framebuffer

Syntax: gfx.SetGRAM(x1, y1, x2, y2);

Argument Type Description
x1 int16_t Horizontal position of the top-left pixel of the GRAM
y1 int16_t Vertical position of the top-left pixel of the GRAM
x2 int16_t Horizontal position of the bottom-right pixel of the GRAM
y2 int16_t Vertical position of the bottom-right pixel of the GRAM

Return: None (void)


gfx.SetGRAM(0, 0, 239, 319);


Sets the GRAM window as specified by the top-left corner (x, y) and dimensions w and h

Syntax: gfx.setAddrWindow(x, y, w, h);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Horizontal position of the top-left pixel of the GRAM
y int16_t Vertical position of the top-left pixel of the GRAM
w int16_t Width of the GRAM window
h int16_t Height of the GRAM window

Return: None (void)


gfx.setAddrWindow(0, 0, 240, 320);


Write an array of pixels with the specified length len from an array to the selected framebuffer. The array can be 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit.

WrGRAMs should be used intead of pushColors if image data is likely to exceed display boundaries or if transparency is used

Syntax: gfx.WrGRAMs(data, len);

Argument Type Description
data uint8_t

uint32_t *
Pointer to array of pixels
len uint16_t Length of data in array

Return: None (void)


gfx.WrGRAMs(color_data, color_data_len);


32bit data arrays can used for IoD compatibility


Write a single 16-bit RGB565 colour to GRAM window to the selected framebuffer

Syntax: gfx.WrGRAM(colour);

Argument Type Description
colour uint16_t 16-bit colour to write to the GRAM window

Return: None (void)




Write an array of pixels with the specified length len from an array to the selected framebuffer. The array can be 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit.

This function operates faster than WrGRAMs due to no boundary or transparency checks.

Care must be taken to ensure image area does not exceed the displays boundaries as an error will occur.

Syntax: gfx.pushColors(color_data, len);

Argument Type Description
data uint8_t

uint32_t *
Pointer to array of pixels
len uint16_t Length of data in array

Return: None (void)


gfx.pushColors(color_data, color_data_len);


32-bit data arrays can used for IoD compatibility


Sets the start write condition

Syntax: gfx.StartWrite();

Return: true if successful otherwise false (boolean)


bool res = gfx.StartWrite();

// Use draw functions as required
// and when done, run EndWrite

if (res) gfx.EndWrite();


Unsets the start write condition allowing all changes to the framebuffer to update the display

Syntax: gfx.EndWrite();

Return: None (void)


bool res = gfx.StartWrite();

// Use draw functions as required
// and when done, run EndWrite

if (res) gfx.EndWrite();


Read a single pixel from the framebuffer

Syntax: gfx.ReadPixel(x, y);

Argument Type Description
x uint16_t Horizontal position of the pixel
y uint16_t Vertical position of the pixel

Return: Pixel colour at specified x, y position (uint16_t)


pixelColour = gfx.ReadPixel(50, 20);


Read a line of pixels starting from (x, y) and store it in the specified 16-bit data array

Syntax: gfx.ReadLine(x, y, w, data);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Horizontal position of the starting pixel
y int16_t Vertical position of the starting pixel
w int16_t Number of pixels to read
data uint16_t * Array to store the colour data

Return: Number of pixels read (uint16_t)


uint16_t line_data[100];
gfx.ReadLine(40, 50, 100, line_data);


Writes a line of pixels from the specified 16-bit array starting from (x, y)

Syntax: gfx.WriteLine(x, y, w, data);

Argument Type Description
x int16_t Horizontal position of the starting pixel
y int16_t Vertical position of the starting pixel
w int16_t Number of pixels to write
data uint16_t * Array containing the colour data to write

Return: None (void)


gfx.WriteLine(40, 50, 100, colour_data);


Set the frame buffer for drawing functions. Once set, all drawing functions will be sent to specified framebuffer.

If frame buffer 0 is set (default) all drawing functions will appear immediately on the display.

Syntax: gfx.DrawToframebuffer(fbnum);

Argument Type Description
fbnum uint8_t Specifies the framebuffer number (0 to 4)

Return: None (void)




Queries the current framebuffer in use.

Syntax: gfx.GetFrameBuffer();

Return: Current framebuffer (uint8_t)


uint8_t curFb = gfx.GetFrameBuffer();


Flush the whole specified framebuffer

Syntax: gfx.DrawFrameBuffer(fbnum);

Argument Type Description
fbnum uint8_t Specifies the framebuffer number (0 to 4)

Return: None (void)




Using GCI Object Info

Flush the area occupied by GCI widget specified by id from the selected framebuffer fbnum

Syntax: gfx.DrawFrameBufferArea(fbnum, ui);

Argument Type Description
fbnum uint8_t Specifies the framebuffer number (0 to 4)
ui int16_t Specifies the GCI widget to get position and size

Return: None (void)


gfx.DrawFrameBufferArea(1, iGauge1);

Using Custom Area

Flush the rectangular area specified by the diagonal (x1, y1), (x2, y2) from the selected framebuffer fbnum

Syntax: gfx.DrawFrameBufferArea(fbnum, x1, y1, x2, y2);

Argument Type Description
fbnum uint8_t Specifies the framebuffer number (0 to 4)
x1 uint16_t Horizontal position of top-left pixel of the area
y1 uint16_t Vertical position of top-left pixel of the area
x2 uint16_t Horizontal position of bottom-right pixel of the area
y2 uint16_t Vertical position of bottom-right pixel of the area

Return: None (void)


gfx.DrawFrameBufferArea(1, 0, 0, 99, 199);


Merge 2 or 3 frame buffers and send to specified frame buffer.

Syntax: gfx.MergeFrameBuffers(fbto, fbfrom1, fbfrom2[, fbfrom3], transColor [, transColor1]);

Argument Type Description
fbto uint8_t Output framebuffer
fbfrom1 uint8_t Base framebuffer for the second framebuffer to be merged to
fbfrom2 uint8_t Second framebuffer to merge to the first
fbfrom3 (optional) uint8_t Third framebuffer to merge to the second and first
transColor uint16_t 16-bit colour from second framebuffer to treat as transparent
transColor1 (optional) uint16_t 16-bit colour from third framebuffer to treat as transparent

Return: None (void)


gfx.MergeFrameBuffers(0, 1, 2, BLACK); // Merge Frame Buffers 1 and 2 to 0
gfx.MergeFrameBuffers(0, 1, 2, 3, BLACK, WHITE); // Merge Frame Buffers 1, 2 and 3 to 0


Using this function without first writing to a frame buffer will cause issue


Writes 8bit or 16bit colour data array directly to current frame buffer at given offset. Needs a gfx.FlushArea(x1, x2, y1, y2, -1); after write to display new data.

Syntax: gfx.WriteToFrameBuffer(offset, data, len);

Argument Type Description
offset uint32_t Offset indicating the position of the first write
data uint16_t * Colour data array to write
len uint32_t Length/Size of data to write to the frame buffer

Return: None (void)


gfx.WriteToFrameBuffer(0, colour_data, 100);


Flushes display area specified.

Syntax: gfx.FlushArea(x1, x2, y1, y2, xpos);

Argument Type Description
x1 int Horizontal position of top-left pixel of the area
x2 int Horizontal position of bottom-right pixel of the area
y1 int Vertical position of top-left pixel of the area
y2 int Vertical position of bottom-right pixel of the area
xpos int -1 for normal use, otherwise refreshes one pixel at xpos position

Return: None (void)


gfx.FlushArea(10, 100, 10, 100, -1);


Draws a bitmap using the data array at the given co-ordinates

Syntax: gfx.drawBitmap(x1, y1, x2, y2, data);

Argument Type Description
x1 int Horizontal position of top-left pixel of the area
y1 int Vertical position of top-left pixel of the area
x2 int Horizontal position of bottom-right pixel of the area
y2 int Vertical position of bottom-right pixel of the area
data uint16_t * Pointer to array containing the colour data

Return: None (void)


gfx.drawBitmap(0, 0, 100, 200, bmp_data);

GPIO Functions


Sets the operation mode of the specified pin

Syntax: gfx.PinMode(pin, mode);

Argument Type Description
pin byte Specifies the pin number/name
mode bool Specifies whether to use the pin as INPUT or OUTPUT

Return: None (void)


gfx.PinMode(5, OUTPUT);


Sets the specified pin to either HIGH or LOW. The pin must first be set as OUTPUT using gfx.PinMode

Syntax: gfx.DigitalWrite(pin, state);

Argument Type Description
pin byte Specifies the pin number/name
state bool Specifies whether to set the pin to HIGH or LOW

Return: None (void)


gfx.PinMode(5, OUTPUT);
gfx.DigitalWrite(5, HIGH);


Reads the current state of the specified pin

Syntax: gfx.DigitalRead(pin);

Argument Type Description
pin byte Specifies the pin number/name

Return: Whether the pin is HIGH (1) or LOW (0) (int)


gfx.PinMode(5, INPUT);
pinState = gfx.DigitalRead(5);

Touch Functions

The functions included in this section are only applicable for touch enabled display modules.


Enables or disable touch functionality

Syntax: gfx.touch_Set(mode);

Argument Type Description
mode uint8_t Specifies whether to enable (TOUCH_ENABLE) or disable (TOUCH_DISABLE) touch

Return: None (void)




This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays


Checks whether a touch event is detected. If a touch event has occurred, pen, xpos, ypos and images touched will be updated.

Syntax: gfx.touch_Update();

Return: true if successful otherwise false (boolean)


gfx.println("Draw something, exit by pressing center square");

gfx.RectangleFilled(midx0, midy0, midx1, midy1, RED);

while (true) {

    tx = gfx.touch_GetX();
    ty = gfx.touch_GetY();
    TOUCHED = gfx.touch_GetPen();

    // If the screen gets touched

        if (tx >= midx0 && tx <= midx1 && ty >= midy0 && ty <= midy1) {

        // First touch of the screen, draw a pixel where it was touched
        if (firstTouch) {
            gfx.PutPixel(tx, ty, BLUE);
            firstTouch = false;
        // Screen previously touched and pixel drawn, so draw a line from first touch to this location
        else {
            gfx.Line(gfx.touch_GetLastX(), gfx.touch_GetLastY(), tx, ty, BLUE);

    // If the screen touch is released after previously touching it, draw a circle to mark the release point
        gfx.CircleFilled(tx, ty, 3, RED);
        firstTouch = true;


This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays


Returns the latest pen status after the last gfx.touch_Update

Syntax: gfx.touch_GetPen();

Return: Pen Status (int16_t)


See gfx.touch_Update example


This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays.


Returns the latest touch X position after the last gfx.touch_Update

Syntax: gfx.touch_GetX();

Return: Horizontal pixel position of last touch event (int16_t)


See gfx.touch_Update example


This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays


Returns the latest touch Y position after the last gfx.touch_Update

Syntax: gfx.touch_GetY();

Return: Vertical pixel position of last touch event (int16_t)


See gfx.touch_Update example


This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays


Returns the previous touch X position prior to the last gfx.touch_Update

Syntax: gfx.touch_GetLastX();

Return: Horizontal pixel position of touch event prior to the last (int16_t)


See gfx.touch_Update example


This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays


Returns the previous touch Y position prior to the last gfx.touch_Update

Syntax: gfx.touch_GetLastY();

Return: Vertical pixel position of touch event prior to the last (int16_t)


See gfx.touch_Update example


This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays


Enable or disable touch for the specified GCI widget Optionally, a special type of input widget can be specified:


Syntax: gfx.imageTouchEnable(gcinum, en [, type]);

Argument Type Description
gcinum int Specifies the target widget or -1 for all widgets
en boolean Enable (true) or disable (false)
type (optional) int Optional type of widget


gfx.imageTouchEnable(iWinbutton1, true, MOMENTARY);
gfx.imageTouchEnable(iWinbutton2, true, TOGGLE);

Return: None (void)


  1. This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays
  2. It is advisable to use Workshop4 to generate necessary touch related code by using the Paste Code option
  3. When using Workshop4 buttons, Momentary options Yes, No and On can be selected. Momentary Both is currently not supported.


Enable or disable touch for the specified range of GCI widget. Optionally, a special type of input widget can be specified:


Syntax: gfx.imageTouchEnableRange(gcinumFrom, gcinumTo, en [, type]);

Argument Type Description
gcinumFrom int Specifies the target widget or -1 for all widgets
gcinumTo int Specifies the target widget or -1 for all widgets
en boolean Enable (true) or disable (false)
type (optional) int Optional type of widget

Return: None (void)


gfx.imageTouchEnableRange(iKeyboard1_0, iKeyboard1_59, true, KEYPAD);


  1. This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays
  2. It is advisable to use Workshop4 to generate necessary touch related code by using the Paste Code option


Evaluate touch events for the input widgets automatically. The correct widget type should be set using gfx.imageTouchEnable

Syntax: gfx.ImageTouchedAuto();

Return: Returns the widget pressed or -1 if no touch (int16_t)


imgTouched = gfx.ImageTouchedAuto();


  1. This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays
  2. It is advisable to use Workshop4 to generate necessary touch related code by using the Paste Code option


Returns the touched widget after the last gfx.touch_Update or return -1 if no touch.

Syntax: gfx.imageTouched();

Return: Returns the touched widget (int)


imgTouched = gfx.imageTouched();


This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays


Calculates the value of the slider based on the last user input position

Syntax: gfx.imageAutoSlider(ui, axis, uiv, ming, maxg);

Argument Type Description
ui uint16_t Specifies the GCI slider
axis uint16_t Indicates whether the slider is a HORIZONTAL_SLIDER or VERTICAL SLIDER
uiv uint16_t Touch position based on the orientation for the slider
 - X position for horizontal
 - Y position for vertical
ming uint16_t Touch offset near the minimum position
maxg uint16_t Touch offset near the maximum position

Return: Value of the Slider (int16_t)


sliderVal = gfx.imageAutoSlider(iSlider1, HORIZONTAL_SLIDER, gfx.touch_GetX(), 8, 8);


This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays


Calculates the value of the knob based on the last user input position

Syntax: gfx.imageAutoKnob(hndl, uix, uiy, minarc, maxarc, ming, maxg);

Argument Type Description
hndl int Specifies the GCI knob
uix int Horizontal touch position
uiy int Vertical touch position
minarc int Angle position of minimum value
maxarc int Angle position of maximum value
ming int Value at minimum position
maxg int Value at maximum position

Return: Value of the Knob (int16_t)


sliderVal = gfx.imageAutoKnob(iKnob1, gfx.touch_GetX(), gfx.touch_GetY(), 30, 330, 0, 100);


This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays


Evaluate the button touches and return the buttonx touched

Syntax: gfx.CheckButtons();

Return: ID of the ButtonX that was touched (uint8_t)


btnxPressed = gfx.CheckButtons();


This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays


Calculate the value of slider based on touch position

Syntax: gfx.GetSliderValue(ui, axis, uiv, ming, maxg);

Argument Type Description
ui uint16_t Specifies the GCI slider
axis uint16_t Indicates whether the slider is a HORIZONTAL_SLIDER or VERTICAL SLIDER
uiv uint16_t Touch position based on the orientation for the slider
 - X position for horizontal
 - Y position for vertical
ming uint16_t Touch offset near the minimum position
maxg uint16_t Touch offset near the maximum position

Return: Value of the slider (uint16_t)


sliderVal = gfx.GetSliderValue(iSlider1, HORIZONTAL_SLIDER, gfx.touch_GetX(), 8, 8);


This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays


Decodes the key pressed in the keyboard

Syntax: gfx.DecodeKeypad(kpad, kpress, kbks, kbck);

Argument Type Description
kpad int Base keyboard widget
kpress int Keyboard button pressed
kbks byte * Keyboard information generated by Workshop4
kbck int8_t * Keyboard information generated by Workshop4

Return: Value of the pressed key (int)


  1. This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays.
  2. It is highly advisable to use Workshop4 when using this function.


Resets the state of the keypad

Syntax: gfx.ResetKeypad();

Return: None (void)


This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays


Checks whether the keypad state is on SHIFT, CAPSLOCK or CTRL or not.

Syntax: gfx.KeypadStatus(keyType);

Argument Type Description
keyType int Specify the status to check

Return: true if successful otherwise false (boolean)


isShifted = gfx.KeypadStatus(SHIFT);
isCapsLocked = gfx.KeypadStatus(CAPSLOCK);
isCtrled = gfx.KeypadStatus(CTRL);


This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays


Returns the id of the sprite touched

Syntax: gfx.SpriteTouched();

Return: ID of the touched sprite (int)


int spriteTouched = gfx.SpriteTouched();


This function is only available for capacitive and resistive touch displays


Starts touch calibration for resistive touch displays

Syntax: gfx.touchCalibration();

Return: None (void)


if (!calibrated) {
    calibrated = true;


This is only available for resistive touch displays

RTC Functions

The functions included in this section are only applicable for gen4-ESP32 variants with on-board RTC. This includes display modules sized


Initializes the RTC module

Syntax: gfx.RTCinit();

Return: None (void)




This is only available for display modules with built-in RTC.


Starts the RTC clock

Syntax: gfx.RTCstartClock();

Return: None (void)




This is only available for display modules with built-in RTC.


Stops the RTC clock

Syntax: gfx.RTCstopClock();

Return: None (void)




This is only available for display modules with built-in RTC.


Checks for clock integrity

Syntax: gfx.RTCcheckClockIntegrity();

Return: Clock integrity (bool)


rtcOk = gfx.RTCcheckClockIntegrity();


This is only available for display modules with built-in RTC.


Sets the year value for the RTC

Syntax: gfx.RTCsetYear(year);

Argument Type Description
year uint16_t Specify the new year value to set the RTC to

Return: None (void)




This is only available for display modules with built-in RTC.


Sets the month value for the RTC from 1 to 12

Syntax: gfx.RTCsetMonth(month);

Argument Type Description
month uint8_t Specify the new month value to set the RTC to

Return: None (void)




This is only available for display modules with built-in RTC.


Sets the day of month value for the RTC from 1 to 31

Syntax: gfx.RTCsetDay(day);

Argument Type Description
day uint8_t Specify the new day value to set the RTC to

Return: None (void)




This is only available for display modules with built-in RTC.


Sets the hour value for the RTC from 0 to 23

Syntax: gfx.RTCsetHour(hour);

Argument Type Description
hour uint8_t Specify the new hour value to set the RTC to

Return: None (void)




This is only available for display modules with built-in RTC.


Sets the minutes value for the RTC from 0 to 59

Syntax: gfx.RTCsetMinute(minute);

Argument Type Description
minute uint8_t Specify the new minute value to set the RTC to

Return: None (void)




This is only available for display modules with built-in RTC.


Sets the seconds value for the RTC from 0 to 59

Syntax: gfx.RTCsetSecond(second);

Argument Type Description
second uint8_t Specify the new second value to set the RTC to

Return: None (void)




This is only available for display modules with built-in RTC.


Queries the current time

Syntax: gfx.RTCgetTime();

Return: Current time in Time struct (Time)


Time curTime = gfx.RTCgetTime();


This is only available for display modules with built-in RTC.


Formats the time and return a pointer to the string.

The following are the accepted styles:


If an invalid format is specified, this will default to RTC_TIMEFORMAT_HM

Syntax: gfx.RTCformatDateTime(style);

Argument Type Description
style uint8_t Specify the style to format the current time to

Return: Character pointer to the date/time string (const char *)


const char * curTimeStr = gfx.RTCformatDateTime(RTC_TIMEFORMAT_HMS);


This is only available for display modules with built-in RTC.

Revision History

Document Revision

Revision Number Date Description
1.0 25/09/2023 Initial Public Release Version
1.1 29/01/2024 Added the functions: PutPixelAlpha, VlineX, HlineX, RectangleFilledX, GetFrameBuffer, setScrollDirection, WriteToFrameBuffer, FlushArea
1.2 10/06/2024 Added the following functions: CircleFilledAA, TriangleAA, LineAA, Clipping, ClippingWindow