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C Mates Controller Library


This is a C Library developed to be used with Mates Studio's Commander and Architect Environments. This library is aimed to be simple enough to learn for beginners and feature-rich for experienced developers.


This section serves to give brief discussion about the setup requirements before the host controller can communicate with BBM devices.


The following functions provide an interface to set the requirements of the library which includes UART control, timer and GPIO control.

Hardware Reset

Function: mates_attachHwResetFnc(resetFnc)

This should be used during setup to attach a function that will reset the display through the hardware reset pin.

The reset function should be in the format: void resetFnc(void)

Parameters Type Description
resetFnc void (* resetFnc)(void) A function triggering a short digital pulse to reset the display

Returns: void

Set 'resetFnc' as Hardware Reset Function

// 'resetFnc' will be used to perform a hardware reset
// during the execution of mates_begin() and mates_reset() functions

System Timer

Function: mates_attachMillisFnc(millisFnc)

This should be used during setup to attach a function that returns the system time in milliseconds.

The millis function should be in the format: uint32_t millisFnc(void)

Parameters Type Description
millisFnc uint32_t (* millisFnc)(void) A function that returns the system time in milliseconds

Returns: void

Set 'millisFnc' as System Timer Function

// 'millisFnc' will be used to wait for timeouts

RX Byte Count

Function: mates_attachRxCountFnc(rxCountFnc)

This should be used during setup to attach a function that returns the number of bytes available to read from the Serial UART buffer

The RX count function should be in the format: uint8_t rxCountFnc(void)

Parameters Type Description
rxCountFnc uint8_t (* rxCountFnc)(void) A function that returns the number of bytes available to read

Returns: void

Set 'rxCountFnc' as RX Byte Count Function

// 'rxCountFnc' will be used to check the no. of bytes available to read

Read Byte

Function: mates_attachReadFnc(readFnc)

This should be used during setup to attach a function that reads 1 byte from the Serial UART buffer and returns it.

The read function should be in the format: uint8_t readFnc(void)

Parameters Type Description
readFnc uint8_t (* readFnc)(void) A function that reads a byte from Serial UART buffer

Returns: void

Set 'readFnc' as Read Byte Function

// 'readFnc' will be used to read data received from the display and stored in RX buffer

Write Byte

Function: mates_attachWriteFnc(writeFnc)

This should be used during setup to attach a function that sends 1 byte to the display.

The write function should be in the format: void writeFnc(uint8_t)

Parameters Type Description
writeFnc void (* writeFnc)(uint8_t) A function that sends 1 byte through the Serial UART connection

Returns: void

Set 'writeFnc' as Write Byte Function

// 'writeFnc' will be used to write each byte of data for each Mates Command


The following functions can be used to adjust the timeouts allowed by the library before raising errors.

Boot Timeout

Function: mates_setBootTimeout(timeout)

This function can be used to adjust the boot timeout period that the library waits for during boot or reset. The default boot timeout is 5 seconds.

It is usually unncessary to use this function unless the display needs more time for setup and the ready signal (0x06) is not being received on time.

Parameters Type Description
timeout uint16_t The new timeout period in milliseconds to wait for when resetting the display

Returns: void

Set the boot timeout period to 6 seconds


Command Timeout

Function: mates_setCmdTimeout(timeout)

This function can be used to adjust the command timeout period that the library waits for when waiting for an ACK/NACK response. The default command timeout is 500 milliseconds.

It is usually unncessary to use this function unless the display needs more time to accomplised the command.

Parameters Type Description
timeout uint16_t The new timeout period in milliseconds to wait for when waiting for ACK/NACK

Returns: void

Set the command timeout period to 600 milliseconds


Response Timeout

Function: mates_setRspTimeout(timeout)

This function can be used to adjust the command timeout period that the library waits for when waiting for an ACK/NACK response and a return value. The default response timeout is 500 milliseconds.

It is usually unncessary to use this function unless the display needs more time to accomplised the command.

Parameters Type Description
timeout uint16_t The new timeout period in milliseconds to wait for when waiting for response

Returns: void

Set the response timeout period to 1 second



Function: mates_begin()

This function must be used once to check required functions, reset the display and wait until the display is ready.

Returns: success or failure (boolean)

Complete Setup

// Attach Required Functions

// Optionally, adjust timeouts
// mates_setBootTimeout(6000);
// mates_setCmdTimeout(600);
// mates_setRspTimeout(1000);

// Checks the required functions, resets the display and wait until the display is ready
if (!mates_begin()) {
    // if this returns false, it could be either:
    //   - a required function hasn't been attached to the library
    //   - the display didn't respond with a ready signal (0x06) on time
    while (1); // this only serves as an example, blocking completely is not recommended
// otherwise, the begin function will exit when the display is ready


  1. Ensure that all required hardware peripherals and software setup (Reset I/O, Serial UART and Timers) are attached before using this function
  2. Ensure that the Serial UART of the host is set to the same baudrate that matches the setting of the Mates Studio Commander/Architect project before this function is used

General Functions

This section includes general use functions that may be use to perform reset, page navigation and brightness control.

Hardware Reset

Function: mates_reset()

This function can be used to reset the display by sending a reset pulse from the reset pin by utilizing the reset function attached using mates_attachHwResetFnc.

The function finishes as soon as the display sends the ready signal or the wait period passes. The default wait period is 5 seconds.

Returns: success or failure (boolean)

Perform a Hardware Reset

// Resets the display and wait until the display is ready
if (!mates_reset()) {
    // if this returns false:
    //  - the display didn't respond with a ready signal (0x06) on time
    while (1); // this only serves as an example, blocking completely is not recommended
// otherwise, the reset function will exit when the display is ready

Software Reset

Function: mates_softReset()

This function can be used to reset the display by sending a Serial UART reset command.

The function finishes as soon as the display sends the ready signal or the wait period passes. The default wait period is 5 seconds.

Returns: success or failure (boolean)

Perform a Software Reset

// Resets the display and wait until the display is ready
if (!mates_softReset()) {
    // if this returns false:
    //  - the display didn't respond with a ready signal (0x06) on time
    while (1); // this only serves as an example, blocking completely is not recommended
// otherwise, the reset function will exit when the display is ready

Set Backlight Level

Function: mates_setBacklight(value)

This function can be used to set the backlight level to the value specified.

Parameters Type Description
value uint8_t The target backlight level

Returns: success or failure (boolean)

Set backlight to level 7


Set Page Number

Function: mates_setPage(page)

This function can be used to navigate to the specified page.

Parameters Type Description
page uint16_t The target page index

Returns: success or failure (boolean)

Navigate to Page1


Get Current Page

Function: mates_getPage()

This function can be used to query the current active page.

Returns: Active page index (uint16_t)

Query Active Page

uint16_t activePage = mates_getPage();

Common Widget Functions

Set Widget Value

Function: mates_setWidgetValue(type, index, value)

This function can be used to set the 16-bit integer value of the specified widget

Parameters Type Description
type MatesWidget The type of the target widget
index int8_t The index of the target widget
value int16_t The new value for the widget

Returns: success or failure (boolean)

Set Value of MediaGaugeB0 to 50

mates_setWidgetValue(MATES_MEDIA_GAUGE_B, 0, 50);


All applicable widget types are listed in here.

Get Widget Value

Function: mates_getWidgetValue(type, index)

This function can be used to query the value of the widget specified by type and index.

Parameters Type Description
type MatesWidget The type of the target widget
index int8_t The index of the target widget

Returns: Value of the specified widget (int16_t)

Query the Current Value of MediaLed4

int16_t widgetVal = mates_getWidgetValue(MATES_MEDIA_LED, 4);


This function is not applicable to Int32 and Float LedDigits

Set Widget Parameter

Function: mates_setWidgetParam(type, index, param, value)

This function can be used to set the parameter (param) of the target widget, determined by type and index, to the specified value.

Parameters Type Description
type MatesWidget The type of the target widget
index int8_t The index of the target widget
param int16_t The target widget parameter
value int32_t The new value for the widget parameter

Returns: success or failure (boolean)

Set GaugeA3's Background Color to BLACK



This is only applicable for Commander projects with Runtime Mode set to Editable

Get Widget Parameter

Function: mates_getWidgetParam(type, index, param)

This function can be used to query the parameter (param) of the target widget, determined by type and index.

Parameters Type Description
type MatesWidget The type of the target widget
index int8_t The index of the target widget
param int16_t The target widget parameter

Returns: The current _param_ value of the widget (int16_t)

Query the Background Color of GaugeA3

int16_t paramVal = mates_getWidgetParam(MATES_GAUGE_A, 3, MATES_GAUGE_A_BG_COLOR); 

LedDigits Functions

The following functions may only be used for LedDigits widgets

Set 16-bit Integer Value

Function: mates_setLedDigitsShortValue(index, value)

This function can be used to set the 16-bit integer value of the LedDigits specified by index

Parameters Type Description
index int8_t The index of the target LedDigits
value int16_t The new value for the LedDigits

Returns: success or failure (boolean)

Set Value of LedDigits2 to 50

mates_setLedDigitsShortValue(2, 50);


This function is only applicable for Int16 LedDigits

Set 32-bit Integer Value

Function: mates_setLedDigitsLongValue(index, value)

This function can be used to set the 32-bit integer value of the LedDigits specified by index

Parameters Type Description
index int8_t The index of the target LedDigits
value int32_t The new value for the LedDigits

Returns: success or failure (boolean)

Set value of LedDigits0 to 602214076

mates_setLedDigitsLongValue(0, 602214076);


This function is only applicable for Int32 LedDigits

Set 32-bit Float Value

Function: mates_setLedDigitsFloatValue(index, value)

This function can be used to set the floating point value of the LedDigits specified by index

Parameters Type Description
index int8_t The index of the target LedDigits
value float The new value for the LedDigits

Returns: success or failure (boolean)

Set Value of LedDigits1 to 3.1416

mates_setLedDigitsFloatValue(1, 3.1416);


This function is only applicable for Float LedDigits

Spectrum Functions

The following functions may only be used for LedSpectrum and MediaSpectrum widgets.

Set Spectrum Value

Function: mates_setSpectrumValue(type, index, gaugeIndex, value)

This function can be used to set the value of a specified gaugeIndex of the Spectrum widget determined by type and index.

Parameters Type Description
type MatesWidget The type of the target Spectrum widget
index int8_t The index of the target Spectrum widget
gaugeIndex int8_t The gauge index of the target Spectrum widget
value int16_t The new value for the column/row of the widget

Returns: success or failure (boolean)

Set LedSpectrum4's 4th Column/Row (index 3) to 32

mates_setSpectrumValue(MATES_LED_SPECTRUM, 4, 3, 32);

Set LedSpectrum Value

Function: mates_setLedSpectrumValue(index, gaugeIndex, value)

This function can be used to set the value of a specified gaugeIndex of the Led Spectrum widget determined by index.

Parameters Type Description
index int8_t The index of the target Led Spectrum widget
gaugeIndex int8_t The gauge index of the target Led Spectrum widget
value int16_t The new value for the column/row of the widget

Returns: success or failure (boolean)

Set LedSpectrum5's 3rd Column/Row (index 2) to 64

mates_setLedSpectrumValue(5, 2, 64);

Set MediaSpectrum Value

Function: mates_setMediaSpectrumValue(type, index, gaugeIndex, value)

This function can be used to set the value of a specified gaugeIndex of the Media Spectrum widget determined by index.

Parameters Type Description
index int8_t The index of the target Led Spectrum widget
gaugeIndex int8_t The gauge index of the target Led Spectrum widget
value int16_t The new value for the column/row of the widget

Returns: success or failure (boolean)

Set MediaSpectrum4's 4th Column/Row (index 3) to 48

mates_setMediaSpectrumValue(4, 3, 48);

String Widget Functions

Set Buffer Size

Function: mates_setBufferSize(size)

This function can be used to adjust the max string buffer size to be used when composing a string for a TextArea or a PrintArea. The string composition is done by mates_updateTextArea, mates_appendArrayToPrintArea and mates_appendStringToPrintArea

Parameters Type Description
size uint16_t The new buffer size

Returns: void

Increase Buffer Size to a Maximum of 100 Characters


Clear PrintArea

Function: mates_clearPrintArea(index)

This function can be used to clear the PrintArea specified by_index_.

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target PrintArea widget

Returns: success or failure (boolean)


mates_clearPrintArea(5); // Clear PrintArea5

Clear TextArea

Function: mates_clearTextArea(index)

This function can be used to clear the TextArea specified by_index_.

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target TextArea widget

Returns: success or failure (boolean)


mates_clearTextArea(6); // Clear TextArea6

Set PrintArea Color


Function: mates_setPrintAreaColor565(index, color)

This function can be used to set the print color (rgb565) used by the PrintArea specified by_index_.

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target PrintArea widget
rgb565 int16_t The color as a 16-bit RGB565 value

Returns: success or failure (boolean)


mates_setPrintAreaColor565(4, 0xF800); // Set print color of PrintArea4 to RED (0xF800)


Function: mates_setPrintAreaColorRGB(index, r, g, b)

This function can be used to set the print color used by the PrintArea specified by_index_. The color is determined by r, g and b.

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target PrintArea widget
r uint8_t The red component of the new color value
g uint8_t The green component of the new color value
b uint8_t The blue component of the new color value

Returns: success or failure (boolean)


mates_setPrintAreaColor(7, 0, 255, 0); // Set print color of PrintArea7 to GREEN

Append to PrintArea


Function: mates_appendArrayToPrintArea(index, buffer, len)

This function can be used to append a number of bytes (len) from the data in buffer to the PrintArea specified by_index_ .

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target Print Area widget
buffer const int8_t * The source of data to be appended
len uint16_t The number of bytes to be sent

Returns: success or failure (boolean)

Append Data to PrintArea7

int8_t data = {0xF8, 0x7F, 0x1F};
mates_appendArrayToPrintArea(7, data, 3);


Function: mates_appendStringToPrintArea(index, str)

This function can be used to append contents to the PrintArea specified by_index_ with the text formed by format and the additional arguments.

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target Print Area widget
str const char * The text to be written to the PrintArea

Returns: success or failure (boolean)

Append \"Mates\" to PrintArea8

mates_appendStringToPrintArea(8, "Mates");

Update TextArea

Function: mates_updateTextArea(index, str)

This function can be used to update the contents of the TextArea specified by_index_ with the text formed by format and the additional arguments.

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target TextArea widget
str const char * The text to be written to the Text Area

Returns: success or failure (boolean)


mates_updateTextArea(2, "Mates"); // Update TextArea2 to "Mates"

Update DotMatrix

Function: mates_updateDotMatrix(index, str)

This function can be used to append contents to the PrintArea specified by_index_ with the text formed by format and the additional arguments.

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target Print Area widget
str const char * The text to be written to the PrintArea

Returns: success or failure (boolean)

Update DotMatrix0 to \"Mates\"

mates_updateDotMatrix(8, "Mates");

Scope Functions

This function include functions that can be used to control Scope widgets.

Append to Scope

Function: mates_appendToScope(index, buffer, len)

This function can be used to append a number of 16-bit values (len) from the data in buffer to the Scope widget specified by_index_ .

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target Scope widget
buffer const int16_t * The source of data to be appended
len uint16_t The number of values to be sent

Returns: success or failure (boolean)

Append Data to PrintArea7

int16_t data = {0xF8, 0x7F, 0x1F};
mates_appendToScope(7, data, 3);

Support Functions

The following functions can be used to check version information and errors occurring during runtime.

Mates Studio Version

Function: mates_getCompatibility()

This function can be used to query the version number of Mates Studio compatible with the version of the library.

Returns: Compatibility Version Information (char *)

Get Mates Studio Version as String

char * matesVersion = mates_getCompatibility();

Library Version

Function: mates_getVersion()

This function can be used to query the version number of the library.

Returns: Version Information (char *)

Get Library Version as String

char * libVersion = mates_getVersion();

Get Error

Function: mates_getError()

This function can be used to investigate errors that occurred while controlling the display module. Detailed information of the possible errors is discussed in here.

Returns: Latest Error (Mates Error)

Check if No Error Occurred

int error = mates_getError();
if (error == MATES_ERROR_NONE) {
    // Last command was successful